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Everything posted by Ereggae

  1. You are doing your best to nickel and dime and make Celebrity a version of Royal Caribbean. I just got off the Eclipse and the dissatisfaction was uniform among the guests. Aqua and Concierge used to have priority boarding now you are charging for a VIP Pass that no one used. That row was completely empty and boarding was a disaster. I have been cruising with Celebrity since the early eighties and it has always been a line for mature cruisers but you seem to want to attract a younger more rowdy crowd. You already have Royal for that. Cutbacks in the quality of food is also noticeable. Everyone is hoping for a change at the helm as your changes are way too drastic. We needed someone with fresh ideas not to create a clone of the parent company.
  2. Thank you for the prompt response. appreciate it.
  3. My bid was accepted and the new Cabin number appears at the website and is reflected in the Travel Summary and Luggage Tags but does not appear in the App. How long will it take to populate in the App?
  4. Thank you. Just wanted to be sure as we needed the keys last cruise.
  5. Does this mean you no longer have to retrieve your room key first before going to the Muster station? Do they check you in from the Boarding Pass on the App?
  6. Thanks K same scenario here. Seems there has been a change if you can see the combined totals. I never leave home without my summary.
  7. Is there a way to have folios for both passengers combined prior to the cruise into one running invoice to avoid issues, especially since we have a lot of onboard cedit. Would not like one person having a discrepancy over the other. Took me all cruise last time to get issues resolved as the lines at Guest Services were very long. This was after the Premier package was implemented so everyone that upgraded had problems as the shoreside and onboard systems were not in sync. I had to wait almost a month to get a check refund. On board accounting is horrible and despite numerous complaints they have done nothing to fix it.
  8. Just be aware as Princess does not have a very efficient accounting system on board. It should not happen if you purchase the Premier Package up front and not upgraded.
  9. Warning: I did this on a prior cruise and the Premier Package was not recognized upon boarding. One of us could not board as the medallion did not work. After they allowed us to board and after we got our WiFi connected, or so we thought, we went to Alfredo's for lunch. We ordered drinks and waited over two overs to be served. By the time we got back to the room charges were hitting our account for the drinks. We went back to the restaurant and they had no explanation. This happened several times throughout the cruise so many wasted hours were spent at Guest Services getting the charges removed. Finally, make sure the bartender is giving you what you paid for. For example, the wine bars will have premier wines but the normal bars may not so you never know for sure what you are getting. Please carefully monitor your onboard account and be sure to resolve all issues before leaving the ship.
  10. Does the private ferry leave from the dock next to the ship or do we have to walk over to the public ferry dock? Thanks.
  11. Definitely worth it if you book it online today. Black Friday sale ends today.
  12. Much ado about nothing. Personal choice and experience. I do just fine directly with the cruise line.
  13. Galveston Saltwater Moms Car Service comes highly recommended.
  14. This is the reason I book directly with Princess as, in addition to calling, the live chat is very efficient. No cruise line will deal with you directly if you book with a TA.
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