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  1. Sending out blessings for all the needs, and lifting up the joys for all celebrating 🎉. Thanks to each of you for being here. Enjoy a safe and happy Friday. Jacqui, you are making Amazing progress, glad you are resting often. I’m sure you will drive more cautiously and that you are grateful to be able to! Yay! Change comes in waves. There is a horizon, beyond the boxes. Maureen
  2. Yes Ray, I understand. DH has what is called hypoglaucoma or low pressure glaucoma. Means nerve damage occurs at pressures lower than normal, as we’ve seen over the years. Also the reading that tonometers give have to be adjusted for cornea thickness- DH has thinner than average corneas whereas my readings are adjusted the other direction for thicker than average corneas. His target pressure reading is under 10. His surgeon says that should keep the pressure from further damaging the optic nerve. They track the damage by visual field tests. In 2023 after the drains were implanted his vision deteriorated so the surgeon lowered the target pressure and recommended the Trabeculectomies which were performed at John’s-Hopkins in January for right and April for left. The right went very well. The left scarred nearly closed the first week, they laser cut the sutures and with thumb pressure popped the incision scars open and we continued working chemically -steroids- and physically - pressure massages multiple times a day- trying to keep the incision open enough to flow. Seems we’re making progress! Globe collapse is a possible complication which would require immediate suturing of the flap so I’m hesitant to be on a cruise ship again until both eyes are stable. 🤞 m—
  3. Debbie , my fire department experience was that when someone was displaced, the Red Cross would get them lodging and vouchers for immediate needs. Insurance for immediate needs takes a little time, and insurance for repairs, replacement, rebuilding takes a very long time. Carolyn, I’ve been called back on mammograms more often than not. I think the newer 3-D technology is better, and newer machines have been a bit more comfortable. Years ago I’ll never forget the linear bruises I had across my chest from sternum to lateral ribs! DH was appalled! 🤞Hoping all is well and you get confirmation soon! Jacqui, just to bring some encouragement, my friends in NM just got an offer on their house! Hoping you get the right offer at the right time! Terry, we’re too old for all-nighters, especially under such stressful causes. It’s more than exhausting, it’s disheartening. I wish you a good recovery day! 💔 over all the Wildland fire destruction and trauma. 🙏 for protection for all involved. And for rain to quell the fires and clear the smoke. m—
  4. Yesterday was very good but tiring. Today is a recovery day. Roy, excellent PSA news! We’re watching DH’s numbers trend up, next check in 2 months. Been creeping up since his radiation treatment in 2020. Your experience gives us hope. Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry about your neck pain; I struggled with neck issues for years. My PT would guide me through stretches then set me in ice packs which did wonders! Both ice and heat increase blood flow. I hope it resolves quickly for you. Yesterday was cousins day… I am the youngest of what we call “the cousins generation”. There are still about 20 of us including blood cousins and spouses. My cousins are a very important part of my life and in some ways closer to me than my siblings. I’m very blessed to have them in my life and celebrate them, even a day late! Yesterday we were on the road early to get to our lunch destination before my 11:00 phone appointment with social security. We hoped to be in a quiet place with a good cell signal by 11 but we hit a traffic jam and were not quite there yet when the call came through early. But we were off the highway and found a good spot to pull over. The SSA rep was able to “request transfer” of my online-application from the review center where it was in Q for beyond the normal 30-day review window. She processed it during our phone call and it’s now approved! Done! She even got the federal tax withholding set up. Deposits begin in October. That will cover our increased monthly cost of where we are now in the senior community. And thankfully we have savings to rely on as our needs increase for greater support and extended care! I’m very grateful. Not only for this income to us but for my parents receiving ss in their aging years so I didn’t have to pay for their needs, and could save for my future needs. Hopefully we’ll have something to left for our next generations’ nest eggs. The adventure yesterday was a good step forward for me in reaching out to live life from my new environment. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to have more adventures, maybe a regional trip for my milestone birthday in September 🤞 Blessings sent to you all early this morning. I’m very concerned about several of you and hold you close to heart. Thank you for updating us as situations evolve. Thank you Vanessa for your lists! Cheers to those celebrating 🥳 Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers! Brenda, heavy smoke in the air is dangerous with short-term and long-term consequences. Especially if you are distant from the fires because only the smallest particles travel so far, and if the density of the very fine particulate load is so high, it is sure to penetrate lung tissue. I hope you and yours can at least stay inside. Wearing an N-95 or KN-95 mask will help. Electronic air cleaners are great if you have one. DH’s son has asthma and they had to order one last year when they stayed in Chicago for a month and suddenly found themselves in the smoke path. Amazon Prime delivered it the next day, worth every penny! Update: DH’s eye pressure was very low again last night. It’s astounding! It had been running in low teens pretty much since the surgery in April, then a few recent readings around ten, not all of them that low but a few. And suddenly down to 5! No meds, no changes, no “massage” exercises to push fluid through the new incision, just Bam! 🙏 Going to eye doc Aug 1 and he’ll look at the incision and fluid movement. I’ll keep you posted! Thank you all for your continued support! Maybe this will bring hope to someone else fighting to hang on to a plateau! Maureen
  5. Almost out the door , a bit rainy. Ugh. On our way to meet Maryland friend for lunch in Bethlehem PA. Overjoyed to see the twins! Overjoyed that DH had very low pressure readings yesterday and again today in that pesky left eye!✨ We’ll see if trend holds, returning eye doctor Aug 1! Had to share! 🤞 Blessings for all the needs here and afar each of you for sharing here, the woes and the joys! M—
  6. Overcast today which is nice for me, I’m a cloud worshiper. Blessings Debbie for a successful procedure. And Roy for your appointments. 🎂 Happy Birthday Dixie! What a fabulous surprise! @kazu slow and careful Jacqui…. @JazzyV hoping this new wrinkle resolves soon. Belated best wishes to BFF! You two are a great team. Nancy, prayers for your DB. I’m sure it troubles you. I hope your IT people can salvage your computer or at least your hard drive. Denise, I hope you can get your office space set up and be comfortable. Moving on…. Vancouver was our first cruise departure port, very fond memories! The idea of a cruise sprung to me in a miserable moment when we were renovating our house to sell before we moved to the mountain cabin full time. I was stripping wallpaper with the gooey messy falling in my face when the thought came through loud and clear, “A cruise would be nice!!” It took a very long time to sell that house but on the way home from the late August closing DH asked me, as always, “Anything else you want to do in town?” (We lived 90 minutes away.) Yes! Here’s an address…. no navigators then, just a street map. He pulled into the parking lot and read the sign over the store front, CRUISE WAREHOUSE! The rest is history 😁. We bought (too expensive) tickets for an inside guarantee room on Carnival Spirit for an Alaska cruise going out in 3 weeks. We drove our truck and 5th wheel trailer to Washington, left it on DH’s nephew’s land, drove to Vancouver, parked our truck in the old lot next to pier, wheeled our borrowed collapsible duffle bags (they fit in the trailer) into the terminal, worked our way through line after line, had to find a porter with the manifest list for our cabin number, we ate our sandwiches while waiting, it all took 2 and a half hours! But we loved the cruise experience! DH had had his doubts- didn’t want to pay for a vacation that required shoes and had dress codes (we took our wedding clothes for formal night)- but he fell in love with the string quartet, and his brand new first digital camera! Amazing Alaska scenery. Eagles, Glaciers. Waterfalls. Midnight buffets. All so exciting! Vancouver began it all for us! Ahhh. ✨Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! 🥂 Cheers to those celebrating! You remind us Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels to all away! Thanks to all for being here, hoping you enjoy something special today! Maureen
  7. I recognized the channel marker immediately! We did a houseboat rental on Ridou Canal for two weeks. Fabulous in so many ways. Kawartha plys those waters too. Fascinating to watch her fold up to fit some of the locks! m—
  8. Thanks for your Newcastle pix @grapau27 and suggestions. We enjoyed touring Alnwick castle! I’d love to return to your region and see more! And you and Pauline! Cloudy today and mid80s, so not too comfortable out. I have a full agenda today starting early with a Newcomers gathering, then I’ll meet up with a new sacred circle group and learn what that’s like. There’s jazz this afternoon, an early dinner before a book group call with my Maryland group to discuss Lessons in Chemistry. Blessings to all in need. And our country, your country and the war zones. ✨ Cheers to the celebrating 🌈 Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away. A good recovery day to Sandi and Dennis. Smooth consult for Roy, and infusion day for Chuck… I hope the edema is reducing; strength for Annie and Terri and Terry! @kazuJacqui, I’m sorry you are feeling unwell; if that doesn’t resolve soon please alert someone. Post-surgery recovery could have complications, caught earlier the better. Gentle hugs! Gotta get moving forward! Wishing you each a blessed day! Stay cool enough, dry enough or wet enough, safe and well! Thanks all for being here. You’re my Team! Maureen
  9. Thank you Graham, it’s closer than I thought I should have looked at a map! m—
  10. @grapau27 Thanks for the video and pix of Gretna Green. We stopped there on our bus tour, darling place, good memories! But that is not close to you on your NE shore. Enjoy your change of scenery. m—
  11. Trending up into upper 80s today and mid 80s all week but not too bad for July. Last night I left the Saturday night movie, loved just sitting out on a perfect night, even saw fireflies! Only slept 6 hrs but that should be enough, not much happening today but tomorrow my schedule is too full! Life is good! 🌈 Blessings to you all for all that’s needed. So many! And our country. And the world. Home safe Sandi! Bon Voyage St Pete! Rest Jacqui! Eat Chuck! Eat Tana! Breathe Terri! Baby steps Bonnie! Cheers to all celebrating. 🥂 Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers. 🛳️ We stopped in Lifou on our LA-Sidney crossing in 2013. These are not my pix but enjoy the beauty. Have a great day today! At least it won’t be cold! Maureen
  12. @St Pete Cruiser 🤞All smooth from here on…. Thanks for letting us know. You really made a Herculean effort to make it happen! Never daunted even into the wee hours! And now you’re there! 👏 Glad the hotel is beautiful! Bon Voyage! m— @StLouisCruisers After such a harrowing day I hope you get some rest to refuel you for the next leg. On the road again…. @Cruzin Terri It’s so disheartening to hear you are going through this bad turn of events, and not anywhere near at your best. As hard as it is to see the horizon from the bottom of the trough, it’s there! Praying the next wave will lift you up. m—
  13. Checking in late today. Beautiful evening in north Jersey, sitting out on our balcony feels perfect! Blessings sent out first thing this morning! Hope it all works out for Sandi and Dennis getting home, and St Pete Cruisers getting to ship! Oiy! Loving your “feel good” pix Annie. Making it through today! ✨ Terry, genius ideal for Sandi to buy a pass to Delta lounge, get the concierge to help! Absolutely Brilliant! Denise, I feel your mixture of sadness and angst. Hugs today and a better day tomorrow. Joy, hoping you can help Bonnie through the shock, and onward to the hope and belief that her path ahead will bring her many years of sharing the joys of Life with her loved ones! Gentle hugs! Praying for Amazing! Jacqui, please please please go slower than you think you should! (We know you…). Taking it cautiously is a beautiful way of loving yourself…. I know you know that, just saying… (And I’m not going to ask you, What would José tell you? because I know you can hear him…. 💝 🤗). Paul, I cracked up out loud and almost dropped my phone at your mention that maybe Sandi and Dennis are destined to start a new life in Boston! Humor in a crisis is so leveling! 👍. Terry, loved DB pic in the prized sweater! A keeper, DB and the sweater too 😉 We’ve had a good day! Went a to lecture on some “outta this world” ideas about how space colonies might work! Bizarre but good for me stretch my thinking a bit. And a quick stop at the our new, very handy fitness center! And 🫣 DH’s has had 2 eye-pressure readings this week in that pesky left eye at or below target! 🤞 Maybe it’s settling down. If this can be a trend, maybe just maybe he can stay off the eye meds? That would be SO Amazing! I know you’re all with us on that! Many thanks! My picture of last night’s moon isn’t as good as Bruce’s but it sure was nice sitting with it. Keeping watch for good news coming in. And to all a Good Night (or G’Day). m—
  14. Only 83 for a high today and dew points in the 50s! Nice! I’ll have to learn more about the IT outage. I have a friend-of-a-friend flying from NM to Washington today, then together they fly tomorrow to Denmark for a Scandinavian tour. At least they purchased the whole transportation package through the tour company, Collette, so I hope they get it all worked out. Geezsh, travel is hard enough when things are “normal.” @kazu Thanks for gathering the energy to update us! Sorry about the prospective buyers but your job now is to recover. So glad you have help! I hope Ivan is recovering well too. Good luck to Annie and Chuck today! And Lenda and Steve! And Ann and Pat! 🥂Happy celebrating to Katherine and DH, and Terry and DB! 🌈 Life is Good! We’re glad to be rocking along, one day at a time is Everything! Enjoyed dinner in our main dining room last night with neighbors down the hall, nice of them to invite us to join them. DH continues to put up pictures! This afternoon I have a mindfulness “class” and either the pool or the gym on my way back from the other side of the campus. Monday I did pool exercises for my hip and aggravated a back issue so I’ve been gentle to it this week but it’s time to get moving again. Still no update from Social Security on my application of June 12. They say 30 days so it’s overdue. I have a phone appt for July 24 that I should be able to cancel because of the online application but now I’m not sure. I had hoped to see a Maryland friend that day while she’ll be only about 90 mins from me in Bethlehem PA. Still hoping I’ll see her! DH says he’ll come with me so I can do the call even if we’re driving. I’m just not sure…. Blessings to all in need of direction, healing, comfort or hope! I hope you can enjoy something meaningful today! Thanks for being here! Maureen
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