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Posts posted by W8NTOCRUISE

  1. Hey Gang!

    I am back and I feel like, well Yuck comes to mind.:D Yep, you guessed it, I went totally off plan which included pasta:eek: fries:eek: and bread:eek: :eek: And of course wine (Love it too Annie) I don't know why I do that to myself on vacation.


    I wasn't going to get on the scale, but my I couldn't resist (seems to be a pattern with me LOL) and I am up 3. And I decided, again, that this is ridiculous and I have to get a grip and decide what is more important, food that makes me feel gross or me. I don't want to be a yo-yo anymore (that makes me giggle a little since I am a little silly humor wise) Time to really step it up!


    Welcome Tammy, great job on the loss.


    Hi Jocelyn,


    Thanks so much for the welcome! Count me in as a fellow wine lover. I have a confession, I drank some red wine last night with dinner. I'm hoping it doesn't affect my official weigh-in tomorrow morning. If it does, obviously I deserve it, especially during INDUCTION!!!:rolleyes:


    It's a bummer about your gain, but hey, you were on vacation. To me it's almost impossible not to enjoy food during that time. Now that you've returned and you have another vacation in a few months (noticed your ticker), hopefully it will help with motivation. I know that is what has got me going now (even though I don't have a ticker yet) because I'm hoping that by October I will lose enough to fit into my cruise clothes from my first cruise in '04. I just keep trying to remember how good and healthy I felt during that time. Good luck to you!

  2. YAY TAMMY!!!!:D :D

    You are off to a GREAT start with your journey!! Keep it going Girl!


    Thank you sooo much! It's my mini-celebration!


    Good job Tammy! A 2.5 loss in just 4 days is great.

    I haven't weighed this week; I will wait until Monday....maybe. I am trying not to focus on the scale so much this time. I just want to not feel so big, I don't' realy care how much I weigh. Well, of course I care, just trying not to make that my only goal. I will never be "Barbie"again and I am ok with that. I think we have to be comfortable with who we are.

    Keep up the good work girl;)


    Gettin' friendly with the grill this week ya'll:)




    Thank you for your encouraging words! I typically don't focus on the scale either, but I could feel that "not feel so big" feeling and it was irresistable. And speaking of grills, we fired ours up last night and made hamburgers. For all of you from warmer climates this may sound weird but it was in the low 50's yesterday for the first time this year and we couldn't wait to grill. It's amazing how warm 50 feels when it has been in the 20's & 30's for weeks or would that be months? Either way it felt great to stoke up the grill.


    Have a great day everyone!

  3. Hi Everyone!


    Well I could not resist my scale this morning. My body is feeling pretty good and granted I've only been doing Induction for four full days I just had to get on the scale. I'm glad I did because it definitely gave me that boost to continue on. I lost 2.8 lbs. during my first four days! I'm so excited! Yippee!:D


    Just had to share and hope to inspire someone else as other's have inspired me here. Have a great day!:)

  4. Hi Tammy, Welcome to our little loosers club:D Wow 60lbs! Yea, I am one of those yo-yo Atkins people too. I think we know what to do and just haven't made a complete lifestyle change, like SFS. But we have each other:p I keep lurking around too, it helps encourage me.Annie:)


    Hi Annie,


    Thanks for the welcome! Yep, I'm a total yo yoer, UGH!! I'm hoping this time to make it work. I always say, "I will never give up!" I'm hoping to hit that 60 lbs. again, and continue on after that. Only this time I really want to make it to Ongoing Weight Loss and then Maintenance. Definitely a big goal, but I want to think positive about it and succeed.


    Thanks so much for your support!:)

  5. HI Tammy! Welcome!! Wow... you took off 60!?! Then you know about the ups & downs - and if we can be of any help - Be sure to ask!!:D With lots of work and will power - you won't be the big girl on your cruise! What are you doing to exercise?


    Hi Jean!


    Thanks so much for the warm welcome!:D


    For exercise right now I am riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes in the a.m. and everyother day in the p.m. and weight training on the opposite days of biking in the p.m. I was hoping to walk on my treadmill but I have a problem with my left ankle (totally caused by weight gain!:( ), so I need to use the bike until I can get off some weight and hopefully the ankle will stop bothering me.


    How nice for you to be able to bike to work, I would love to do that, unfortunately I would probably get hit by a car! We live in the "town" outside of our city and biking to work would mean using the highways, definitely not safe. However when the ankle is feeling better that should be around the same time the weather is nice enough here to walk during my lunch break. Which will give me some great added exercise.


    Thanks again for welcoming me here on the thread!

  6. Hello Everyone!:)


    I've been lurking around this thread for a little over a week. I want to thank everyone for posting some great recipes and tips, Thank you!


    I would like to introduce myself....


    Hi, my name is Tammy, I am 44-years old (well I will be officially on 3/20:p ), I have been married to my husband Jim for 20 years (been together for 26 years altogether). We do not have kids, but consider our 13-year old German Shepherd mix our child. I enjoy cruising and have been on two cruises with my best friend. This October we have another trip planned only this time our husbands are coming along and two other couples are also joining us. I am looking forward to this cruise but I'm the "big girl" in the group and really want to drop some weight before we go.


    Some background info....


    I am an ex-Atkins loser, in 2004 I lost 60 lbs. in 5 1/2 months before my first cruise. Unfortunately I did not follow the Atkins maintenance plan and gained back the 60 lbs. and then some!:eek: So as of yesterday (3/9) I am back at it again. I'm not sure how long I will stay on Induction (the first time I was on it for 5 1/2 months and got burned out), but I will definitely pay attention to the warning signs of burn out and move to OWL when necessary. I do not want this weight coming back!


    I am truly looking forward to chatting with everyone about losing, sharing recipes, and most importantly supporting each other!


    I would like to share a mid-day (or anytime) snack that I make to bring to work.


    Ham Roll-Ups


    Ham slices (sandwich size/thickness)

    Cream Cheese

    Green Onion (green part only)


    Spread a thin layer of cream cheese on the entire slice of ham. Then cut the green onion to the size of the ham slice, lay along one edge of the ham and then roll up. Cut into bite size pieces and enjoy!

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