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Mr. Luckytoo

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Posts posted by Mr. Luckytoo

  1. Hi, I was wondering how 'feasible' a trip to Petra would be during my recent cruise.


    We were on the Mariner last year and stopped in both ports, Haifa & Ashdod. We took ship tours of Jerusalem and Meddigo and loved them. However I was wondering about the following:


    Getting a tour guide who would meet us as Haifa, fly to Eliat and go to Petra, spend the night at Petra. The following day visit Massada/Dead Sea and return the following day to the ship in Ashdod.


    Sometimes these things 'look' doable but going thru border crossings, traffic and time of year may make this really unreaslistic.


    We'll be arriving on the Jade in Haifa on December 27 and the ship leaves Ashdod on December 28 at 6 pm


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    PS I would NOT attempt this without an Israeli guide so if you know of anyone/company that you would recommend.... Thanks :)

  2. I wasn't trying to slam red chip bettors in my prior post, if I appeared to be doing that I am sorry. What bothered me was this gentleman's attitude. He was one of those guys who placed a $5 DC and when the 6 rolled he placed the 6 for $6. I understand the 'hedging' but that's lot of work for a $1 profit.


    On another occassion he would place $22 inside and after 2 tosses take everything down. I mean why not just turn it off?


    He was one of those people who just liked to make the dealers work hard, never tipped and was very 'selfish'. I've seen this behavior with red, green and black chippers as well. Rudeness has no monatary limits!

  3. The problem is that there is only one craps table on a cruise ship and for many their $5 play is what their bankroll can afford. And for many, it is their first time trying to learn how to play craps.


    What ticks ME off, is the big shot who comes to the table drops $1000 then makes himself a loud mouth pain in the butt to everyone else as he places bets all over the table, including a horn bet, holds up the game with all his big shot chit-chat with he dealers then gets all pissed off that he loses all his money in 10 minutes and storms off.


    Sounds like the $100 chip player that sits down at a $5 blackjack table then complains when someone splits 10's. Go sit at a $100 table by yourself.


    Very valid point. I wasn't talking about a cruise ship. In fact on a ship I use red & green chips only. too many newbies and the dealers aren't always as reliable.


    As for horn betting fools - too much time, bad odds, etc., It may seem like fun but it's a BR drain in the long run.


    As for the BJ tables on ships - with the CSM you won't find me playing with black chips - having said that anyone who splits 10-10 is just an idiot.

  4. Just back from a week on RCCL Serenade OS. Encountered empty table frequently, and just as well. Dice control works best when you can get the dice back quickly. By week's end there were quite a few believers.

    Nothing like a practically free cruise. LOL.


    On an empty table a DI can make LOTS of money shooting DP


    $100 DP set a point of 8

    $25 DC toss a 6 with $125 lay

    Toss a 7 and collect $225 in 3 tosses - and get the dice back at an empty table.


    Keeps the other people away cuz they don't have a clue what you're doing!


    Nothing ticks me off MORE than cheapskate craps players when I've got lots of $ on the table.


    Was in AC 2 weekends ago. Playing rightside. Shooter is doing well from SO. Shoot has over $500 in action. I've only got $110 in action and this jerk holds up the table arguing about his $1 hardway that was knocked off and he never replaced. He had maybe $12 on the table and just wouldn't shut up.


    I want to reach out to all the disable cruisers...


    Please keep in mind that the point of this thread is that NCL advertised a 2-room Villa and spererate sleeping room and in reality it was a one room suite.


    When I called NCL this morning it took the rep over 20-minutes to find the room and qoute me a price. He had to call someone else for assistance. Once he located the room as a Cat A4, the March sailing date was open and he wanted to process my reservation right away. He did not even point out that the room was intended for Handicap people and even said "these rooms book quickly, are you sure you don't want to put down a deposit now?.


    I now think that for some reasonable period of time prior to sailing that when a handicap room is sold, the folks buying the room need to document that they are truly handicaped. Then, perhaps when 90 - 120 from sailing, the handicap rooms could be opened up for anyone.


    This topic came up recently on the Celebrity boards:




    I agree that handicapped cabins/villas/suites need to be reserved for those who NEED it.

  6. There you go. And some people might consider it much worse to break speeding laws than to share a drink on someone else's drink card. After all, your speeding to work could endanger someone else and even result in an accidental death of an innocent bystander. And it's doubtful anyone will die if someone uses their card to get their spouse a drink. Again, I'm not condoning sharing I'm just pointing out that all of us may want to examine our own actions and perfect ourselves first before riding around on a moral high horse judging others.


    Fran I won't dispute with you that certain 'law breaking' activities are worse than others. I also won't get into another more analogies either.


    What I can say is that comparing one wrong to another wrong leads down that gray slippery slope. Bad behavior doesn't justify bad behavior - even on a relative scale.


    Now back to the issue at hand - the alcohol package. [Disclaimer] I won't be purchasing a package simply because I don't drink more than 2 glasses of wine with dinner and my wife can't drink alcohol (medical condition). So for me this has been an academic/interest thread. However I want this program to be successful for =X= and I want it to continue for passegers who like it.

  7. My question for you is do you consider yourself a lawbreaker?


    After all, you admitted on the other post that you will break the speeding laws on your way to work. Is seems you think it's ok for you to pick and choose what laws to abide by.


    Yes I do. I've broken the speed limit. In fact I'm the worst kind of lawbreaker - I tear off the labels on my mattress and pillows :cool:

  8. Absolutely unbelievably sanctimonious!! One does not have to verbalise one's intents in order to be biased/judgemental. The fact that you have mentally labelled an individual the way you have and deemed them unfit to be in your company there is a dress code and tatoo's and facial piercing violate that dress codewithout knowing anything about the individual save for what you see on the outside is tremendously sanctimonious and tremendously judgemental. So by definition...you are an extemely judgemental person.


    By the way....being judgemental can be and is mostly separate from "law". Not sure why you drag "law" into everything.


    Maxi I think you need to take a refresher course in English:


    sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous (saŋk′tə mōnē əs)adjective

    pretending to be very holy or pious; affecting sanctity or righteousness


    You don't know me but you label me a "extemely judgemental person" for explaining things that you don't understand.


    I live in the real world. I would love for everyone to get along but unfortunately there are many people who don't obey the rules of society. Everyone has transgressions and makes mistakes but there are certain people who just don't care how their actions affect other people. People who shoplift don't care that stores have to raise prices for those of us who don't shoplift. Others falsify insurance claims or fake injuries without regard to those of us who play by the rules and see our premiums continue to rise when we've never made any claims. Still others go on a cruise and purchase a single alcohol package with every intention of getting drinks for themselves and their spouse without thinking about how it affects other cruisers or the cruise line.


    To those specific people that I have mentioned in the prior paragraph, the lyers, cheats and frauds, yes I am judgemental. I disapprove of inappropriate/illegal behavior.


    That doesn't make me santimonious in the least. If that makes me judgemental in your eyes - well then I guess I'm judgemental.

  9. The vague part to me was the attempt to differentiate between making judgements and being judgemental. If you make a judgement about someone aren't you judging them? if if you judge them, is that being judgemental to a certain extent.


    People make judgements about things/situations and yes people each and every day. That's why we have things called laws. When you break a law you go before a judge.


    When I see someone who has gobs and gobs of tatoos over their arms and face with facial piercings I judge that person as someone who doesn't really respect their body and I would never hire that type of person to work in my business. If that person speaks to me I answer in a polite and civilized voice but I don't ask them over for drinks.


    A judgemental person, however, would go over to that person (unsolicited) and tell the tatoo'ed person how wrong they are and express their beliefs - unsolicited.


    Telling others your beliefs that people who take drinks and giving them to people who aren't on a drink plan is theft isn't judgemental - it is their belief based on their morals/principles.

  10. Well with a little over 300 votes I'm a little surprised at the vote totals:


    View Poll Results: Is it acceptable to share a beverage package? This poll will close on August 26th, 2010 at 12:09 AM

    It is never ok, it's theft clear.gif65.19%

    It's not right but sharing a drink a few times is ok 17.09%

    Its ok because I don't drink that much everyday 4.43%

    I know it's probably not ok but I'll probably share with my spouse 7.28%

    It's ok because Celebrity makes enough money 2.22%

    I never reall thought about it 3.80%


    But the again with all that I hear in the news about corporate theft/greed and political corruption....


    Interest...BTW, ...Thanks to all who have voted

  11. I certainly do not need a lesson in comprehension. You post remains crystal clear to me (good versus bad....moral stance versus no moral stance). Great effort on damage control and spin.....just unconvincing.


    Originally Posted by Mr. Luckytoo viewpost.gif

    2. It allows people to evaluate what their moral stances are or if they have any moral stances for that matter


    Isn't questionning whether someone has "any moral stances" or belabouring them because their "moral stance" is a degree or 2 different from yours, a form of name calling/insulting?


    What I was/am saying is that a discussion like this allows a person some information about self-reflection. At no time have I advocated that by reading this thread it allows someone to make judgements on others. How a person comes to the conclusion that following (or not complying) =X='s rules regarding unlimited alcoholic drink passages can help someone determine where their moral compass is; or if they have a moral compass in the first place.


    For example some people follow certain laws based upon the consequences of their actions, i.e., if I steal and I get caught this will happen. These people make their decisions based on risk/benefit analysis and there is no moral clauses.


    Other people may look at the same exact situation and base their decision solely based upon their moral beliefs about right vs. wrong irregardless of consequences (laws) but based upon their eternal consequences.

  12. Isn't questionning whether someone has "any moral stances" or belabouring them because their "moral stance" is a degree or 2 different from yours, a form of name calling/insulting?


    Maxi, I was by no means name calling/insulting. Please look at the definition of morality vs. immorality:


    Morality (from the Latin moralities "manner, character, proper behavior") is a sense of behavioral conduct that differentiates intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and bad (or wrong). A moral code is a system of morality (for example, according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code. Immorality is the active opposition to morality, while amorality is a passive indifference toward morality.

    If you came face to face with me and told me I had no morals, I would find that somewhat insulting.


    I wouldn't say something like that to anyone's face - please re-read my original post.

  13. Does anyone really care and will someone else's opinion impact your behaviour as it pertains to this? I think not.


    Iancal - yes I really do care about others opinions. I wanted to see some real numbers because, in my thinking, this is a small reflection of how some view their "rights" in society.


    I have my view on this topic, namely that if I purchase a beverage package it is for my consumption only. For example, if I try a drink, like it and say to my wife, 'wow this is good, try this'. If she takes a sip and likes it and says she would like one for herself I would go to the bar and PURCHASE that drink for her. If I were to use my beverage package and get another drink for my wife then in my mind that is stealing. Those are the morals and values I was taught growing up.


    I think that discussing a topic like this is good for several reasons:


    1. We're having an adult conversation without name-calling/insulting, etc., which is a plus (this wouldn't happen on other cruise boards)


    2. It allows people to evaluate what their moral stances are or if they have any moral stances for that matter


    3. It provides a brief glimpse into a section of our modern society.


    Once again my purpose of this question was NOT to rehash this topic - there is another lengthy thread and I would encourage others to post their thoughts there. I only wanted to get an "idea" of the percentages to see where people stand. I'm not making judgements about anyone, that's not my place; it's Celebrity's policy. I'm simply interested in learning more about how my fellow cruisers view this subject. :)


    Finally with regard to you question:

    will someone else's opinion impact your behaviour as it pertains to this?


    Maybe. Sometimes we do things out of habit, or because our parents did it that way...or just because. Maybe with a proper dialogue and reasoning someone may realize that just because I 'feel' this way doesn't make it right. Maybe a leopard can change it's spots? Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks?


    Maybe there's hope for the future? :cool:

  14. Seriously.... there's another thread that has beaten this topic to death.


    Move on to cruising topics. :(




    Since they offer the beverage package on the cruise then isn't this a cruising topic?


    I've been reading the responses and after 12 pages I wondered how my fellow CC readers felt - sorry but I'm a numbers guy.

  15. But I'm looking forward to Blu, Murano, AND Tuscan Grille on board Equinox in November!


    Curious about Blu...


    I know it's a restaurant that comes with Aquaclass cabins on S-class ships but is there a Blu (or equivalent) on the M-class ships?


    Also can you purchase a meal in Blu like you can with Tuscan Grille on the S-class ships? :confused:

  16. The specialty restaurants have food that is cooked a la minute and also tableside preparation. There has always been more care given to each course as well. Some of the appetizers and side dishes far outshine anything that was served in the MDR at any time. Whether one likes it or not the service has always been over the top.


    With regard to the specialty restaurants on Celebrity I totally agree with your statement.


    However with other cruise lines, in particular NCL, I would respectfully disagree.

  17. We totally agree. They need to fill their ships and we don't think they want to alienate anyone from either side of this issue.


    Not to begrudge the point but you've hit the nail on the head. Celebrity NEEDS full ships in order to profit. The question is what combination will it take to get there?


    I have nothing against formal attire but I prefer sporty casual - when talking about the Caribbean. On Med cruises it can be somewhat different due to cultural differences.


    I am against sloppy attire for any evenings period.


    What is Celebrity's target demographic group? Let's be honest boomers...so, if I were in charge (which I'm not) I'd do lots of intensive survey groups and get feedback.


    That is why, in my opinion, threads like this would be very valuable to management groups wishing to put their 'pulse' on their clientele. So it's not about do I want this or that....but WHY you select your choices.

  18. One of the arguments that I haven't read in the tux vs. business casual argument is this:


    Which looks better?


    I mean I've seen some really bad fitting tux's on people. At the same time I've seen many people, myself included, who wear a jacket, no tie, and look better than those in "formal wear". See below:




    Sorry but the "formal wear" on the left (ignore the shortness) looks like a waiter in the MDR. On the right is something I would wear, minus the jeans (dress pants) and looks better. Just like woman's formal wear today has evolved from formal wear in the past:



  19. Agree with the above, have been on both lines and was not impressed with Cagneys, no better than Outback....Celebrity's specialty restaurants are worth every penny...


    Thanks for writing that. I did Cagney's on NCL Sky and felt that it was a total waste. My local Texas Roadhouse Grill has better steaks than Cagney's and is actually less expensive as well.


    Will be on the Millenium in October and have reservations at Olympian - I hope it stacks up to the Tuscan Grille on the Equinox.

  20. I have to wonder how many women would be in favour of formal night if they actually had to wear formal wear, ie long gowns etc. vs the cocktail dresses and slacks/blouses that they refer to as dressing formal. I suspect the tone of this post may be different. Onessa referred to it in part.


    I AGREE!!!!!


    Look how women's formal wear used to be:




    compared to how it is now:



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