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Everything posted by ajtraveler66

  1. We are looking at a Panama Canal cruise for late January/early February. That said, it's always good to know which ports have great things to do relatively near the port (without the need to look for an excursion outside of the port area). Things we'll be looking for: beaches, casual restaurants. We aren't into shopping. And architectural treasures are only a possible option. Here are the ports: Cartagena, Colombia; Panama City (Pacific Cruise Terminal); Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala; Acapulco, Mexico; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Mazatlan, Mexico. Please feel free to offer any thoughts on what you think are 'must do's'. Thanks.
  2. We're looking at a 7-day cruise out of Galveston sometime during the winter of 2024. Can you recommend a good hotel/resort in Galveston to extend our vacation (perhaps a few days prior to the cruise and a few days after the cruise). Shuttle service to and from cruise port would be nice, but is not essential to our plans. Thanks.
  3. Several. They weren't chintzy, for sure. And the food was wonderful. I would repeat this experience without question. I really don't think you'd go wrong ... unless Lucca is a 'must' for you. Lots of people were there, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was extremely well organized. As I said, our party of four loved it. Seeing the leaning tower was all that we wanted to do as far as Pisa was concerned, so skipping the optional guided tour was great for us....giving us more time on some of the side streets. Lots of vendors were there with very good deals for souvenir shopping.
  4. We didn't stay in Venice prior to the cruise. But if you really want to see Venice, you are probably doing the right thing by staying a few days THERE prior to (or after) the cruise. If I ever go back, that's what I'll do. But still...we did get to see some good stuff....just not as much as I would have liked. St. Mark's Square is AWESOME. We only saw the exterior of the cathedral...and that was quite impressive. (If possible, I would take in the interior of the Cathedral....and probably want to do Doge's Palace as well..... Sadly, my traveling companions weren't much on architecture ... and in all honesty we really didn't have time to do all of that anyway. I'd set up a tour if you want to see those two things). As for the Amalfi Coast, we didn't get to stop in any of the towns.... just drove through it (Amalfi, I think...also the fringes of Positano) ,,, We had our lunch between the Amalfi Coast and Pompeii. If you're trying to pick an Amalfi town to visit, Positano seems to be the one I hear about most often.
  5. We enjoyed Cadiz very much. We just went out there on our own and really enjoyed the city that day ... much like we did with Split. Many had said that if we had never been to Cadiz that we needed to do Cadiz before venturing out to Seville. We're glad that we took that advice. If we're ever there again, we'll probably then do Seville. CADIZ is a great port city. Motril...we pretty much took a day off and stayed on the boat. If the other three in the parrty had been game for Alhambra, I would have definitely wanted to go. But...you know how these things go. ... Some that we met on the ship took a Flemenco dancing excursion that day included a meal. They really raved about it. As for Portimao....what a beautiful area. We made the most of JUST Portimao, but I really do wish that I would have taken your "Alvor" advice. (It was our last day and we seniors were starting to 'poop out' LOL.
  6. We visited five ports in Italy: Venice, Catania (Sicily), Naples, Rome, Livorno (Cruise on Norwegian Star --- April 15 thru April 30) Venice: In all honesty, Venice was a nightmare....and what a shame. New regulations in Venice do not make this a cruise-friendly city....navigation is horrendous. But we made the most of our day taking in a very crowded St. Mark's Square along with a must-do gondola ride. But the highlight of the day was accidentally running into a sidewalk pizzeria on the way to the water taxi plaza. Great time. Catania: We took the cruise ship tour "Taormina On Your Own". Beautiful place, and I highly recommend it. Just too bad that we only have about 2 1/2 hours there. Naples: We did the exhausting, but must-do "Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast". Don't miss these two. We didn't get to throw in Sorrento on this excursion, but I've been there before....and it's wonderful too. Rome: We did the exhausting, but must-do things that people do in Rome: The Vatican (make sure your tour includes the Sistine Chapel), Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, along with some time for a nice lunch. A great day .... but very exhausting, as I said. ... Livorno: We knew that Naples and Rome were going to be tough days, so we lightened up things for our time in Livorno. And this....WITHOUT QUESTION.... was my favorite day in Italy. We took an excursion through the ship https://www.ncl.com/shore-excursions/LIV_59/Pisa-A-Taste-of-Tuscany. While is Pisa, we skipped the optional guided tour thus adding to our 'time on our own'. There are lots of sidewalk cafes in the area ... and we took the time to enjoy some coffee and some gelato. Then as the excursion explains ... we went to a winery for a VERY short, informative talk (5-10 minutes) followed by a WONDERFUL meal. This was a great choice ... and the day was very relaxing...and lots of fun. Yes, we could have gone to Florence, but our day in Pisa and Tuscany was a great memory that I will never forget. Everyone in our party of four feels that THAT was our best day in Italy. As a side here .... It's not in Italy ... but we all really enjoyed our day in Split, Croatia. Wonderful place. You can do it on your own with ease. I just wish we would have had more time to enjoy the city. No excursion necessary in Split, Croatia ..... just enjoy Split.
  7. We've pretty much ruled out Alhambra. We're going to have quite a bit of time on our hands while at this port in Motril. So we will probably want to get out and roam around a bit. Evidently the town doesn't have that much to offer -- at least in the line of buildings, major history, etc. ..... So....we were thinking maybe FOOD and people watching (Yep, we like to do that). Any restuarant you could recommend for a nice seafood lunch or just tapas with good atmosphere ... perhaps a little deeper into the 'real city' and not so much a tourist restaurant near the port. (Although if there IS a great place near the port, we certainly wouldn't want to rule that out). We can check out Tripadvisor--this I know. But it's always fun hearing from fellow cruisers who have 'been there, done that'. All of that said, it's just fun to enjoy some good food and watch the locals in their everyday life. That's probably what we're going to do while in Motril. We look forward to hearing from you.
  8. If true, and if we port at Marghera (rather than tender) .... do taxis (water or land) require euro's? Do they accept credit cards?
  9. We are to be at port in Venice on the NCL Star on Monday, April 17th from 6am-9pm. What is the most up-to-date information on what to expect on getting to set foot in Venice. I understand that at one time bigger ships could no longer dock there...and maybe that's still the case. Otherwise, is it a tender? Something else? Thanks.
  10. While we were at port on a cruise in 2016 we had a tremendous day doing a day-pass to the Elbow Beach Resort. My understanding is that this resort is no longer in operation. Hopefully I'm wrong, and you can correct me...or perhaps it is going to re-open. That said...if indeed Elbow Beach Resort is no longer in operation, any suggestions for a resort day-pass for a beach in Bermuda.
  11. It's hard to believe that our Mediterranean cruise is just around the corner. We've got our excursions all lined up, but we're looking for some reasonably-priced local must-try food suggestions at these ports (should we have time): Koper, Slovenia; Split, Croatia; Saranda, Albania; Cannes, France; Spain, in general (tapas, I would presume...yum, yum), Portimao/Alvor, Portugal. We look forward to hearing from you.
  12. We've been on several NCL cruises, but we've never stayed in "The Haven". We're thinking about doing one on a Bermuda cruise on the NCL " either this year or next. I'd just like your thoughts, in general. Is it all that much different? Is it more quiet? (Of course, I guess that depends on who's aboard. 😀). Is the food any better? (Not that it's bad in the main dining room). We look forward to hearing from you.
  13. Our ship has yet to post any excursions for Rome that include the Sistine Chapel. So we are looking outside the ship for some possibilities. Ideally what we are looking for is one that INCLUDES skip-the-line tickets to the Sistine Chapel ... but ONLY INCLUDES the exterior of the Colosseum (we've seen it). We would just as soon have time for other sites rather than to spend time in the interior of the Colosseum once again. We definitely also want to see the Trevi Fountain. Beyond that ... whatever the tour guide thinks will be of interest to us will probably be fine with us. The Spanish Steps have been mentioned as a possible 'must see' for our group. Any suggestions on finding the right tour?
  14. I was curious if NCL had any currency exchange areas onboard its ship for converting dollars to Euro's? We will be on the NCL Star in April (Venice to Lisbon). I have read that most restaurants, etc. do accept Visa/Mastercard. However, I realize that it might be convenient to have a few euro's on hand for who knows what.. Your comments/suggestions are appreciated.
  15. Thanks, Edinburgher. I thought I had done so, too. For whatever reason, when I went to my profile, it didn't show that I had posted that. There's something about the format/settings that I'm missing or overlooking. Thanks again. .... And this is the reason--I suppose--that I keep requesting the same info. For I certainly wouldn't do it, if I could locate those original posts.
  16. We are trying to decide what to do while at port in Portimao, Portugal. If there is plenty to do (2-3 hours worth), we will probably choose to stay put for the day. We look forward to your input. Whether we opt to take an excursion or not...any places to recommend for sardines?
  17. I'm fine with just plain old black coffee, and it doesn't have to be Starbucks. But I need it on a daily basis because I guess you could say that I'm addicted. 😀. Is there plain old black, non-Starbuck's coffee aboard the ship that's complimentary? I checked out the Le Bistro menu (it'll be 2 of our 3 meals on the meal package), and I noticed that the coffee on the menu is Starbuck's. So what's the pro's and con's of the Starbuck's package, and where must I be leery on the ship if I don't take the package? (FYI... We're on the NCL Star in April).
  18. We will be in Cannes on April 24, but we won't be there for long. We are trying to decide on just doing Cannes on our own or taking a scenic bus excursion into the Nice area (with selective stops). I look forward to your input. Thanks.
  19. I hope my information is wrong from NCL, but I was told by an NCL employee that their Venice Walking Tour with Gondola Ride does not include a tour of the INSIDE of St. Mark's Basilica. Since some of our excursions are unavailable for purchasing at this time (this one in particular), I am hoping that this person is incorrect. Because that is exactly the excursion that we are looking for (something that includes the inside of St. Mark's ... along with a gondola ride). That said, if indeed NCL does not provide this excursion for us, are there any RELIABLE & reasonably priced options out there for us? I know we could probably do all of this on our own, but the convenience of someone buying the tickets for us and setting things up for us is why we are seeking an excursion. The last thing we want to do in Venice is to stand in a line. Thanks.
  20. We're in the process of making reservations for the 'must do' excursions for our NCL Star April cruise. (Venice, Rome, Naples, Florence, Sicily, Florence). We will do these excursions come rain or come shine unless they are cancelled for some reason. However, there are other days at port in which the 'to do list' is not necessarily a top priority... and I'll use this as an example: One of our ports of call is Split, Croatia. We really look forward to seeing Split and we want to...but not in a big way if it looks as though the weather forecast is calling for undesirable conditions. That said ... should we see on the day before that the weather is going to be good on the day we are in Split, will we have trouble finding excursions 'at the last minute' ... excursions that would 'bus us around town' to some of the local hot spots. These could be with the ship or possibly even independent of the ship. I realize we could arrange for private tours in advance...but we feel that it just wouldn't be worth it if the weather was inclement .. (and then it would be too late to cancel). I look forward to your tips/suggestions. FYI: Our other ports of call include Kotor, Slovenia; Cannes, France; Ibiza, Spain; Cadiz, Spain; Portimao, Portugal (We will probably venture out in Cannes and Cadiz ... even if the weathy is a bit unpleasant).
  21. We are thinking that we can do Venice without an excursion. To me, it appears that the highlights are St. Mark's Square and taking in a gondola ride. Some friends of ours took an excursion to a 'glass blowing' establishment. They enjoyed it ... but it just doesn't sound that appealing to me. I'd rather just take the city in with my own eyes...the canals, the architecture .... and then take time out to enjoy a nice restaurant (this would be our 'excursion expenditure' for the day). What do you all think? Is a guided tour of the city worth it? Anything that you think we really should include in our day? FYI... I don't think we'll be dealing with any time-crunch issues.
  22. We will be on the NCL Star in April. Two of our ports are Cadiz & Motril. I think we have just about decided to skip the excursions in Cadiz and just enjoy the city of Cadiz itself. I've just read too many positive comments about it for me to change my mind. The city of Motril, on the other hand, has me a bit stumped. It just doesn't appear to have much of a draw in and of itself. Please correct me if I'm wrong. We will probably hold off on making the Motril decision until we are midway through our cruise. (It's Day #13 of our 15-Day Mediterranean Cruise (Apr 15-30)). I know that there are excursions to Granada/Alhambra. But if Motril has a lot to offer, we may just opt to spend our day there. I have a feeling we are going to be very tired at that point any way. Ibiza is Day #12, and I think we plan to lay back and just take it easy that day for sure. While I've got you....we do Portimao, Portugal on Day #14. Feel free to comment if you've been there.
  23. "Stress-Free". THE KEY WORDS!!! YES! We will be doing an NCL excursion, and we'll probably splurge with the Exclusive based on what I've been reading here. Thanks, everyone!
  24. Seeing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is the one thing we ABSOLUTELY want to do. Since there are tickets involved, we prefer using an organized tour as opposed to doing it "On Our Own". Were tickets not a big factor, we probably would have been tempted to choose the "On Your Own" excursion. That's what we're going to do in Sicily -- "Taormina On Your Own".
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