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Posts posted by xenagurl

  1. Funny as a child I thought the same about hot dogs, hamburgers and soda, and while I still wouldn't touch the stuff as an adult I realize that different people have different tastes. I love Indian food, but if you don't I recommend not eating it. :)

  2. Thanks MJC!


    I agree if your partner isn't into a Menergue, well you can forget it. It's better to go it on your own!


    Dh isn't much of a dancer either, slowly but surely he's getting the hang of Salsa.


    Are there different speeds of Zumba classes? From the videos I've been watching they go a bit slower than I move in general when I'm freestyle dancing and I'd be interested in doing something around the same pace as what I do now. i.e. like a really fast Menengue to the song Danza Kumundo...is there anything similar to that?



    Ahhh the Hustle! :D



    xenagurl, if you like the latin dances I think you would like Zumba. It is definitely not a ballroom class, but knowing the basics of the latin dances even club style makes Zumba so much easier. Also, you can dance your heart out and not be dependent on having a good partner (a boring Merengue partner is the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned). For me, the Afro-Carribbean rhythyms are the most challenging, but I'm slowly getting better at them.


    We've been doing Addicted to You, and I'm dating myself now but we're doing the Hustle in the middle and it's so much fun. I'm having flashbacks to my high school disco days. Time to watch Saturday Night Fever again. :D DH isn't a good dancer, but I lead him through a Hustle at least once any time we have the chance to go dancing. It's all about making the girl look good anyway.;)

  3. In the span on 6 months I went on 3 cruises without the Mr. and 2 with. I think you'll find that a good percentage of solos that sail are married. Not a large percentage, but enough so that it's not odd.


    There are those that I can invite when my husband isn't available but the truth is that I really enjoy traveling alone by plane, ship, car, train or anything else and when I have the chance to go on vacation by myself I take it.


    I say, enjoy the extra 4 weeks you have available on a few different ships and buy your wife something nice from each port! :D

  4. Anita it sounds like you had a really good time this past weekend. I might have to try Zumba one of these days. I had a dance class today and simply insisted on learning more Merengue steps. We also tried the Tango. I didn't think it would suit me but after doing it at a party on Friday and trying it officially today, it was a lot of fun. ITMT I'm going to check out a few Zumba videos on YouTube.

  5. To answer the OP. I NEVER feel guilty. I live my life in a certain way so that I can do what I want. Everyone has that option. Some simply choose not to exercise it. That has nothing to do with me. One day I might live otherwise and I won't blame others for my choices.


    We're kind of DINKs. I work freelance...when I feel like it, and the rest of the time I just plan vacations. :o

  6. Regeneration pods like they have on Star Trek Voyager. The kind that 7 of 9 uses. After you've had too much booze, don't go back to your room and sleep it off, pack in some Red Bull like it's Ketracel White and simply regenerate. (My Sci-Fi geekiness is showing...please excuse)

  7. Fountains really took me by surprise. That's classy entertainment.


    Isn't it? I'd love to see it featured at the Met one of these days. ;)


    Fire and Ice was this sort of phenomenon where they started playing to no one in the Atrium Lounge (May 26 on Jewel) and wound up packing bigger venues as word spread. It was like Tina Turner was 28 again.


    Wow, that says a lot about them. I'm truly looking forward to catching their act.


    Got to say I liked Jean Pierre Parent, the comic-magician, a lot too.

    I just looked him up on YouTube and realized that DH had a chance to go to a murder mystery dinner with him and a few other performers on our first NCL cruise on the Jewel 2 years ago. Definitely a highlight of that cruise. He is funny! It seems he can dance as well





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