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Posts posted by M2ice

  1. Just read the "Theft on Oasis" thread and wanted to relay what happen to us this past weekend on the Enchantment.


    On Saturday afternoon we came back from Nassau and decided to take a dip in the hot tub. We placed all of our stuff on a deck chair and my GF placed her sandals under the chair. We were chatting in the hot tub and were there for maybe 30 to 40 minutes. When we came back the sandals were gone.


    My GF was upset as a little over a year ago the same thing (sandals and cover up missing) happened on the Monarch. She went to guest services and they blew her off with "nothing we can do".


    The next day we came back from Coco Cay and our account was locked. She went to guest services again and was not only blown off again but told that we would not be "allowed" off the ship if we didn't get the problem solved.


    Since it was my credit card I went down and again they were curt at best. SO game on.


    I demanded to see the head of security and file a formal report of the theft. Guest Sevices stalled and I could tell that security was not overly interested in coming down either but I stood my ground and security arrived. I filled out their form and once he arrived the security officer was helpful. We went up to the deck and showed him the exact location then to our room to see what suit my GF had on in order to track her movement on the pool deck. They asked for a couple of hours and after several I went back to guest services to see what had happen. They said that security would meet me at our room. They did, along with several Senior Officers of the ship.


    They had tracked the person who had the sandals and were in the process of

    trying to get them back. They said that they didn't believe the theft was intentional but it did happen. They also gave us a credit for our time and aggravation.


    The next morning when we went to get off they scanned our card and told us the sandals were waiting a guest services. Guest services then couldn't find them for 30 minutes but in the end we got them back.


    As a note they were also helpful with the credit card problem once they knew I wasn't going away and gave me a free call to get the problem solved.


    What we learn.


    1-Guest services first response is to push you along and not address issues.


    2-There is a formal theft report and it is your right to use it.


    3-There are camera's everywhere and they can track someone anywhere on the ship.


    4-If you get to the right people you will get results, but getting to them is hard.

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