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Posts posted by Rocketlady

  1. We use to a long time ago have to prepay for the set and sail cards but now

    they just go with the credit card or debit.


    I only use cash in a casino though. No way am I paying any extra fees

    to get cash out for a casino. And I stay with in my limit with gambling.

    I only use credit cards.

  2. I think we all should voice our opinions about the arcades situation to RC when

    we get the surveys after our cruises or during the cruise. Some way RC should come up with a solution.


    Some kids and some adults just don't realize what they are spending. I know the cruise lines use to have a problem with college kids racking up their

    bar bills and had no way to pay for it when getting off. So the prepaid

    idea came about.


    But now they want our credit cards so we can max them out I guess.


    Thanks for letting us know more about what to do with our 11 year old

    grandson. Will let you all know how it works out in Feb.


    Now how to get him off his computers for a week. LOL

  3. been on both ships sold out. We travel in Feb. Oasis they announced 500 kids were on it but where they were at I never figured it out.


    You go on smaller ships they are sold out too so what is the big deal. It is a vacation slow down and enjoy life. Eat off hours if you want to avoid the crowds. But we never had a problem finding tables any where.


    As for the elevators after a show just walk to the middle of the ship and

    find one there. Or just sit in the show for an extra 10 mins and you will

    be able to get one. Can't figure out why everyone has to rush out first

    to wait in line. And stand there complaining when all they have to do is

    walk a little. There is always a solution but people just keep on complaining

    for no reason at all.

  4. Allure is newer than the Oasis but they are about the same of everything. Too bad you couldn't go on the Harmony of the Seas . It is coming out in 2017. It will have water slides. We sometimes don't even get off at any of the islands.

    To me it is the same thing over and over. And everything is from China. I am sure the kids would rather just stay in the pools.


    We are taking our grandson on the Oasis in Feb. so we are excited about it.

    He is 11 years old. He might not want to go with grandparents in a few short years so now is the time.


    We don't take the tours off the ship due to expense and too short of time to enjoy it any way. It is always hurry and get it done and get back to the ship.


    Have fun . Both ships are fun to be on and I hope your kids and my grandson

    will feel the same way.

  5. I have only been on the Carnival cruise and witness drunks. College kids treating the help pretty bad. I felt so bad for the help. Also I saw a 70 year old drunk with a 20 year old girl. He couldn't hardly stand up. He was making a fool of him self.



    But never have seen drunks on the RC ever. We have been on 3 times. We don't hit the bars late at night either. But I am in the casinos till 2 or 3:00. a.m. Nothing exciting there.

  6. hope RCI is reading this site. I love the casinos and hate the smoke. Ohio you can't smoke inside. Nor can you smoke in the Canadian casinos. Guess what they have no shortage of customers. I refuse to even stop in Detroit to walk around in a cloud of smoke.


    Casinos will be the last place on earth to finally stop the smoking inside. Maybe after their employees end up with second hand smoke lung cancer and sue RCI, they will wake up too.


    I could care less if smokers want to smoke. Just saying.

  7. We have booked this ship for 2017. I am happy it is leaving out of FLa. we like to cruise in Jan. or Feb. After leaving out of NJ last Feb. we will never do that again ever. We didn't even know if we could get an airplane out of NJ after the trip due to the storms.


    I don't mind being stuck in Fla due to storms in Detroit. But being stuck in N.J.

    going back to Detroit it just plain crazy.

  8. Been on the Allure, Oasis and Anthem of the Sea. We are going on the Oasis again in Feb. Love them all. We also are going on the new Harmony of the Sea in 2017.


    You mentioned you didn't like the enclosed track on the Oasis. For me I loved it. And happy to learn the Harmony of the Sea will be doing it there too. What I didn't like on the Anthem was on the top deck. It was such a waste of time to even try to get in a run or a walk. People wouldn't get off the track or even move over. These people I am sure never used a track and could care less for the ones who take exercising seriously. I wasn't rude but some did get fed up with it. Having the track on the 5th floor was perfect. You still get the people who have never used the track and don't know the rules. But by the end of the week they got educated enough that all could enjoy it.


    The gym on the Anthem of the Seas was perfect. But it was too hot in there. I am not a person who enjoys gyms anyway. Never went on the Oasis gym.


    Rest of the ship we loved it.

  9. We were on the Allure and they told us over 500 kids were on it. Where they were I have no idea. Never really saw much of them. It wasn't break for College kids or younger ones. A lot of home school kids and foreigners.


    They have every kind of music you want to listen to. Plenty of bars and dance

    halls I am sure your type of music. You won't be bored.


    We didn't like Carnival because too many drunk people. And some were in

    their 40's. I didn't see that on Allure or Oasis. They were disrespectful to

    the help which gets me so upset watching it.


    You will have a great time. Lots to do.

  10. It all might be done because of the new chip each credit card has have now.


    My husband Master card was canceled without him knowing it and they sent a new one in the mail. He threw it away thinking it was just another ad in the mail. Here it was the new card. They said it was because of the new chips they

    have to have now. So he ordered another one.


    Just a thought

  11. We have been on both Allure and Oasis. Yes, you will always find rude people

    everywhere. We only had one couple next to us on the Allure in their 40s make

    a commit about my husband and I. They didn't think we heard it but we did.


    We made a lot of friends, even ended up going with another couple on another cruise. Most spoke English . And even those who were not American spoke

    English as well. Now how many Americans can speak another language? I think we are the snobs here.


    Line cutting is rude but maybe in their country that is tradition. Just

    deal with it. Plenty of food to go around. Go when the lines are not so great.

    I sure wouldn't go to Carnival over RC.

  12. My husband can't go out on Lake Erie without getting sick every time. We have been on Oasis and allure it never bothered him. We have never been on a rough sea cruise so have no idea if that would upset him or not.



    Have fun. Just be prepared in case. It cost a fortune to buy medicine on board.

  13. Been on both. They are the same ship to us. And we loved both. We ate at the Brazilian restaurant and was very disappointed. I like the Brazilian steak houses in Ann Arbor and Las Vegas 100% better. The ship Brazilian restaurant is off our bucket list


    What I really liked about these two ships that they have a running track that

    is separated from the general public. We were on the Quantum last Feb. and

    it was really hard to use because people would just stand in the middle of it and wouldn't move for the runners or walkers. And it got everyone upset on both sides. I know some will say who cares. But it was a popular track to use.

  14. We went in Feb. of this year to NJ out of Detroit. We are from Toledo area.

    Every year we worry about just getting out of Detroit with the weather. Well,

    getting there was fine but we had awful weather in N.J. on the way home. In

    fact they didn't even know if the plane could fly due to all the ice, rain and snow. We left but 4 hours later. And we heard all the other planes were grounded for the rest of the day.


    We had two awful weather days leaving the port and two awful day coming back. If you are one to enjoy the out doors 100 percent of the time you wouldn't of liked it to lose four days of sunshine. The ship was great.


    Me, I did it once and we are never leaving out of N.J. again in Feb. It is back to Fla. for us. I want to get out of the cold weather as fast as I can . I hope not

    to be stuck in Detroit in the future. At least it is only on one end we have to worry.


    Just my 2 cents worth.

  15. stayed there once. Never ever again. Some people were paying over $200. a night. We paid around $70. Everyone was complaining on the bus ride to the ship about the hotel. So we all told each other what they charged. Bus driver was laughing because he has heard about the complaints lots of times. It wasn't the price that we were upset with. The hotel is dirty and I could write 100 other complaints.


    if You don't care what a hotel room looks like stay and save money. You get what you pay for. Anything over $70. you will be upset.


    OH, we also took a cab to a pizza rest. from the hotel. $30. one way. $20. for the pizza. turned out to be a $100. trip for a pizza that I didn't even like.

    Tips for cab and pizza place too.

  16. if your plane leaves at 3:00 you are suppose to be checked in by 1:00. renting a car would be a waste of money. Take your time getting off the ship. I think you can eat breakfast early in the morning but have to be off the ship by 10:00It is like don't let the door hit you from behind but they want you off.


    We are going to do that in Feb. Be the last to go. I think the time passes by at the airport easy. People watch and walk around. I wear a fitbit so I like to get my steps in.


    Have fun but don't miss your plane.

  17. on the Oasis 2016


    I have contacted Special Needy at Sea. They are telling me the electric wheel chair will go through a balcony room door fine. I want to know if any one has rented one and was able to have enough room to store it in the room? We didn't ask for a handicap room because the person can walk if need be but

    I am afraid she will take too long to get to one spot to another . Plus tire out .


    Do any of you have any other suggestions or ideas what to do here?

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