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Posts posted by Travelanni

  1. If a cruise leaves out of Warnemunde, where do you fly into?



    As Danish Viking says, Berlin or Hamburg. Both have excellent train connections with Rostock and thence to Warnemünde. Some cruise lines have a shuttle from Rostock Hbf. to the ship, Aida for sure but I am not sure which others. It is worth enquiring.


    Rostock-Laage is a very small, domestic airport shared with the military.


    Happy cruising :)



  2. Hello Anni


    We dock in Warnemunde on the 17.6.2014 0900- 2200 and I would like to visit Schwerin Castle - then visit Rostock on the way back and then finally visit Warnemunde - where we will be nearer to the boat for our sailing at 2200 hours.


    Could you let me know the trains I need for this journey and what best to see and do on the day. We are reasonable walkers.

    many thanks


    Her Indoors


    Hi Barbara, just love your 'monika' Takes a fellow Minder fan to get the reference.

    Unfortunately, due to your late docking time the first train you could catch to Schwerin would be the 11:07 from Rostock arriving Schwerin at 12:03. You need at least 3-4 hours in Schwerin.

    There is information on how to get to the Castle on my web site. The walk takes you past all the main places of interest. The tour of the inside of the Castle is well worth the time.


    Trains depart Schwerin 15:53-arr. Rostock 16:51 and 17:02-arr. 18:01. The tram journey from Rostock Hbf into the city takes about 10mins.

    NB. The Mecklenburg Lander ticket is not valid on the trams. Tram tickets are available from machines on the platform or on the tram. The touch screen has an English option. 2 hours should suffice in Rostock as the museums etc close at 18:00 although most shops are open until 20:00. From 17:00 onwards trains to Warnemünde depart every 15 mins from the Hbf.

    Assuming you are off the ship by 9:30 you could spend about 45 mins looking around Warnemünde before catching the s-bahn for Rostock at 10:33, just in case you run out of time in the evening


    Happy cruising :)



  3. Anni, thank you so much. This is exactly what we needed. We appreciate your being so specific about each detail as it really provides us with a feeling of confidence that we are handling things correctly. You provide a valuable service here on Cruise Critic.


    One more question, is the transfer at Rostock an easy one with luggage? We will not be loaded down with bags but will be carrying one suitcase each and probably one carryon.[/quote


    Thank you for your appreciation.


    The transfer at Rostock station is very easy. All platforms have elevators.

    Take the elevator down to the main concourse, level -1.

    The indicator boards showing the times of the next few trains and the departure platforms are on the walls half-way along on either side.

    Take the appropriate elevator, they are clearly numbered, to the platform, level 0.

    Check with the overhead indicator board on the platform.


    The walk between Warnemünde station and berth P8 is only about 500m but does involve steps and a subway. There are always taxis waiting, to the left of the platforms just before the bridge, if required.


    Happy cruising, :)



  4. Anni, We are trying to figure out our train trip from Berlin HBF to Warnemunde on July 9th and return on July 20th. From what I can see we will want to take the RE from Berlin to Rostock and the S-Bahn from Rostock to Warnemunde. Can all of these tickets be purchased together at the same website or should we purchase them when we arrive at the station. Also, are there any discounted tickets that we might use for these dates? Any help you can provide will be appreciated as we are finding this to be very confusing. Thanks.


    Oops, my use of language may have added to the confusion :confused:

    Description of the Ostee Ticket should read:-

    Specifically for travel from a major city to the Baltic Coast, as long as the outward and return journeys are purchased at the same time.

    Seats cannot be booked on an RE


    Sorry about that :o


  5. Hi Anni

    My husband and I are on the Royal Princess Baltic cruise departing from Warnemunde on Sunday, July 20/14. We are staying in Berlin pre and post cruise. I have asked our travel agent to look into trains to and from the port. She suggested taking a cab from Rostock to the port-but your advice on other posts has been to take the train from Rostock to Warnemunde-what are your thoughts? Also, since we are travelling on a Sunday, should we reserve our seats on the trip from Berlin? Finally, is there any price reduction for buying our train tickets for both pre and post cruise travel well in advance? Thanks for your help!



    I have received some new information regarding train tickets to/from Warnemünde. Please see my previous post (#65)

    Happy cruising, :)


  6. Anni, We are trying to figure out our train trip from Berlin HBF to Warnemunde on July 9th and return on July 20th. From what I can see we will want to take the RE from Berlin to Rostock and the S-Bahn from Rostock to Warnemunde. Can all of these tickets be purchased together at the same website or should we purchase them when we arrive at the station. Also, are there any discounted tickets that we might use for these dates? Any help you can provide will be appreciated as we are finding this to be very confusing. Thanks.


    Hi, only one ticket is required for the whole return journey although you change trains in Rostock.

    A new ticket, the Ostsee Ticket is on offer this summer. Specifically for travel from a major city to the Baltic Coast, as long as the outward and return journeys are booked at the same time. It is fully flexible and can be exchanged or refunded. Excellent value at 88 euro for two travellers as the standard fare is 80.80 euro each.

    The Ostsee ticket can be purchased on-line or at the station.

    For your dates it will be available on-line after 20th April at http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query2.exe/en

    Just fill in the details as follows:-

    Start; Berlin Hbf

    Destination; Warnemünde

    Date and time; earliest time at which you wish to depart on each day.

    Travellers; 2

    Hit search. Choose a train with only 1 change and hit 'return journey'.

    Purchase any 88 euro ticket. Although the ticket will show times it is flexible and you can use it on any train on this route. (DB conditions quote - Fully flexible (not bound to a specific train / not dependent on the connection indicated on the selected route).

    Hope this clears the confusion.


    Happy cruising :)


    www.travelanni.webs com

  7. Hi Anni,


    First time poster but have followed reviews at cruisecritic for a while, read many of your helpful messages about touring NE Germany and visited your web site. Thanks a lot for all the useful info.


    Our group of 2 couples will make a port call at Warnemünde on June 7th, Saturday. The ship will be docked at LP31 from 7:30 to 22:00. Based on the information from your web site and messages, our tentative plan is like below. It is the first time we visit this area so we would like to get some feedback and answer for some questions.

    • To take S-Bahn train at 8:33 from Warnemünde to arrive at Rostock Hbf on platform 6 at 8:54.
    • To transfer to RE train on platform 7 at 9:07 to arrive at Schwerin Hbf at 10:03.
    • To walk along the lake, pedestrian street, the Schwerin Cathedral to arrive at the Tourist Info Center/Town Hall to take the daily guided walking tour from 11:00 to 12:30 for € 5.50 per person.
    • To spend some time after the walking tour in the palace ground, garden and have lunch at the Orangery Cafe/Restaurant.
    • To walk back toward Schwerin Hbf, probably with some shopping along the way, to catch the RE train at 15:53 and arrive at Rostock on platform 7 at 16:51.
    • To catch the S-Bahn train at 17:03 on platform 1 to arrive at Warnemünde at 17:24.
    • To take a stroll in Warnemünde near the ship (beach/shops?) either before or after having dinner back on the ship.

    My questions:

    • Does the above sound reasonable? We are in reasonably good health and physical condition.
    • Should any thing (must-see, must-do) be added, in Schwerin or Warnemünde?
    • Is the time allocated for Schwerin enough (roughly between 10am and 4pm), or should we catch a return train 2 hours later?
    • Anything you can recommend at the Orangery Cafe/Restaurant? We are interested to try German food/drink.
    • I got the impression before that the train station at Warnemünde is right next to the cruise ship terminal. Now that I learned that our ship will dock at LP31 instead, is the train station still easily reachable?
    • As I understand, since it is on a Saturday, the 4 of us can get Länder Ticket for € 34.00 which is good even for the s-bahn ride before 9:00. Is it easy to buy such ticket at the Warnemünde train station, or should I buy on-line before hand. I would hate to get into a situation where I have to read instructions on the ticket machine (hopefully with English instruction) with a queue formed behind me. Any special requirement for using credit card if we buy the ticket at the train station?

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, thank you for your appreciation.

    Oh how I hate to pour cold water on what would have been a perfect plan except for two things.

    Berth LP31 is not at the Warnemünde Cruise Terminal but in the Seehafen, the Commercial Port of Rostock, further up the river on the opposite side, and your port day is Saturday..

    Unfortunately there is no longer a train service from the Seehafen to Rostock and the bus service to the nearest train station is poor on weekends.

    This leaves you with two alternatives to get to Rostock Hbf for the 9:07 train.

    1.Some cruise ships run a shuttle to the nearest station, Lütten Klein, where you can pick up your planned train to Rostock or a bus to Rostock City, dropping passengers for the Schwerin train at the Hbf. It would be worth enquiring if your ship does this.

    2.Take a taxi to Rostock Hbf. With four people sharing it should work out quite reasonable. There are always taxis waiting at the berth or at the ferry terminal a few minutes walk away.

    Of the two I would personally opt for the taxi so as to be in control of the time of arrival at the station. I have been told that the buses wait to fill so timing is flexible. Also, some ships charge for the shuttle and for four people a taxi is actually cheaper!


    The rest of your planned day is perfect, until you get back to Rostock Hbf! I think the time allotted for Schwerin is enough but of course if you visit Warnemünde in the evening you have to get back to the Seehafen. Once again the options are a shuttle bus if there is one, or a taxi, or the s-bahn to Lütten Klein and a #45 bus at 21mins past the hour (last departure 19:21) to the Seehafen.


    If you opt to stay longer in Schwerin and go straight back to the ship simply take the s-bahn from Rostock Hbf towards Warnemünde, get off in Lütten Klein and take the #45 bus as above or take a taxi from the Hbf.


    I can't give you any specific suggestions for the Orangery Cafe but they have an extensive menu so I'm sure you will find something to suit. You can always ask the waiter to suggest a local dish, most of them speak English.


    You are quite correct about the Länder-Tickets. I would advise to buy in advance on-line, see my web site for how-to details. I have the same fear as you re holding up the queue but even worse you could miss the train. Credit cards can be a bit difficult too, in most machines you require both chip and pin.


    I hope that this has not put you off. The plan is still very doable, just the start and finish of the day are a bit fiddly. Cruise ships do not very often need to use LP31, only when there are three large ships on the same day. NCL should have made it clear that the berth was not in Warnemünde so that passengers can plan accordingly, they have known for at least 6 months. But then they still persist in advertising this port as 'Berlin' and seem to be interested, like most other lines, only in passengers who take their own shore excursions.


    Happy cruising :)



  8. I went to the Molli RR site and the information on fares and schedules was from 2009. I tried using the email link and got a message that it was undeliverable. Is there a new website or is it another problem? Thanks.


    Hi, the site in English has not been updated since 2009 but, according to both the German version and the DB timetable, the schedule has not changed. This is because the Molli is timed to connect with the DB trains to and from Rostock.

    In summer the Molli departs Bad Doberan every hour at 8:36, 9:36 etc. 10 mins after the arrival of the Rostock train and departs Kühlungsborn at 9:35, 10:35 etc. up to 17:35, arriving Bad Doberan 10 mins before the departure of the DB train to Rostock.


    The Molli's German sites, which have been updated.




    Happy cruising :)



  9. Hello Anni,


    Yes i realized this after posting on your thread. We are actually spending 3 days pre cruise in Berlin and have bought tickets from Berlin to Amsterdam the day before our embarkation. The Bahn db ticket is from Berlin to Amsterdam and its non refundable, im looking to change our route to pass through Munster and spend a few hours at the museum before continuing on to Amsterdam. Can this be done, or do i hv to get new tockets for this?


    Another option is to use one day of our stay in Berlin to visit Munster but i would rather use our travel day to do this. Thanks for all your help.





    Without knowing exactly which ticket you have bought I cannot be sure of the answer to the first question. If it is a Europa-Spezial for nominated trains then it probably can be changed or refunded at a ticket office but within a time limit and at a cost.


    The journey from Berlin to Amsterdam via Munster is very complicated. Total journey time is around 10 hours involving 4-6 changes! I would not want to try it with luggage.


    From Berlin direct to Munster the journey time is around 3 hours with 2 changes. Trains depart Berlin every 2 hours.

    The museum is about a 15min walk from the station and is closed Mondays.


    Happy cruising, :)



  10. Thank you for your advice. Do I understand correctly, the bus #119 goes from Kuhlungsborn to Warnemunde ? If so what website do I see a time schedule with stops? That could be our best option.

    Hi, OOps. Slight mistake here. :confused:


    Bus #119 does not run through to Kühlungsborn. It connects with the #121 in Bad Doberan bus station. Same on the return journey. Every hour the #121 from Kühlungsborn connects in Bad Doberan with the #119.

    The timetable for the #121 which shows the connection to the #119 can be found at



    If you have the time to spare you could take the #121 from Kühlungsborn all the way to Rostock Hbf. and the s-bahn back to Warnemünde . It is an interesting ride as, after the scenic countryside, it passes through the Brisbane north-side suburbs. You travel from the architecture of the 1980's GDR back through the ages to to the Medieval city. The different eras of building are quite obvious. One of my favourite trips.


    Sorry about the mistake. :o


    Happy cruising, :)



  11. Hi Anni,


    It is wonderful to read all your advice on CC and your website. You have helped a lot of people. Thank you for that.


    We will be arriving at 9:30 am on a Tuesday and want a leisure day visiting the seaside resort areas. We want to take the Molli steam train to do this. I have looked into the bus 119 and train schedules but find we waste time waiting/rushing to meet their schedules. My thoughts to have this a more relaxing day would be to catch a taxi from the cruise port to Bad Doberan and catch the 10:30 Molli to start our journey. I realize Heiligendamm is very small and getting off the Molli would mean waiting an hour for the next, is there a bus that might be an option to take from there to Kuhlungsborn? We have then considered taking a taxi back to Warnemunde from Kuhlungsborn eliminating the return trip on the Molli.


    Are taxi easily gotten in either locations, Warnemunde cruise port and Kuhlungsborn ?


    What would your advice be for this day?


    Also if it isn't a nice day weather wise, what alternative would you suggest?


    Hi, thank you for your appreciation.


    A taxi from Warnemünde to Bad Doberan would not be a problem. There are usually taxis at the cruise terminal and the railway station. The trip would take around 25 mins. These taxis are obliged to abide by the local tariff regulations, see


    Bad Doberan is just outside the Rostock area but I believe this tariff applies, if so then the cost would be approx. 25 euro.


    It is not difficult to spend an hour in Heiligendam. By the time you have walked from the station through the woods to the promenade, strolled the length of the front and walked back again it will be time for the next train. This is the one place when you can see both trains together as Heiligendam is the crossover point on a single track. Great photo opportunities!


    The #119 bus runs through Heiligendam to Kühlungsborn but I don't know if the timetable would suit any better than that of the Molli. The bus stop is quite close to the station.


    A taxi from Kühlungsborn back to Warnemünde is, however, a different matter. It is right outside the Rostock area, 33k or about 55mins from Warnemünde so the driver does not have to stick to the above regulations. The tariff would probably be higher as he would be away from base for two hours with very little prospect of a return fare. For this trip I doubt if you could just pick up a taxi on the street so it would be advisable to book in advance and negotiate a price.


    The return trip on the #119 bus is very scenic.


    Difficult to suggest a wet weather alternative as it depends on your interests but the nearest indoor places of interest (ie museums etc.) and shops would be in Rostock. There is no one venue where you could spend an entire day.


    Happy cruising :)



  12. Hello Travellani,


    We are taking a Baltic cruise this May and will embark and disembark from Amsterdam. We would like to visit Munster for the Tank Museum there, I am thinking of taking the train from Amsterdam Central to Munster is this doable on the 1 day we are in Amsterdam?






    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the tank museum to which I presume you are referring - Deutsches Panzermuseum Munster -is in a small town halfway between Hannover and Hamburg and very difficult to reach by train from Amsterdam. The travel time is over 6 hours and involves at least 2 changes. The cheapest fare is 78 euros pp each way.

    The driving distance is approx. 445K.


    When researching it is very easy to confuse Munster and Münster, the better known city which is within easy reach of Amsterdam. The umlaut (ü) is all important here.


    Sorry if this spoils your plans :(.


    Happy cruising, :)




    PS. General information.

    When using a standard English keyboard, if the name of a German town has an umlaut (ü, ö, ä), it is important to use the form ue, oe, ae. Otherwise, if there is also a town spelled the same but without an umlaut you can get some very strange results, especially on railway timetables. :confused:

  13. Dear Anni, based on your good advice I have planned the following from Warnemunde:

    Train trip to Schwerin & Wismar using Mecklenburg Lander ticket.

    Warnemunde -> Rostock Hbf 8:17-8:37 or 8:32-8:52, Depart Rostock Hbf. 9:07 (toward Hamburg), Arrive Schwerin Hbf. 10:03, Depart Schwerin Hbf. 13:46 (or 14:46) Arrive Wismar 14:21 (15:16), Depart Wismar 16:42, Arrive Rostock Hbf 17:51. Thought is go to castle in Schwerin then quick snack & on to Wismar.


    I am thinking are we trying to do too much and do either Schwerin OR Wismar? We are in 60s/70s, active & have travelled on German trains in the past. Main focus in Schwerin is the castle & in Wismar, the churches & architecture. Ship in port until 2200.


    Like to get your thoughts on if we are trying to do too much in one day. We realize we will be tired by the end of the day but would like to do both towns if feasible.


    Thanks in advance for your thoughtful reply.



    This is an excellent plan, very feasible but of course only you know your capabilities. I would take your time to enjoy Schwerin and then carry on to Wismar if you feel able. You really need the longer time (ie 10:03 to 14:46) in Schwerin but with a sail-away time of 22:00 you could even take the 17:42 from Wismar and still be back in Warnemünde before 20:00.


    Pleased to know that my information was of help with your plans. It makes it all worthwhile.


    Happy cruising, :)



  14. Hi Anni

    My husband and I are on the Royal Princess Baltic cruise departing from Warnemunde on Sunday, July 20/14. We are staying in Berlin pre and post cruise. I have asked our travel agent to look into trains to and from the port. She suggested taking a cab from Rostock to the port-but your advice on other posts has been to take the train from Rostock to Warnemunde-what are your thoughts? Also, since we are travelling on a Sunday, should we reserve our seats on the trip from Berlin? Finally, is there any price reduction for buying our train tickets for both pre and post cruise travel well in advance? Thanks for your help!


    Hi, Thank you for your appreciation.

    Sorry I have given the impression that my advice is to use the s-bahn from Rostock when embarking/disembarking in Warnemünde, the intention was to give choices. Although the s-bahn is the obvious choice when visiting the port, in this case the travel agent is probably right as you will be travelling on a Sunday, with luggage, and that is the busiest day for the s-bahn. There are always plenty of taxis available at both exits from Rostock station and the fare is around 25-30 euros.


    There are only two sensible choices of train on a Sunday, the RE departing Berlin at

    8:44, 10:44, 12:44 etc to Rostock and the InterConnex departing at 10:59. direct to Warnemünde.

    There is an express train direct to Warnemünde departing Berlin at 8:16 but I would not recommend it as it is a 'summer day trip special', using old rolling-stock and always packed !!


    On the RE the best price deal is the Schones Wochenende ticket at 44 euro for up to 5 people travelling together. There is no limit on these tickets and they can be bought at any time;

    on-line at http://www.bahn.com/i/view/GBR/en/prices/germany/schoenes-wochenende-ticket.shtml

    from a machine at any station, at a ticket office or on the train (on the last two there is a surcharge of 2 euro).

    NB. Seats cannot be booked in advance on REs and the standard fare is 40.40 euro pp.


    On the InterConnex the best price is 16 euro pp. plus 3 euro booking fee per seat. Tickets can be bought on-line or on the train, there is no difference in price. The web site is, unfortunately, in German only.


    Of the two, my personal choice would be to go with the RE and buy the Schones Wochenende ticket either on-line or from the service counter at the main station while in Berlin pre-cruise, all the staff speak English. I would also tend to go with one of the later trains as the 8:44 is usually very busy in summer.

    Just a word of warning, taking the InterConnex direct to Warnemünde may still involve a short taxi ride if you have heavy luggage as, although the train station and berth P8 are quite close, the walking route (around 500m) involves a subway with quite a lot of steps.

    Happy cruising :)



  15. Hi everyone, :)


    The web site has now been updated to reflect the upgrades and new fares on the railways and the latest local transport fares. The main upgrade is the new rolling stock on the line between Rostock and Warnemünde (airconditioning, bliss!!) and the increase in frequency of the service to every 7-8 mins.


    We have also added two new towns.


    Güstrow - a good example of a small country town largely untouched by tourism and on a direct rail line from Warnemünde.

    Ludwigslust - which is easy-to-DIY and, besides being interesting and beautiful, has an important place in US WWll military history.


    Happy cruising :)



  16. Hi Anni- you gave me some great info on the trains to/from Berlin & Warnemunde.. see below: this appears:confused: on Princess's general info page .. help??? What train are they speaking of??

    I'm sure you can clarify!!!

    thanks Donnakg


    Hi. it is not you who are confused. :confused: They are mixing up two trains here and even then the facts are not right. Someone aught to be ashamed of themselves for printing such rubbish :o


    Quote from Princess


    Train Information

    There is public transport, such as the "S-Bahn" train between Warnemuende and the city of Rostock. - Correct but the train between Berlin and Rostock is the RE

    The distance from Warnemuende to the city of Rostock is 15 minutes by train - incorrect, the official DB timetable for the s-bahn says 21 mins.

    However, the distance from Berlin to Rostock is 3.5 hours - incorrect, the timetable for the RE says 2hrs. 40mins.

    and there are no luggage compartments on the train - no actual compartments but plenty of seating where there is luggage room.

    Passengers purchase tickets for the train upon arrival. There is no advance purchase for train tickets and local currency is required - not true. For the s-bahn tickets can be purchased from a machine or the ticket office using local currency or a debit card. For the Berlin train tickets can be purchased on-line, from a machine, at the ticket office or on the train.

    The train is scheduled to run every 20-25 minutes - absolutely no idea what train this is. The s-bahn runs every 15 mins (more frequently at rush hour) and the Berlin train every two hours.

    However, passengers should factor in the possibility of delays - this is true.

    Announcements onboard the train will most likely be in German only - true on the s-bahn but sometimes the announcements are in English too on the RE. Depends if the staff feel confident with their English.


    Hope this has cleared up the confusion. Sounds like this was written, as a ploy to get passengers to use their (very expensive) Berlin transfers, by the same person as the tells the lies about visas in Russia. Maybe you would like to send these corrected facts to Princess.


    Happy cruising :)





    In the couple of days since I wrote this DB has made changes.

    The s-bahn between Rostock Hbf and Warnemünde has been equipped with new trains and now runs every 7-8 mins all day.

    The travel time for the RE to Berlin has been reduced to 2hrs 21mins on the outward journey.


    DB is upgrading all the time in this area, it is hard to keep up.


    Happy cruising, :)


  17. Hi Anni- you gave me some great info on the trains to/from Berlin & Warnemunde.. see below: this appears:confused: on Princess's general info page .. help??? What train are they speaking of??

    I'm sure you can clarify!!!

    thanks Donnakg


    Hi. it is not you who are confused. :confused: They are mixing up two trains here and even then the facts are not right. Someone aught to be ashamed of themselves for printing such rubbish :o


    Quote from Princess


    Train Information

    There is public transport, such as the "S-Bahn" train between Warnemuende and the city of Rostock. - Correct but the train between Berlin and Rostock is the RE

    The distance from Warnemuende to the city of Rostock is 15 minutes by train - incorrect, the official DB timetable for the s-bahn says 21 mins.

    However, the distance from Berlin to Rostock is 3.5 hours - incorrect, the timetable for the RE says 2hrs. 40mins.

    and there are no luggage compartments on the train - no actual compartments but plenty of seating where there is luggage room.

    Passengers purchase tickets for the train upon arrival. There is no advance purchase for train tickets and local currency is required - not true. For the s-bahn tickets can be purchased from a machine or the ticket office using local currency or a debit card. For the Berlin train tickets can be purchased on-line, from a machine, at the ticket office or on the train.

    The train is scheduled to run every 20-25 minutes - absolutely no idea what train this is. The s-bahn runs every 15 mins (more frequently at rush hour) and the Berlin train every two hours.

    However, passengers should factor in the possibility of delays - this is true.

    Announcements onboard the train will most likely be in German only - true on the s-bahn but sometimes the announcements are in English too on the RE. Depends if the staff feel confident with their English.


    Hope this has cleared up the confusion. Sounds like this was written, as a ploy to get passengers to use their (very expensive) Berlin transfers, by the same person as the tells the lies about visas in Russia. Maybe you would like to send these corrected facts to Princess.


    Happy cruising :)



  18. We are planning are TA next year and will be stopping in Rotterdam. My husband would love to see/learn more about some of the engineering marvels that have been designed for surge control in The Netherlands. (He's seen the documentaries; storm surge research is one of his passions.)


    Is there a tour that caters to a niche interest like this?



    Planning to go there myself next time in Rotterdam. I found these sites of help.





    If your ship docks up beyond the gates the views from the water are pretty awesome too.


    Happy cruising :)



  19. Sehr gut! Did I get that rite?

    thanks to you both for all the info.I love u guys & Cruise Critic!!!

    If we would use Princess transfer we would have to stay on their schedule:(


    this way we can see more of Berlin @ the end of our cruise!! YAH!!


    now -- are the taxis always available to /from Rostock & cruise port?:confused:

    sorry, but I know I will need you in the future,,LOL

    thanks again --Donnakg


    Hi, thank you for your appreciation.

    There are always taxis available, they never miss a chance!

    Rostock station - outside the main northern entrance (well signed from the main concourse under the station). Warnemünde - in the parking area of the cruise terminal.

    Happy to help if you need more info. :)



  20. I am on the Connie for the Baltic's cruise May 9' date=' 2014. Not going to Berlin, but I want to do a self-tour to Schwerin or Stralsund from Warnemunde (port) via train.

    Which town should I go to?? They both look beautiful on the websites.



    Hi, it depends on what you prefer.


    Stralsund is very medieval, lots of museums etc. in very old restored buildings like warehouses and monasteries as well as the ultra-modern aquarium.


    Schwerin is more modern but has the beautiful, fairy-tale castle and many associated Baroque buildings as well as the landscape of the 7 lakes around which the city is built.


    Warnemünde - do leave enough time to stroll around this pretty little sea-side suburb of Rostock before you are due back on board. It is especially nice on a summer evening and your ship is only a 5min walk away - no stress about missing it.


    Happy cruising :)



    For more info. on all three, including how to get there by train see my web site www.travelanni.webs.com

  21. Hello-- Do I understand this correctly..???


    there are 2 trains direct, no change, from Berlin TXL airport to/ from

    Warnemunde cruise port?

    One is the ICE ? where could I find the schedules & rates?

    Another is the CONNEX? where is the info for this ?

    is one faster than the other?


    We would like to travel by train from the airport a day or 2 before Aug 22nd.2014 cruise Royal Princess.

    On the return we would like to again take the train into Berlin and stay 2 more nites.

    We will have 2 large suitcases.

    Is there baggage compartments?:confused:

    thanks Donnakg



    Sorry but there are NO direct connections between TXL and Warnemünde. We have to wait for our new airport for that, although when that will happen is anyone's guess :rolleyes:. You must first take either a bus or taxi from TXL to Berlin Hbf. (mainstation)


    The two trains you are thinking of are the InterConnex (private train company) departing Berlin Hbf at 10:59, arr Warnemünde 13:51 and the ICE (DeutscheBahn) departing Berlin Hbf 17:23, arr Warnemünde 19:45.

    Otherwise, there is an RE (DeutscheBahn) departing every two hours from 8:44 onwards, travel time to Rostock about 2hrs 40mins.. From there you can take the S-bahn or a taxi to Warnemünde.


    In the reverse direction the Connex departs Warnemünde every day at 14:07, arr Berlin Hbf. 16:58. There is an ICE on Saturday only departing Warnemünde at 8:01, arr Berlin 10:32.

    Otherwise the RE service from Rostock departs every two hours from 8:34 onwards.


    There is very little difference in the speed of the three services although the using RE would take longer as you have to change in Rostock.

    All the main-line trains are modern, comfortable, air-conditioned and have plenty of luggage space. So good in fact that 1st.class is not really worth the extra, certainly not on the ICE.


    For the InterConnex, tickets can be bought on the train or booked on-line at www.interconnex.com (all in German but easy to follow).

    For DB trains, tickets can be bought on-line at http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/en , from a machine, in the ticket office or on the train. Special fares, a considerable saving, will be available on-line from 1/6/2014 but they go fairly quickly.

    Happy cruising :)


  22. quote=AussieCruise2;42291049]Thankyou so much Anni for your detailed suggestions (pretty good for a "Banana Bender":)).

    I have put together our plans for both ports and are very happy with where and what we will be doing. I also enjoyed the extra info found in you webpage http://travelanni.webs.com/

    I posted a link to your threads on our roll call so others could better plan their days.

    Kind regards

    Geoff (WA)


    Hi, we may be Banana Benders but we do have Sand Gropers in our family too. My son-in-law and all his family are W Aussies from way back although they did see the light and emigrate en-masse to Queensland a few years ago! :rolleyes: The best thing they brought with them was their love of Aussie Rules, they converted us all to the most exciting game in the world. How I miss going to the Gabba to watch the Lions roar!

    Seriously, I'm pleased you have your plans in place and thanks for posting the link on your roll-call. Hope it helps others too.

    Enjoy your time in this part of the world, I certainly do although I know that one day Oz will call me back.

    Anni :)

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