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Posts posted by CharmedMom

  1. Really like the FREEDOM'S Serenity area, no pool or waterfalls but 2 levels with towels, hot tubs & bar area & seating.


    And the Freedom does have an adult's only pool (with two hot tubs), however, because it is in the same area as the pizza, there would be kids running around (but they aren't allowed in the pool or hot tubs)

  2. Totally agree. Maybe it would freak some people out, but then they can get cabins higher up. I’d love it. Or even if there were a lounge below where you could see underwater. That would be cool.


    Ohhh can you imagine the things you could see? All they would need would be some underwater lights hooked up on the side of the ship below the water to make viewing the marine life easier (you could see sharks feasting, dolphins frolicking, whales doing whale things, etc).


    But since you mention a lounge, wouldn't a below the waterline (with water view) restaurant be totally awesome. Your lounge idea could be hilarious with those that had a smidge to much to drink ... LOL:D

  3. The video guy at Dunn’s River Falls did an excellent job getting the crowd hype and making it fun and interesting. After the tour was over, he wanted $50 for the DVD – I didn’t have $50 to buy it. I said no. He got mad and rolled his eyes, then walked the hell off. Then had the nerve to come back five minutes later and said, I worked hard today. I deserve a tip.

    So in other words, he wanted a $50 tip, and in exchange you would receive a DVD ... it amazes me how people on these islands just expect to be given a tip (and often times for services that weren't asked for).


    this guys asks our names and then starts carving them into these wooden figures. I’m like, what are you doing? I’m not buying those. He says, no, no, boss lady, these are my gift to you. Just take care of me and give me a good tip. RIDICULOUS.

    LOL ... I had to really laugh at this. I tend to not give people in shops like that my real name. I would've totally given that guy one of the fake names I like to use, then after he was finished carving it in the wood, would've asked what I was supposed to do with that seeing it didn't have MY name on it. SMH.


    Took a wrong turn. Saw a guy standing on the street. Said hey, which way to Atlantis if you please? You know what he said? Go right, then make a left through the shops. We said, thanks my man. Really appreciate it. You know what he said? Can I get a tip? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

    Sure ... here's your tip for the day "always carry an umbrella" ... or some crap like that (but you get my meaning)


    Thanks for the awesome review, I totally enjoyed it. Makes to look forward (maybe not entirely patiently) to my cruise in June. I will be writing a review of my own, and although I've written one before and it was received well, I hope that my review of our 8 days on the Breeze will be as well received as yours was by all. :D:cool:

  4. Ocho Rios is somewhere I would like to visit (haven't been there yet). Your excursion looked really fun (I would've loved swimming up under the waterfall and getting pictures there as well as under that turquoise water - I have an underwater housing for my Canon Cybershot camera that works wonderfully, making it so I have an underwater camera and one that can be used out of the water when not in it's housing).

  5. Looking forward to the rest of your review!


    BTW, if I'd known about Guy's Burgers and all the other 2.0 upgrades before I booked my cruise, I just might not be sailing on the Victory in June. Yeah, yeah, do your research, I know. Looks like I'll just have to book another cruise soon so I can sample on the 2.0 goodies!:D


    The burgers and fries do look absolutely yummy don't they. I wonder if you can get just an order of fries (no burger).

  6. Yes, there were lots of kids on our cruise and they do tend to, for some reason mistake the hot tubs (which I personally feel are for ADULTS) for sand boxes. However, if they get too rowdy or splashy you can simply ask them to calm down and be respectful of others. Or, if that doesn't work, just kick them under the water a few times. :eek: No, I'm just kidding. That's terrible. Insert funny story here: So, we were riding up on the elevator from the casino one night around 3am and we saw one of the comedians in the elevator. He was really cool and as we had to go from deck 5 to deck 9 where our cabin was located, we naturally had to stop on a couple of floors. Now, on one particular floor we stopped on a group of about six kiddos got on (I would say they ranged in age from about 11 to maybe 13) and were acting like they had been snorting sugar all night long I promise you. They were like screaming and laughing and jumping up and down in the elevator and my husband and I along with the comedian were all looking at each other like, seriously? Its 3 o'clock in the morning. So anyway, at one point on young man stepped on the comedian's shoe and he was like, "hey, man, yall need to calm down. Its too late for all this noise. Why don't yall head back to your room?" So the young man says, "yeah, you need to go back to your room too, you're too old to be up this late." I just about died I laughed so hard. The comedian got a little miffed and told them he was going to come and bang on their door at 7am and that shut them up for a minute. I guess he's not smarter than a fifth grader, lol!!


    Loving your review and great sense of humor. We will be on the Breeze in June (and are very much looking forward to it). Having a spouse, I can totally relate to the "child" remark you made at the beginning (only dealing with one child), although I often believe that my teenagers are better behaved.


    Love the story about the kids in the elevator. On our second cruise (on the Dream), there were a bunch of kids running around by the stairs and elevators on one of the decks (I think the Lido but am not sure anymore), I'd say they were probably about 12. They just didn't care who they ran into or in the way of. One ran past me (to close for my comfort) just as I was starting to move and tripped over my foot, and because he was running, he practically flew across the space of the floor. I knew it was my foot that he tripped over and tried hard not to laugh while he blamed each of his friends for tripping him. When we got into the elevator, I couldn't contain my laughter any longer - it truly was very funny.


    Looking forward to reading more of your review (even tho yours was a six day and ours is an eight day, I like to read about others' trip and see their pictures). :D

  7. Another idea would be to have ages divided from 13-15 and then 16-19. It's not uncommon for a 16 year old girl to date a 19 year old guy. I'm in my 20's, harmless, and still enjoy shooting hoops, shooting the breeze, or talking sports with teens, male or female.


    I agree that a 16 y/o dating a 19 y/o isn't an issue (although there are so many parents out there that are sue happy that they will press charges against this 19 y/o and give them a sexual offender record for the rest of their lives - and most these parents that do this, I can guarantee are those that dated well above their age group). Now I will admit, I have a 15 y/o daughter (she will be 16 in June, and will have just finished her Sophomore year of high school) - I do not want her dating a 19 y/o (not not, not at 16 ... at 17 maybe). She also finds the teen club lame and boring. She will usually go in for ONE or TWO activities a day (usually one around lunch and one after dinner), then she spends the rest of her day hanging out with me - she really hates it at the teen club, she says the activities planned are things that middle school kids would do, and half the time whatever is scheduled isn't what is done - usually the kids sit in their little cliques and chat or make out with each other (yes folks, I said it ... when the counselor decides to just let the kids do whatever and isn't around, the kids are making out with each other ... it really is like high school at these clubs).


    I have a son who is 18 (he is in his Senior year of high school - turned 18 in December). We will be cruising in June, so of course he won't be able to go into the club. For him, he is perfectly ok with this ... he refused to go in to the club last year or the year before because he said the activities were "lame" and it was boring in the club - he found people to hang out with on the ship, and they hung out around the ship together not going into the lame activity club. Now I have read from John Heald that Carnival is working on putting something together for the age group of 18-20 since it seems to be the age group that is "left behind". I don't think there will be something as early as our cruise, but it's a good idea all the same. I have also read on other threads that sometimes the ships will take one of the night clubs and during a couple of hours each night it will be set up for this age group specifically (under 18 can't get in nor can 21 and up). I told my son about this possibility and he said "if there are hot girls in there I'll go, otherwise, forget it". I laughed at this.


    As for the ID issue at an adult club. I don't know. Last cruise (my son was 17-1/2) he went to the adult comedy show (not with us, with a friend of his). Neither were asked for their ID. I'm sure some of you are going to have words for me, but seriously, those comedians aren't talking any different than kids do at school, or a Rated R movie (which at 17, you are old enough to get in to).

  8. It seems as tho the June 22, 2013 cruise is the first for that exact itinerary (I will be on this itinerary on June 22nd and I can email them to you ... but you'll have to 1. give me your email address, and 2. wait for me to go on the cruise first - I will be writing a review for this cruise as well).


    From looking at the Carnival web site it looks like the first sailing for the Grand Turk, San Juan, Tortola, St. Thomas itinerary on the Breeze is in June, so you probably won't find them until then.


    I had already said this in post number 455 ... but requoted it here for you.

  9. I am looking for the Fun Times for 8-Day Breeze sailing with stops in Grand Turk, San Juan, Tortola and St. Thomas. Has anyone seen a copy of these Fun Times? Thanks in advance.


    It seems as tho the June 22, 2013 cruise is the first for that exact itinerary (I will be on this itinerary on June 22nd and I can email them to you ... but you'll have to 1. give me your email address, and 2. wait for me to go on the cruise first - I will be writing a review for this cruise as well).

  10. Looking at your pictures really makes my mouth water and makes me excited to see the Breeze myself. I really like how the Lido deck (Marketplace) looks, and the signs that tell you which station is which is awesome.


    In June when we go on our cruise, I will be the adult standing under the dump bucket at the waterworks (I love standing, and often times sitting, under the dump bucket), I'll probably go on the slide one or two times (hopefully my tailbone won't be hurting still - back in June we went to a small waterpark in Aruba and I landed on the edge of a slide while trying to shoot myself down it, and six months later my tailbone is still in agony, so I think just a few times down will satisfy me - plus those stairs tend to be a killer too).

  11. There are 2 outlets under the mirror, HOWEVER; there is one European spec (220V) and one North American spec (120V). The 120V is just like a common household outlet that can accept 2 power cords.


    The card slot controls all the lights in the room, including the bathroom.


    See my cabin video in my sig below.


    Thank you for the video - it was very nice.


    And thanks to everyone for the answers to my questions. :)

  12. Does anyone have a current fun times to share? Also, does anyone know what movies are playing in the 5D theatre? Thanks!


    I believe I read somewhere that the movies are Happy Feet, Spongebob, Polar Express, Speed Racer, Madagascar, and some nature thing (they are each only like 20-25 minute shorts especially made for this theater type).


    I can't help you with the Fun Times, our cruise isn't till June (I will probably ask around for a set with the same itinerary that we are going on closer to our cruise date).

  13. I heard somewhere that there are two outlets in the rooms on the Breeze instead of just the one like on other ships, does anyone know if this is true?


    Also I have a question about the lights - I've learned (on here) that the lights are controlled with a card slot thing ... is there a separate one for the cabin and the bathroom, or is it just one slot that controls the lights and the cabin at the same time (like when the lights are on in the cabin they are also on in the bathroom, so when the lights are turned off in the cabin so are the ones in the bathroom?). I ask because we have learned that by leaving the bathroom light on with the door closed at night it provides just enough light (from what shines under the door) to get around the room without tripping over everything ... often times a nightlight is just to bright (but if everything comes on and goes off at the same time, we will have to try to find a dim nightlight).

  14. This was a fabulous thread - I plan to keep following it. I read all 21 pages and got lots of good information (especially the card slot for the lights - I had no idea about that). We cruise on the Breeze in June (heading to St. Thomas, Grand Turk, Tortola and San Juan), I'm sure closer to our cruise date, I will ask around for some Fun Times for our itinerary. And will probably do a review of my own.

  15. I don't know if this is something anyone will find useful, but I did it on our last cruise and will do it again in June (our family found it extremely useful). I bought some wet erase markers (or also called chalk markers) and on one of the mirrors, I wrote out what we had planned (time, event, where). I would look through the Fun Times the night prior, and write out our "schedule" - that way if we split up, one would just have to go to the room and see where the others are. Just let your steward know that you will be writing on the mirrors and and not to erase it and will have it cleaned up for them at the end of the cruise.

  16. We have gone on two cruises (are getting ready to go on our third in twelve days) - my husband and I both need a fan (I need it for the noise, and hubby needs it blowing in his face for his breathing issues). We have taken a fan on both times (and will again) as well as an extension cord. We put it in checked luggage the first time and carry on the second time (it will go in checked luggage this third time). And we've never had a problem.

  17. I never once said the blind shouldn't cruise, all I asked was what benefit did they get out of it ... honestly, I didn't think there should've been anything wrong with the question, but I guess it's wrong to ask because where I'm being called ignorant, dumb and rude - I guess I could say the same about those that felt it "cool" to call me those things. I was asking a question (because maybe someone here knows someone that is blind and knows the answer, but whatever ... excuse me for asking a question). :(

  18. I don't know if you are seriously asking or not however I find your post a bit offensive.


    Thankfully the ADA disagrees with you and someone's need for a service animal trumps anyone's allergies. While i realize some allergies can be severe, you can avoid the dog if necessary. No public place can refuse to allow someone in due to a service animal.


    Ah well ... the ADA is an American organization, so technically Carnival can refuse the use of ANY service animal.


    And technically it was a rhetorical question!! If you found my post offensive, you apparently found loads of others on here just as offensive <shrug>

  19. Today on John Heald's blog, someone asked a question about bringing her Maltese on board. She said he is a service dog for her sleep apnea.


    I'm not trying to start a fire here, but I'm genuinely curious. I have been a respiratory therapist for 30 years and have worked with hundreds of people who have sleep apnea. I've never heard of a service dog for this and wonder how one could possibly be useful for this condition. Anyone out there with sleep apnea who could offer some insight on this?


    I also have sleep apnea and have wondered about this as well because I was NEVER offered a service dog for my problem






    I thought about that also, but the nature of sleep apnea is that the person stops breathing continually, sometimes dozens of times per hour -- more than once a minute. The dog would be barking all night long! In that case, I sure hope I won't be in the cabin next to her. :eek:


    If you stop breathing during the day (falling asleep) it isn't called sleep apnea, it's called narcolepsy - bit difference, I know somebody that is narcoleptic


    Not to lecture you but over time sleep apnea can cause serious health issues including heart attacks. When you constantly stop breathing, even for just a few seconds, over time it begins to affect your cardiovascular system. My hubby initially struggled to get used to the mask but now he wont go without it. I would continue to try to use the cpap, eventually you will adjust.


    I thought I had read that service animals were not allowed to be left in the room unattended? Maybe that's why she is asking about the mdr?


    I flat out refuse to do a CPAP machine ... I stop breathing often (according to the study that was done, my sleep apnea is really bad - but then again I have a strange heart rhythm when I sleep as well). I now take Lunesta - it helps me sleep well, and it has helped to cut down the number of times I stop breathing by a large number.


    I'm all for service animals if they are really needed, but ships and planes don't serve peanuts because some people have a bad allergy to nuts - well, some people have a bad allergy to pet dander and shouldn't have to risk their lives because people bringing their service animals onto a ship. Sure, people with service animals are entitled to a vacation, but should their vacation interfere with the health of others? I don't think so. AND ... because I believe that the only service animal that should be allowed in public places is that of a seeing eye dog (for the BLIND), but then that raises questions ... what benefit does a blind person have going on a cruise ship? They can feel the wind, feel the suns rays and heat, smell the food and the ocean - but what are they seeing (not to be rude), but they aren't seeing these other countries or a sunset/sunrise. And because this seeing eye dog doesn't have regular place to go (you know ... poo), do they just go wherever and then the blind people either step in it because they didn't know it was there (or another passenger does). Just my opinion here (something I don't understand).

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