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Posts posted by algaes

  1. Attached is the letter we received in our room inviting us to join what we believe was the first offering of The Kitchen Table. Our understanding of the section under Entree meant passengers would participate in the food preparation.


    DW took a call informing her The Kitchen Table was cancelled due to lack of participation. Neither of us signed up but were called anyway.


    So Viking Star is 0 for 2 on exclusive culinary events so far with Tuscan Cooking Lesson, a ordinary excursion sign-up, and The Kitchen Table, an invite letter sign-up both flaming out from lack of participation.


    If trends continues, Viking excursions and marketing may have to brainstorm a new approach including changed pricepoints and broader sign-up appeals in order to meet the expectations of those sailing with such interests.


    All of this based on our own knowledge and not informed by developments only Viking may know about.

    Kitchen Table Invite.pdf

  2. Attached are three scans. The menu is too wide to fit scanner:


    - Appetizers and main courses (1st and 2nd columns of menu)


    - Pastas and side dishes (3rd column of menu)


    - Desserts and after dinner drinks (separate menu)


    Those tempted to order the Biscetta Fiorentina should note that early versions were intensely hot as in spice not temperature. I've heard some have ordered it tamed down. Discuss current preparation technique if you want to order the item.

    Manfredi's Appetizers and Main Courses.pdf

    Manfredi's Pastas and Sides.pdf

    Manfredi's After Dinner.pdf

  3. Cinemas are not yet available for showing movies.


    Tonight was the first movie shown on Viking Star I believe - an under the stars presentation on pool deck at 8:45 pm of 155m long Gladiator, the Russell Crowe movie.


    Movie started a few minutes late and the roof was not closed until several minutes into the movie. It was 59 degrees out with a ship's breeze so those waiting were bundled up in clothes and towels.


    Wintergarden, which has regular furniture and backs up to the pool area, is not really an option as a music track continues to play on the speakers in this space, not the movie soundtrack.


    I left about 30 minutes into the movie when Caeser dies. There were approximately 30 passengers watching the movie and some crew members standing on the periphery.


    Waiters were coming around for drink orders before and, discreetly, during the movie. Waiters also came around first with free bags of chips and later with glasses of ice water.

  4. Viking can advertise also sorts of interesting and creative tours but they don't happen if not enough people show up.


    DW was very excited about Tuscan Cooking Lesson (journey in Lucca valley, stately mansion, make your own pasta, bottle of wine...). Two days before Florence stop a letter shows up in the room stating the tour was cancelled due to lack of participation. Last sentence of notice letter begins, "We hope this will not affect your enjoyment of the cruise..."


    Not Viking's fault at all but they certainly wrap themselves in the aura of these alternative tour options in their claim to be a different kind of cruise.


    Picking a replacement tour means going to the Excursion Desk and waiting in line during the few hours it is open in AM and PM provided you are not ashore, at dinner, etc. during those hours. Also you are in the dark about offerings as the excursions info on the TV and on the myvikingjourney.com website do not reflect what is available as included tours are often not displayed.

  5. We got an invitation letter delivered to our room about the Kitchen Table in Monaco. The cost is $299 per person. I'll scan and post the letter here on April 28th after the sign-up window closes unless I hear earlier that the invite was broadly distributed on the ship.


    We're on for the 50 day cruise and don't want anyone from Viking fuming about our postings.

  6. Down doing some odds and ends and noticed a US outlet right next to the comfortable couch in the laundry room. Now I can work on notebook while waiting for a dryer. One is finished but no sign of anyone interested in removing their clothes.


    Someone much earlier this evening took a load out a dryer and dumped it on an ironing board.

  7. Attached is the Viking Star laundry service form from April 2015. Some guests complimentary service based on their room type booked. We've been entering the count of items and drawing a line thru the total or cost column. On bottom right summary we've been marking "NA". We've asked for shirts/tops and slacks on hangars. Folded items come back in a sturdy box that is reused. Our first time this sizable box came back with one pair of folded socks. We took a photo :)


    All guests can use the self-service laundries. On Deck 4, ours is three washers and three driers with free auto dispensing detergent. The washers are very efficient in extracting water and so the driers seem to be faster than the washers. I imagine the set-up on other decks is identical but I have not checked them.

    Viking Star Laundry Service List rotated.pdf

  8. We are taking the 8-8-15 trip from Bergen with a back to back to Venice. I have enjoyed and appreciated everything that has been written by the first travelers on the Star. There are two questions that I have not seen asked so I am hoping someone has the time to answer these. On the long all day 6, 8, 10 hour excursions what is the transportation like. Are you on a large bus or small shuttle, add to that what is the availability of restrooms? And are these long excursions worth the time and money. The other main question is about laundry service. DH says he doesn't like my "wasting" time in the laundry room and on other cruises we have used the whole cruise special for a laundry service, laundry and dry cleaning. Is this available? Thanks for all of the wonderful info.

    I'll scan in the laundry order form, but I'm going to post it in a higher level message of its own as I think there will be general interest in the form and instructions.

  9. 3 hr bus tour of island with ride to two overlooks. Both times there were toilets for use. The tour companies used so far have been very aware of mentioning the opportunities for making what Viking guide in China called "Happy Song".


    First overlook was of the coastal inlets and was very beautiful even in overcast lighting from cloud cover.


    Second overlook was of Mouse Island and island runway baking up to the bay. I'm only reporting that there were mumblings about the worthiness of that stop and LaGuardia's runways over water seem more dangerous to me.


    Other stops were pull-over photo opportinities for photos that naturally work better for those on the side of the bus with the complete view.


    At the first stop, we discussed with the Viking escort and local tour guide the possibility of being dropped off in town at Esplanade and leaving the tour. That way we could explore the old town and ride the Viking shuttle back to the ship. We thought it was all understood and agreed to, but alas it never happened. We were all taken back to the pier drop off where you can walk or catch the Terminal shuttle.

  10. We've been frustrated by the mini-bar not cooling our complimentary drinks to a cold U.S. temperature. With our past experience with what Europeans consider cold for drinks, we think we're stuck with lukecool soda and water. There is no temperature control in the unit and the persons servicing it each day to replace drinks make no mention of the condition.


    Yesterday I notice the bolt from the fridge lock is up and that does not stop the door from "appearing" to be closed. So I open the lock (the keys have been in the door from the beginning) and realize the door goes about 1/4-1/3 of an inch farther under the desktop. Dang, we've had the mini-fridge partially open for over 12 days.


    Close the mini-fridge up and lock it properly. Come back a few hours later and items are more than chilled - they are cold!


    A case of preconceive notions of Europe shortcircuiting the diagnosis process.

  11. Viking is mustering tour passengers in the Theatre or Torshavn where you exchange your paper excursions tickets for plastic boarding passes with a group number. The paper excursion tickets are in an envelope in your room when you first come aboard.


    When the group number is called, you follow someone ashore who turns you over to the local guide. The guide collects the plastic cards. If a bus is involved it has your group number and the guide will have a lollipop sign as they call it with your number.


    If you are planning near back to back tours with Viking, you are counting on the tour mustering, moving, beginning and ending tour on time so that you can be back on board at mustering point to check-in and begin process for second tour.


    We cancelled the AM Herculeum tour in Naples that we were combining with a included panoramic tour of Naples in the early afternoon. I'm not certain we could make both.


    Yesterday afternoon's Wine Tasting Tour got off to a rocky start when no one from Viking was at the mustering point well past the time for check-in. The paperwork was all there on a table but no staff. The check-in person who eventually arrived confused the tour time with the check-in time thus she was very late, or so she said as an excuse. The crowd standing around were very vocal about the tour not being well organized.




    I've not seen time in port realities discussed elsewhere so let me provided today's info as an example. Viking touts how their ships will spend more time in port than other cruise lines. Today we are in Corfu until departure at 11 PM with all aboard at 10:30 - nice. However, the last free Viking shuttle leaves the Old Town at 8:45pm. You can certainly pay a taxi after that time to get to ship; Rick Steves latest book says you'll pay 10 euros flat. Or you can walk the distance from your dinner or whatever back to the ship to enjoy the time between 8:45 and 10:30, which I figure to be 1.5+ miles.


    We'll see what time the German TUI Cruises ship departs as it was tied up and disembarking passengers before Viking Star today.

  12. Just the facts - you decide if it is worth the $69 per person charge plus driver & guide tips.


    45 minute bus ride south along coast then into countryside. If you like riding the edge of cliffs sit on the right side of the bus. Often beautiful scenic views while along the shoreline.


    Arrive at small vineyard with modest fields (5 hectares or 12.5 acres) and a two story building. Vines are just budding now so nothing much to see there.


    Gentle walk from bus through field up to lawn area where owner welcomes you to his property. You follow him into the building and into an L shaped room where you are invited to sit around the perimeter while stands in the intersection.


    Owner talks about his wines and vineyard while guide translates. Glasses are set out for each guest and a decent but not generous pour of his award winning Malvasia if provided. Family brings out slices of bread with cheese offered to each guest. As owner keeps talking many drink their wine and eat the appetizer. When many are done, owner then offers a toast where many have empty glasses. Owner starts to do refills while Mama starts collecting glasses - who's in charge here :)


    Glasses are collected and replaced with new glasses where their Prosek is poured, again a decent pour for a sweet wine almost brandy (I don't drink - I'm reporting what I overheard). Family comes around with a simple dessert cake Mama baked and everyone gets a slice to eat with fingers.


    Talk winding down so time for any questions. If not feel free to wander the property for photos, there's an immaculate bathroom around the corner of the building; one for women, one for men. In an alcove, family is selling Prosek bottles. Overheard nearly heated questioning about why the Malvasia was not not available.


    Walk to bus around back and 45 minute drive back to ship. Arrive back at around 3 hours total.

  13. One caution is some seafood items on restaurant menus, not including World Cafe it seems, are prepared as boiled fish. They are labelled as such and were a disappointment to DW who thought the fish we overdone to her tastes. She even sent a salmon dish back asking for one less cooked and the second was still overcooked for her. Often there are no sauces accompanying the prepared fish but then none were mentioned. The fish is being prepared and served exactly as described; DW is just swimming against the flow so to speak.


    The chefs/cooks also seem to favor beef prepared on the barely medium to rare side. Last night I ordered a steak medium well and it was cooked well done or more. I went up a notch as a medium steak at a prior dinner was barely cooked.


    Appetizers and side dishes have come well prepared and at appropriate temperatures.


    There's a rumor that Viking increased the passenger load at Venice having left Istanbul with unoccupied cabins. I can believe it as the Restaurant was a mad house with early diners filling every table. We came at 7:30 and between 8:15 and 8:30 it seems more than half the diners finished and left. That might have something to do with why our dishes came out so slowly.


    I left at 9 to save seats for the 9:30 show. Our table was just ordering desserts then, 1.5 hours into the dinner. FYI we were dining with a big cheese from ship's personnel and that made no difference in service level.

  14. Wow, next time I use the word "may" I'll put it in bold and underline it. I thought I allowed for the fact that there are very fit persons of all ages on this cruise and in life generally.


    I learned tonight that Venice was a tough learning experience for Viking excursion and ship personnel. Part of the difficulties were limitations on what the ship can do for its passengers and what needs to be done by Italian personnel. What we experienced might not be the experience of future passengers, especially if Viking can work out docking at San Basilio, its preferred option.


    The walking tour on Split was fascinating and easy to manage as long a passenger can negotiate some "ancient" steps up and down. They can be slippery, are of uneven heights and much taller than standardized steps we encounter in U.S.

  15. The first example of this I want to post is the bathtub drain for tubs in Explorer Suite.


    DW filled tub to take a bath after a arduous walking day and we could not get the bathtub drain plug to come up. Plus in sinks are depress to close and press lightly to pop up. Tub drain plus looks the same but will not pop. So we put in a repair order.


    Today the plumber's come by and show us it worked all the time but was fantastic design. What looks to our American eye as shiny cap over the water overflow point at front of tub is actually dual purpose. Yes it acts as protection from water overflow but the cap actually turns left and right to raise and lower the plug.

  16. We usually eat World Cafe during the last half hour when things are less frantic. I saw someone today ask for a English muffin at the egg counter and they provided him one from the cooking stations. At the table we were also discussing we've yet to see ENgliah muffins or bagels at the bread station and this is 12th morning on the cruise.

  17. Among passengers I have talked to, many mention Viking is too generous in rating the difficulty of excursions. If you are 55 or under and relatively fit you will have no problems. If you are older, you may have difficulty with the walking on tours at least those in the Istanbul to Venice leg.


    For example, we were on the Evening Concert in Venice tour that required walking approx 3/4 mile on Venice cobblestone streets while crossing 3 small bridges, one medium size bridge and one bridge crossing the Grand Canal. Aside from walking ability, many of the women were well dressed including wearing heels of all types. At the conclusion of the night, the same walk back was done this time around 11pm with shop lights turned off so the streets were darker and seeing your footing was less easy. We heard the guide mention water taxis when the concert was wrapping up and when we got back to the shuttle boat indeed about 30 attendees were missing.


    On bus tours, there is often substantial walking up hill from bus parking sometimes on uneven surfaces to get to level walking ground.


    Pula was a cinch for walking as long as you did not want to do the steps in the Amphitheater.

  18. I should have said that corned beef hash is on the breakfast door hanger menu. It's the one that you have to put out by 11PM to have breakfast delivered to your room. I consider that a room service menu but you are right that it is not on THE room service menu. Sorry for the confusion. And I think every room type gets the same room service choices.

    The breakfast room service menu has been scanned and posted in menus board I started.


    As a side note, I've yet to hear of a single service or option onboard that varied based on room category. Certainly there are differences in booking opportunities before cruising, but once onboard it seems to be a level playing field good and bad.

  19. Attached is the room service menu for breakfast only. Says have it hanging on door by 11pm the night before but we put one out at 11:50pm and had no problems the next day.


    Poopsa, in our experience Manfredi's picked up business and became more crowded as a cruise went on. Some dining companions reported Chef's Table was less active as cruise went on. That could a function of more difficulty drawing repeat business until menu changes or passengers opting out as we did because offered menu not suitable to taste. There is a rumor I can not confirm that Chef's Table would be alternating between two menus. That may have been an inference from someone seeing one menu one day and a different menu the next day not realizing a nine day cycle had ended.

    Breakfast Room Service Menu.pdf

  20. Attached is the next Chef's Table menu. Again, this will be the fixed food and wine pairings for 9 nights starting Apr 20th. I'll track down the next iteration once it is printed. I have no idea how many menus comprise a cycle before returning to menu 1 or whether they are even planning a cycle.


    I'll track down a breakfast room service menu and scan it. We ordered room service last night and the cabin crew are hit or miss on placing a new one in the room. This morning it was a miss.


    Same with mini-fridge servicing. No rhyme or reason on replacement of items used or when in the day the servicing happens so we can't tell if the beverage service has happened.

    Chefs Table Menu 2.pdf

  21. Hi. Question: Is there one of those strings that you can pull across the shower to put wet things on?


    My packing list has worked pretty well for me over the years, and I seldom have to add or subtract anything. This year, however, since we're going to Venice pre-cruise and it's not the easiest place to navigate with luggage, I added something. It's a swivel suitcase that's easier to drag around compared to the non-swivel type I've used in the past. I'm not sure it will make much of a difference in Venice on cobblestones, but it certainly can't be worse than what I had before, which was clumsy for making quick turns, getting on elevators, etc.

    I'll answer this for Explorer Suite 2 bathrooms, there is a line to pull across for hanging things in the shower area. However rather than straight across to an opposite wall it pulls diagonally across a corner so the total length is 34".


    For a hoot you can take a swimsuit or other small wet item to the spa and use the water extractor in the changing room. It is built into the counter and you stuff the item upside down into a cylinder with holes and pull down a lid to seal. It then evidently spins like mad.

  22. Tenders pulled into a small dock very near the Amphiteater (Pula Arena). Nearest town area I would approximate to be Titov Park.


    The Pula situation was strange starting with the onboard announcement. There were modest winds all through the day but no substantial chop either inside our outside the breakwater. The breakwater itself is strange because sections seem to be missing or are submerged.


    Last tender was at 5:30 for passengers and the ship got underway around 6:15. Sunset was not until 7:54 according to ship's daily newsletter so tenders were stopped 2+ hours before sunset.


    In any case, as mentioned in other postings, contradicting the harbormaster's advice would not be prudent.

  23. Three washer-dryer sets in the room. My wife stayed up doing laundry last night. Some people get their laundry folded by others (meaning those waiting pull other laundry out and fold it). There is a TV in there and a love seat. TV is not working yet (specific comments are about port side 4th deck laundry room)

    There is soap dispensed by pumps which look like you need to press a button but then later seem to dispense if you don't press. You may want to choose the extra rinse option on the washer if mild soap smells bother you.


    There are two wall mounted ironing boards with an iron for each nearby. The irons have wall timers and the usual fabric and steam settings.

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