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mare s.

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Posts posted by mare s.

  1. So a chip and signature card will not work in Europe? I am fairly sure that because they say chip and SIGNATURE in the literature that came last month with the card it is not chip and pin. United Mileage Plus from Chase? anybody know for this one?


    from what I've been reading in the discussion on the Italy Forum, you can use chip and signature at places where there is a human being....however, unstaffed ticket kiosks, etc. require the chip and pin. And you can't just call the issuing bank and request a chip and pin...they aren't widely available yet. Apparently, banks will be moving to this new technology by the end of 2015.


    Nonrev1...how did the restaurants process your non-chip card? I thought their cc readers wouldn't read a magnetic strip? Did they manually have to enter the cc number and information?

  2. 3 1/2 consecutive months of charters???? And at a very prime time of year. This is extremely disappointing and certainly indicates the direction in which Azamara is going. Sorry, Bonnie, but while concerns about a possible sale of Azamara are perhaps unfounded, one can certainly speculate that more and more charters are possible. Why would anyone want to place a hefty deposit on a future cruise only to have it cancelled? I suspect that many people will be looking at other cruiselines. If 2+ years is so far out that we should not be bothered by cancelled cruises, why publish a brochure so far in advance?

  3. During our recent calls at the island of Capri, Italy, we experienced challenges with heavy swells, causing the mandatory local tender service to be unpredictable and uncomfortable to our guests. Azamara Club Cruises has therefore decided to replace Capri, Italy as a port of call with Sorrento, Italy for the below listed voyages to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests.

    Sorrento has continuous ferry service to Capri, and the ship's Land Discovery team will run shore excursions to Capri from Sorrento.


    Azamara Quest, July 12, 2014 voyage: Sorrento July 19

    Azamara Quest, August 3, 2014 voyage: Sorrento Aug 8/9

    Azamara Quest, October 2, 2014 voyage: Sorrento Oct 10


    Bonnie, since our itinerary already includes Sorrento, are we perhaps looking at an overnight?

  4. MareS-so sorry for the :confused: :eek: i should say it is listed in both the 2015 and 2016 books.. never been taken off. not sure why hy put in ports we can nto get too.


    Also the 2016 books have ports for Black Sea that in 2014 we are not going too. shows how far ahead things are publish.


    Robin...my confusion. Azamara has more than a year to modify the itinerary...let's hope they do so well ahead of time. We will be doing private tours or on our own in most ports so it would be nice to know the final itinerary as soon as possible.


  5. As far as i know this will never be fixed unless Capri gets a new dock or tenders.. it is on for 2015.. Just ferry over.


    So Capri is getting a new dock in 2015? It is a port on our September 2015 itinerary but so is Sorrento...I certainly wouldn't mind an overnight in Sorrento, though.

  6. Mare S it is so hard to wait. The shore excursions I was asking about was for Feb. 2015 so that gives you the timeline.


    yes...our past cruises have not posted shore excursions more than 6 months out, so that is why I was rather incredulous that Bonnie stated that "all" excursions for 2015 are available. Actually, for our cruise, I expect to be doing mostly private tours or on our own. And you are right...it is hard to wait! LOL

  7. Someone asked how I knew the mold was in the carpet. I was not quite sure if it was in carpet and wall both. The bedside where the mold odor was so strong was in this area. Since we noticed it upon embarkation, I know the people in the cabin prior had to have detected it. This was not a mild odor, but very strong and I was very nervous sleeping at night being right next to it. I knew for sure it was in the carpet when we came back into our room and the bed was moved and the carpet was torn up under the bed and nightstand. I could see the mold on the floor and they laid new carpet on top of it. I am sure they did not put down any mold prevention stuff before putting on the new piece of carpet. That evening I could still smell a faint odor and assume it was in the wall. (the shower is also on that same wall). That mold did not grow overnight and had been there for some time, I am quite sure. Also, you cannot change rooms when they tell you they are sold out? They were not sold out!


    Thanks...I can understand noticing the odor. I just wasn't sure how you'd pinpointed the under the bed carpet as being the culprit...I guess the staff figured it out. I can't understand why they would just put fresh carpet on top of the mold without at least scrubbing the dickens out of it with bleach! Ugh.

  8. Marty....you will enjoy this cruise for all the reasons you've mentioned. It's why we have no desire to go on another cruiseline again. Our first cruise on Azamara was out of Athens...we did a bit of island hopping and then up the Adriatic. We were hooked! Long stays in port, overnights, really good food, and wonderful service. As you pointed out...we don't spend a lot of time in our stateroom (although I love to eat breakfast on the balcony and if it's a sea day, sit there and read and watch the ocean) Unfortunately we can't cruise as often as some, but we try to have something to look forward to, even if it's several months ahead.


    Have fun and report back.



  9. In the "Sticky" above, Mare S. has a favourable comment on that stateroom based upon the experience of friends.


    Yup.....we were right next door in 7105. Both staterooms in good shape, but that was a couple of years ago. As others have noted, anything is possible, but it's my experience that staff are very very quick to jump on any problem. On our last cruise our friends' safe wasn't working nor was their telephone. They immediately informed the cabin attendant and all was fixed by the time we got back to the stateroom that evening after dinner.


    A question to Portofinoitaly....how did you know the carpet under the bed was a problem? Was it a smell from there or?? I too am allergic to mold so it is always a concern, whether I'm on a ship or in a hotel. But fortunately have never had a problem.



  10. Bear in mind in the UK the £250 deposit is non-refundable at any stage if you cancel, whereas providing you are not within the penalty period it's just $25 admin fee in the US.




    Didn't realize this, Phil. So I guess it all evens out in the end. I've never (fortunately) needed to cancel a cruise once booked, but I would certainly think much harder, and probably wait much longer to book, if I were possibly to lose that much money on a cancellation.



  11. Change Terms and Conditions- Increased deposit £250.


    Azamara Club Cruises Sailings- departing from 1 January 2015, will require a deposit of £250 per person at the time of making any relevant booking and pay an balance/final payment to us no later than 90 days prior to the sail date. Full payment will be required for relevant bookings taken within this period.


    All sailings of Azamara Club Cruises ships departing on or after the 1st January 2015, the following variation of terms will apply to any bookings taken by you:


    The deposit amount payable on taking a booking and payable to us will be increased to £250 per person; and


    The balance due date will be 90 days prior to the sail date. Full payment will be required for relevant bookings taken within this period.


    Cancellation terms for applicable bookings are revised as follows:


    30 days or less 100%


    60 to 31 day 75%


    89 - 61 days 50%


    90 days or more Deposit only




    hmmm...so if I'm correct in my computations, the U.K. pays less deposit up front than U.S. and the penalties are less stringent too. Well, I guess it's offset by the U.K. having to deal with Guatemala (jk)


    Tim...yes, I guess we are "subsidizing" you...circumstances force us to plan well ahead but we're fortunate in our TA...who always gets us the very best deal and is quick to figure out if a new promotion will help us, even if it requires re-booking.


    Nordski...I agree with you on trip insurance. you have to read terms and conditions carefully but I've had to deal with it a couple of times (on much shorter trips, mind you) and it can be done. With an expensive vacation such as a cruise, it would be very very risky to go uninsured.

  12. Here's what I found on the Azamara site regarding the new cancellation policy for 2015. It appears there are a lot more stringent penalties for cancelling from final payment at 120 days on compared to current (2014) policy. All the more reason to get really good trip insurance.



    Voyage, Cruisetour, and Hotel Cancellation Charges


    Please note: Cancellation charges based on double occupancy. The policies shown here are for the United States and Canada only. Residents of any other country should contact their local office or travel partner.


    2014 Cancellation Policy


    This policy applies to all voyages beginning in January through December 2014.



    Days Prior to Departure


    Cancellation Charge



    91+ days US $25 per person

    90-60 days 20% of booked fare

    59-30 days 50% of booked fare

    29-15 days 75% of booked fare

    14 days or less 100% of booked fare


    2015 Cancellation Policy


    This policy applies to all voyages beginning on or after January 2015.



    Days Prior to Departure


    Cancellation Charge



    121+ days US $25 per person

    120-91 days 15% of booked fare

    90-61 days 50% of booked fare

    60-31 days 75% of booked fare

    30 days or less 100% of booked fare

  13. yes, when I got the invoice from my t.a. I was surprised that final payment is now 120 days out...and there are now penalties within that period similar to what it used to be 90 days out. Unless people are very observant, there is going to be a bit of confusion, I think.

  14. we've been fortunate in that all our white night parties have been outdoors...sometimes there is entertainment (local dancers) brought on board to start the party off in style. on our first Azamara cruise (the one that really made us Azamara fans...Athens to Venice) the chef had gone ashore and brought a bunch of fresh fish back and was cooking it all up at the buffet. Sooo good. The pool deck is decorated, the wine (and now other drinks) flows, the band plays and Russ (the CD) dances with everyone! Probably not the same atmosphere if it's brought indoors, but we had a Super Bowl party in Cabaret on our last cruise and it was tons of fun.

  15. It is (weather permitting) an on deck buffet, and an excellent one at that! But you can certainly dine elsewhere and join the party later. We did that a couple of times (because the posted menu for MDR looked wonderful and also because we wanted a quiet, more leisurely dinner) but we went on deck for the dessert...crepes suzette made to order. Best of both worlds!

  16. Check out the cabin thread which is a "sticky" at the top of this forum. It will give you a lot of info on specific cabins. That being said, I've been in 7090 and our last two cruises were in 7100 and above. I too take meds to avoid seasickness. We've never had a problem with movement in the aft cabins (sometimes a gentle rocking, which I personally love!) One other thing to consider is that your cruise (being in the Med) is probably port intensive, which means you'll be traveling at night (sometimes late at night) so chances are you'll be asleep most of the time.

    Hope this helps.


  17. The seas can be rough no matter where you sail ,a storm can pop up etc...Mid-ship cabins are the best to book and I always take bonine while on a cruise. I start taking it 2 nights prior and take it every night of the cruise.I have no drowsiness in the morning. What ever method you use the key is prevention.


    Very very true. I am a huge believer in Bonine too and have never been seasick while taking it (and had some pretty rocky seas). But don't wait to take medication until you start to have bad seas or until you feel ill...usually too late by that time. The trick is to start the meds ahead of time and I too start a day early and take Bonine every evening of the cruise with absolutely no side effects.

  18. Another item which puzzles me....


    While I love dogs, I cannot understand why Azamara would opt for a photo of 2 dogs on their cover. I get the double idea, but... what do dogs have to do with cruising ?


    If they wanted to have an attention getting cover maximizing the "double" theme, why not use a photo of Journey & Quest together ? The ships are twins ! This would have caught my eye much quicker than 2 dogs.


    It's a cute photo, but IMO, it makes no sense for a cruise brochure.


    That's exactly what I thought too! Cute dogs, but nothing at all to do with cruising. And I quickly looked for the cruise which we had already booked and found the inside price to now be the same as the Oceanview was priced when we booked (with a category upgrade) so it's really no deal at all.

  19. I don't bother with the website except to look at what cruises are coming up (and, once booked, see what shore excursions are offered...but now with no discount, I doubt I'll even do that...private excursions all the way!) I shop different on line TA's and I have my own special TA who always seems to give the best price and he hooked me up with the website that shows real time cabin availability.


    It is a shame that the techies at Azamara can't get things right and the problem has been going on for years in one aspect or another. For first timers, it's a turn off and to the rest of us, a source of aggravation.


    Bonnie, you've got your work cut out for you on this one! (But thanks for trying)

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