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Posts posted by brillo

  1. 1 hour ago, terrierjohn said:

    But Harry the info is that it's not Covid19 that kills, rather the resultant pneumonia that it can lead to, so the pneumonia jab should provide some measure of protection.


    The type of pneumonia that is brought on by Covid 19 is caused by the virus, so no protection is given by the Pneumonia vaccine.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

    Exactly the same in London and Edinburgh too. No problem with that.


    But are you seriously suggesting it’s ok to play the Dambusters march near a German ship when those raids, necessary though they were, drowned well over a thousand civilians?

    So it is ok to sing Irish rebel songs in British cities but not to have the Great British sailaway on P&O ships.


  3. 19 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

    Nobody’s saying that. It’s not what you sing but where you sing it, and if you sing something in a deliberately provocative way you do not enhance the reputation of your country. I’m not aware that the three nations you mention do this, but please enlighten us if you have examples.


    Sorry, but yours is the outdated narrow minded view.

    You have never been in New York or Boston on St Paddys day if you have not heard nationalistic and jingoistic songs, the Great British sailaway is a bit of fun some of you should loosen up.

  4. On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2020 at 8:53 PM, KnowTheScore said:


    Interesting view.   Yet only a few weeks ago Ventura was adrift in the ocean with no power due to condensation in the electrics and had to be rescued by calling out tugs which then towed the ship back to Tenerife where it stayed for some days before she was fit and able to sail again.


    For me personally, I assume nothing, I take nothing for granted, and I'm aways alert for any out of the ordinary events.  I try not to put my trust in anyone 100% and make sure I prepare for possible eventualities.



    The water in the electrics was caused by a steam leak in the engine room not by condensation !!!

  5. 2 hours ago, tanneralll said:

    I take it you carry on this policy on land too, after all you don't pay for the lifts in department store, flats, stations exactly so why should you care about disabled folk using those equally ?


    I speak as someone who stood in heavy rain in Lisbon at a bus stop beside a lady in a wheelchair and her husband who were nice people, waiting for a bus shuttle Even though she was there longest, she did not get on due to the rudeness and arrogance of folk like you, fellow British cruise members, She missed two busses and was drenched. One of my worst experiences with fellow passengers, yet probably routine for her.     A little courtesy can go a long long way.  Especially on a cruise ship where there is more opportunity to take a little bit of time out, get to know folks, even show your good manners, 


    And yes, we all pay for the lifts, but are you seriously suggesting disabled and wheelchair folk should not have the same equality of access ?

    I have no problem with anybody using the lifts they are there for all to use, what I do have a problem with is holier than thou people trying to tell me when I may use them. If they prefer to use the stairs that is up to them but do not try and put your personnel preference on to me, As it happens most of the time I do use the stairs but that is my choice. 

    The arragant person here is you I always allow disabled people to go ahead of me you have just made anh assumtion that is both arragant and wrong.

  6. 10 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

    As someone who uses the lifts because my wife is in a wheelchair, I do not advocate allocating one lift in each group for wheelchair users, if only for the selfish reason that it might preclude us from using any of the other lifts, which at quieter times of the day would be most inconvenient.  I don't especially want any privileges, other than a little extra patience and consideration from other passengers when entering and leaving the lift. 

    Lifts are for everyone's convenience, and as users we should respect other passengers needs, whatever their abilities.

    Exactly !

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