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Posts posted by RNGALNG

  1. Both my husband and I have two credit cards through our bank. One old and a brand new one. We have been with the same bank for many years. One card is used for emergencies and the second is used every day as we get rewards by using it. We hardly use cash and we pay both cards off every month.


    I just returned from a week at a conference just two states away (only a 4 hour drive) for a week. The hotel charged my every day card upon arrival. Two days later, I went to buy something from one of the vendors and both cards were denied - frozen. No call or email from the bank. Because the card is in my name, I had to call and talk to the bank. Learned a lot about the bank and their rules. Apparently we are suppose to let them know where and when we will be out of 'zone' but no one seems to know what that 'zone' is.


    Today we went into the bank to try and find out more. As responsible adults, who pay off their cards every month, have an alert to receive and email if our card has a charge made over $5, and are semiretired, we are expected to call them or fill out a form 24 hours in advance every time we go over state lines - a mer 45 minutes away. We asked what happens if we, as retired folks, decide to go for a drive, end up visiting friends on the spur of the moment, take them out to dinner. . .pick up the tab and our card is denied. How embarrassing that we would have to call the bank to get our card unfrozen! They said, that's how they now operate.


    Needless to say, we are now looking for new ways to have credit so we can travel but not have to tell the banking world what and where we are going. We have closed the new accounts and now hold just the one card.


    So, my questions. I know we can't share exact companies here, but maybe you can help us out anyway. We are all travelers here and someone must have come up with the best way to carry credit without having to tell them every time you cross state lines.


    1. Do you carry a couple of credit cards?

    2. With banks or another company?

    3. Prepaid credit cards?

    4. Cash?

    5. Other forms?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. We were in R746 two years ago on the Crown. That room is a balcony- fully covered and facing forward so you see all the other balconies. We were told it was once a storage room that was made into another cabin. Thoroughly enjoyed the room and location. There were pipes that ran along the ceiling of the balcony that had trickling water running through them all the time, much like a small water feature to help one relieve the stress of winter. We would select that room again any time we could!


    Yes, the door to the pool area is used a lot but we loved being close to our private back porch! I'm sure you too will find your room the same. I would think it too would be a balcony.

  3. Leggings or nice jeans and clean non graphic Ts would work. (Printed ones yes, but advertising words and such I would say no to) Layering is best. I too am always cold on-board in the inside venues. We prefer anytime dining and so with meeting new dinner guests nightly, get away with repeating outfits. It works. If need be, there are laundry rooms on each ship.


    Don't fret and have a great time!

  4. Look, the OP was just relating a story about a part of their cruise. They prefaced with the fact that they had a good time. Sometimes it's just fun to 'go for it' and keep on trying! Good for you!


    I took Colo Cruisers comment as a giggle too. They have been on these boards for a long time and I enjoy hearing from them as well.


    Everyone, get over it! It was just a story about a cruise and one comment. Don't loose sleep or beat it to death!

  5. Thank you for the most 'human' review ever! You are someone I would love to cruise with! The glass is always half full! Have been reading parts to my husband as well and we have both enjoyed all of it! Thank you for sharing and making your girls sound like real teens too!


    Reading the first few days of your trip with no luggage reminded me of my aunt and uncle's river cruise in Russia. Their luggage - all of it, never arrived. They did have time to go to a mall in Russia before boarding to find a few things to get them through their trip. When they returned, they found all their luggage sitting on the front steps to their home, it had been returned and had sat there the whole time!


    And toothpaste! When we had just left LA for our two week Hawaii cruise, there was a man in the sundry shop, buying all things one would bring along such as toothbrushes and paste, deodorant. . . Turns out they sat on their plane that day and watched as the handlers took their bag off the plane due to weight issues. It never arrived as they were rushed to the ship once they landed in LA to get onboard. Their line gave them 4 disposable diapers for their one year old to help them get through the 4 days till we reached Hawaii! Once onboard, they were given a list of other families with toddlers to try and find diapers for their child to last those days at sea. This family was part of a full family reunion so they had clothing to share but not baby clothes!


    Oh, the stories you see and hear about. You were just so positive!


    Happy fourth to you!

  6. We too recommend getting your own equipment. We started snorkeling a few years ago, but started by going to a big box sporting goods store and bought a set for under $50 US dollars. Worth it.

  7. We too took this route on our first trip.


    What those above have said about the bus trip to Copper River seem just about right. When we did it bout six years ago, the food at lunch was not included. We were the last bus to stop that day so choices were try limited. No more pie and I believe the soup was gone as well. Felt sort of funny using their bathroom to wash up and seeing their shampoo in the tub! They are very nice to open their home for a restaurant! Soon after we started out on the trip, we stopped as the mountain showed through the clouds and our driver stopped so we could take photos!


    We loved Copper River Lodge. Our tour had us staying two nights at each lodge. (Denali and CR) Our picked excursion took us on a power boat to an old mining camp where we got to pan for gold. Our guides came complete with rifles in case of bear! Our bus driver went with us and spent his time at the boat, fishing for salmon to feed his family. He had 5 in the hour we were on our journey.


    We walked back to the lodge after our tour and around the campus each afternoon. Some locals brought a dog sled on wheels, complete with dogs and you could go around the parking lot on rides.


    We love, love, loved the smaller lodge over the large compound that was Denali. A very peaceful place and when we plan again, will keep Copper River at the top of our list.


    It rained much of the day on our bus trip to Valdez. We too stopped at waterfalls and local points of interest. We were escorted straight to the ferry with no lunch or looking around offered. Again, I think we were the last bus to leave the lodge. I was glad to have some snacks packed for us to munch on during the day. The ferry held over 100 people. It's not a small catamaran at all. I was expecting a small boat to take us over. Totally surprised!


    Have a wonderful trip. Tell them we will be back some day!

  8. Sailing on the Coral - south bound from Whittier with 14 family members (12 adults 2 kids). Need suggestions on how to handle our ATD - can we make reservations for a large group? We have the free specialty dinning offer - my TA Says I have to wait until we board to reserve our specialt dining - will it be an issue reserving one restaurant for all 14 of us? Any other suggestions from any of you that have traveled with a large family group would be greatly appreciated! 10 of the 14 have never cruised before. Thanks in advance!



    For your every day dining, I think they only have table tops large enough to take 10. You might have to sit at two tables close by each other. Also you might check with the maitre de to see what accommodations can be made for your large group. Do this as soon as you board.


    For your specialty dinging event, get to the restaurant of your choice as soon as you board to reserve so there is room for all of you. They may be able to accommodate a large party if they know in advance.


    Again, all this must be done as soon as you get onboard. Knowing what time and day you wish to dine and where will also be helpful. For your special night, have a couple choices so you have back up instead of having to gather everyone together again to pick a second date.


    Happy cruising!

  9. Yes, it is only 1/2 of a regular sheet of paper. They will hand them out as you arrive at the port while you stand in line.


    I agree, just fill it out when you arrive. Do bring a writing implement as many times, there are not very many available to use.


    Happy cruising!

  10. Couple questions about filling out the application.


    1. It asks for any previous last name you used. When I fill in my maiden it sends me back to update my profile but there is no place to put you maiden name.


    2. Also it asks for your maternal name, does that need to be filled out?




    If I remember, 'other last names' is not your maiden name. 'Maternal name' was where you put maiden name.

  11. We pretty much keep our room cleaned up ourselves and only ask for extra ice. Last room steward we had said that the champagne buckets could not be found and if we could get one of the buckets used for the six beers, we could get more ice. Hubby took on the duty of drinking the beers, a real chore!


    There were a couple times when we forgot to put away our play clothes after changing for dinner, and upon our return, the clothes would be neatly folded and left on the chair.

  12. I am waiting on my preliminary approval but my only big beef so far is the lack of enrollment centers on the east coast between Dulles Airport (VA) and Atlanta Airport. There is exactly one in Charlotte. If you look at other states like Ohio they have an enrollment center in Port Clinton where a ferry to Put-In-Bay goes out of, but RDU airport in Raleigh which is the capital of NC? Nope.


    I wonder how they choose where enrollment centers are placed. I was looking for an email to ask that question but figured it was pointless.


    Because of here was quite a wait for an interview on n Cleveland, we went to Port Clinton. A beautiful new building. They told us that they had just opened in January and we're still not known about. They said that in the winter months, they have almost nothing to do with the lake frozen over, so they asked if they could open up for GE business. We got our appointment for the same week we were notified of our acceptance.


    So, I think it depends on where there are entries into the US. Not necessarily at airports. Sorry you don't have a 'foreign country' close to your borders! ;)

  13. Our application went easily. We applied at the same time on our own laptops so we could 'cheat' and put down the same answers. . . We've only traveled in tandem. We quickly received the okay to proceed to an appointment - earliest would be in August. Having plans to fly earlier than that, my heart sunk. DH looked to see what other places had a custom office. We had signed up to get it in Cleveland but found that Sandusky had openings the next weekend. So, we took a lovely day trip there and had our appointments.


    So, check online to see what other offices might be doing this as well as the closest. You just don't know. Well worth the trip. While we waited for our appointment, we talked to others who were also waiting. They had come from Pittsburg! The officer told us they were coming from all over Ohio, surrounding states, and further out as they had just opened and were getting started.


    Look around!

  14. We went through the process and received our Global entry cards. So glad we did this before the rush that seems to be going on now to receive them. Now to have an opportunity to use it!


    Question: This gets you TSA approval for for flights. Does it get you to the front of that line at the airports? There is always a special line for the handicapped folks and they are whisked through quickly. This is what we saw last winter at the port upon return from our cruise. Those with the card went through that line very fast. Am I dreaming or will it be the same at airports too?

  15. I use them but only if I can hold the rail all the time. When reaching the bottom, the hand wipes or purell comes out. But I'm also good to have a sweater on and use the sleeve too while holding rails.


    Before our first cruise, on the Caribbean, our neighbors were onboard the week before. On their ruse someone did die after falling on some steps. They never saw or heard of it. I kept thinking before ours (having never cruised before) how someone could die on carpeted steps. . . and then I saw them. . .


    I am sure if folks do get injured, the personnel will make it quick in getting the passenger removed from the situation and to at least a quiet place to examine them to see if they need more help.


    On our cruise through the Panama Canal, we went to the visitors center. They too have plenty of marble tile there. Our travel companions and my DH and I were starting to walk back to our bus when one of our friends was tripped by a young lad of about 12. We thought she had possibly snapped her wrist. We were given VIP treatment getting on the tender back to the ship and the staff was waiting there for us when we approached. She was whisked away with her husband and we were sort of pushed away. (understandably) We met up later in the buffet when they were done in the medical department. Nothing broken, just badly sprained. She was treated very well for the rest of the cruise with the staff checking up on her daily!

  16. Most buffets will have some sushi at lunch time. If the 15 year old is a true foodie, they will find this to be under par. It's not made fresh while you wait, a tray will be put out. Very limited selection and it does dry out quickly.


    I've not looked for sushi at the ports in Alaska. When we visited Denali eight years ago, the only other place to eat outside the compound of the lodge, was a Subway. There was a family style show/restaurant inside and one other place to eat. It may have grown since our visit.


    Have a great cruise. There will be salmon on the menu all the time. One of my favorite places to go for just that reason.

  17. What is roll call?



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    You can go to the section called 'roll calls.' Go to the princess page then your ship. Once on that page, you can find your voyage listed. That's where you can meet others on your cruise ahead of time! Groups will plan excursions together, maybe meet at sail away, and on a day at sea. Always fun to meet others you will be vacationing with! Maybe some new friends for the kids too?

  18. You are flying all the was from the Carolinas to Alaska in one day? We flew it in one day from Ohio. We ate that day on the plane as we started at 7:00 am and landed at about 11:00pm. We were too tired to eat at a restaurant that night. So, pack snacks and healthy things for the day.


    Have cameras in hand on the way to hotel from airport. Animals do not pose for photos! Bring extra cards, batteries and charging things for your devices.


    Food is a lot more expensive. Plan accordingly.


    Bring lots of things to entertain the younger ones. It takes almost a day to get from point A to point B. Being stuck on a train or bus with nothing to do is the pits. The others in your group will enjoy the trip much better too, knowing that Billy and Suzy are busy and not whining all the time. (When we went, we were on the same bus and train car with two little girls, parents, and one grandparent. They played quietly the whole week and everyone enjoyed their vacations!) After all, there are only so many trees and mountains for younger ones to see.


    Layers. Yes! Bring gloves, scarves, and hat as well. It can get rather chilly at any point on the trip.


    Those are a few of my ideas. Ask more questions and I'm sure we all can offer more ideas.


    Have a great trip!

  19. We used them two years ago when we were on the Royal Princess. Someone from our roll call set it up. We had about 6-8 couples on our tour. They took us out to see the fish, then to a beautiful place to snorkel (our favorite place so far!) and then we had a great lunch that was brought onboard while we were in the water. I do remember having to guide my husband back to the ship (another first!) after the rum punches he consumed! It was a great tour and I plan my n working with them again next winter.

  20. We sailed on the Emerald this winter. The buffet always had 2 types of soup, fresh fruit- whole or sliced plus a mixed bowl, sliced cheeses and lunch meats, breads, green salads, pasta salads, fried and baked fish, potatoes, rice, carved meats, pastas, cooked veggies, chicken, cookies and cakes for dessert. You will be able to find something every day. We would go grab some cheeses and crackers and go back to our room and 'dine' on our balcony while watching the wake of the ship.


    Can't wait to return next winter. . .

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