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Posts posted by KGSB11

  1. The formula only works for D category balcony staterooms on Oasis or Allure. The JS always has the bed near the closet and the sofa near the balcony. However, the JS on Grandeur has the closet in the entryway, so the bed does not get in the way of the closet as it does on D category Oasis/Allure staterooms.


    The only place this formula breaks down are the locations between a set of connecting rooms and a stnd-room connecting w/ a suite.


    I am in such a room in 12 days and despite all my research, I am still at a loss :rolleyes: Well, here's to being surprised! Though I've narrowed it down to one of two possibilities :D

  2. It was then when I noticed a tinny dot following us, I knew it had to be another ship. I was really curious about which ship it was so I went inside to change the lens and came back out with the zoom lens.


    He was way in the distance, it was a carnival ship. It is a good thing that it had the whale tail so I could identify the cruise line :D


    This picture is really cropped, I could not spot the ship unless I cropped the hell out of it!


    Which ship is it, no idea. I am sure a little research should yield a result.




    This is pretty cool! Although I would love to see the un-cropped version...what can I say, I grew up on "Where's Waldo?" :D


    So that is it for now, I will start writing the next section now.



    So how do you like the fisheye?




    I like the perspective the fisheye give some of the areas on the ship. Very cool! Another thanks for your efforts.


    And congratulations on your CC promotion to "Blue Ribbon" :cool:...looks like you probably got that a few days ago, but I just noticed; so sorry if it is a bit belated:p

  4. Bob can you give the page of where you found that menu? It might help me find it easier on photobucket. I was not very bright and I deleted all of the originals. I might have to go through photobucket and look there. Thank you.


    Sure...it is Post #334 on page 17.


    Please, if it is too much of a hassle, do not worry; I'm sure you have better things to worry about (Silhouette Review :)).

  5. It wasn't there? I thought I took a picture of it. Ill have to look for it once I get home.


    Can you please remind me on later on today, I might forget, just trying to catch up with a lot of threads.





    My Silhouette review is not yet out, I will be starting it in a few hours. Just trying to catch up with a few threads, I will post the link here and in my signature :)


    I went back and looked at the menu once again, and the red wine page is cut off...the next photo is of cocktails; which is what I am guessing is the next page after the wine.


    I think for your X Silhouette review, you really should consider responding more personally with those who comment...you're really lacking here:D Kidding, of course!!!!! Thanks again for all your effort. It is very much appreciated.

  6. Hello Bob,


    Well you see you kind of gave me a loaded question. I don't believe that there could ever be a perfect combination for every picture. Photography is very dynamic and therefore your pictures require different settings to be good in different situations.


    Just as an example, when I am in the day in the ship I come in and out several times of the day. If I was to leave the aperture at say 7 or 9 for outside, then inside the shutter would be too slow and the picture would most likely be blurry.


    If you don't feel secure about settings, I highly recommend that you leave your can on auto mode. Most cameras auto mode is very intelligent and does very well in most cases. Ill be honest and say that during the day time my camera remain in auto mode, I occasionally change it to manual for water features and other situations.


    At night is probably even worse because the lighting situation changes even more often. But at night it become a game of using tripod and playing with shutter speeds. At times I just rest the camera on a bench or table. I try to keep my iso at 200 and do long exposures if I have my tripod. If not then I raise the ISO to 1600 and let the camera do her job.


    Photography is game of trial an error, the good thing is that you can try as many times as you want at virtually no cost to you.


    Sorry I could not be of more help to you, but they really are no magical settings, at least that I am aware off.




    Thank you Celeste, I hope I can do an informative review just as good as this one. We are also veyr curious of how the two lines compare, we are expecting a more sedate experience in itself.


    I will be waiving goodbye :)






    You know I most likely would have never noticed that, lol. Sometimes I have a pretty bad, attention to detail lol.


    Thanks for the input. Camera settings always seem to be finicky. I was just inquiring to see if by chance there was one setting that you said "Aha...". My wife always makes fun out of me (lovingly of course :p) for taking the "same" picture 3 or 4 times to make sure the exposure is correct.


    Enjoy your cruise!

  7. Awesome review...though as many have stated - Great Pictures - not to at least mention it would be of a disservice to your review!


    Small question if you have time before your next cruise this weekend -- did you find one camera setting combination that worked best for most daylight conditions (aperture/shutter speed)? for Night photos? Or one that you didn't change often.


    I'm just trying to see if there is a good base point to start from.

  8. You can chalk that up to how much technology has improved, expanded, and taken over our lives in the two years between the Oasis and Allure.


    The kicker: I had an iPhone 5 and of course the port isn't that up to date. I blame Apple for that! Stupid design change. (I did have an adapter -that cost $40- but still...)


    Not to highjack....a mere interjection :D. that is why I try to avoid Apple at any cost. aaaaand back to our regularly scheduled programming!

  9. Ok I need everybodys input of the Holiday Inn Express Convention SE 17th Street ....


    Please let me know what everybody thinks.......







    I was just on the phone with them on Friday getting information for a pre-cruise stay in August. I ended up booking the Hyatt Place North just a block away. The reason why I went with the Hyatt Place was because the customer service I got from the phone calls was night and day between the two. The Hyatt Place has both a free shuttle to/from the airport and cruise-port while the Holiday Inn C.C. only has a free shuttle to/from the airport (the cruise shuttle costs $8). The Hyatt Place was also a few dollars less expensive.


    These are just a couple key bullet points which helped me make my decision. I hope this helps!

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