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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. Good morning folks. Thanks for today’s daily report, recipes and lists. Looks like it will be a beautiful day here. Three good reasons to celebrate today, Cachaca, falafel and Loving Day. I really like the quote today, sometimes the smallest task can have the most impact. Yes to today’s meal suggestion, it sounds delicious. No to the drink Americano but yes to the Americano that we were served in the Explorations Cafe on the Volendam last week. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today. Happy birthday to @catmando! 🎂
  2. Thanks for your review @Bostonjetset. We were on this same cruise and really enjoyed it as well. We have sailed this itinerary twice. Both times we visited Sydney we rented a car and really enjoyed that stop. The first time we drove up the Cabot Trail and this time we visited Baddeck and the Alexander Graham Bell Museum. Just a thought if you find yourself there again. I couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the Volendam, such a lovely vessel and the perfect size for us. We rarely waited more than a few seconds for an elevator that we usually had to ourselves, unlike our cruise on the Rotterdam this past February. We canceled our bike tour through Acadia due to the rain at the last minute. Instead we had a very nice breakfast in Bar Harbor, got back on the ship and finished a book that had to be returned to the library that evening. I think I’m starting to prefer creature comforts in my old age! Sure was nice hopping into a cab and being home in ten minutes at the end! Welcome home.
  3. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily update, recipes and lists. Looks to be a nice day to get outdoors. This daily thread helps to make life beautiful for us. No one living here to crowd us but I did see a fledgling sparrow yesterday hopping around on the ground so those nests must feel a bit crowded now. I like today’s quote, it takes awhile for societies to adapt to changing circumstances and knowledge. I like the meal, which could be breakfast. I also like the drink, very refreshing in the summertime. I have not been to today’s port. Since the buyer of our condo passed the financing contingency date yesterday it appears that all systems are go. Today will be spent scheduling the utility shutdowns here and startups there. Lots to do that will keep me out of trouble! Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  4. Good morning and thanks for today’s daily report. It’s a beautiful morning here, sunny and 58F here. Three nice days to recognize today. I like to have a lot of ball point pens at my disposal as my writing mood doesn’t always stay the same. Not sure I’ll be a miracle but a glass of iced tea might help. I resemble today’s quote, we aren’t really TV watchers, I think my grandfather would be very proud of me. He always referred to it as the idiot box and they would only watch the six o’clock news. Think I will pass on the meal but would definitely try the drink. Haven’t been to today’s port so thanks for the beautiful photos of it. Prayers for those on the prayer list today, I hope things improve for them. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  5. Good morning everyone. It’s overcast and mild with occasional rain here this morning. It was nice to wake up in my own bed this morning. Thanks for the daily updates. Three nice days to recognize and explore. I’m currently reading a book that I bought in Baddeck Nova Scotia of the archived letters from Mabel Bell, Alexander Graham Bell’s wife. A fascinating woman who lost her hearing at the age of five from Scarlet Fever. The quote is a welcome bit of humor this morning. The meal sounds delicious but I’ll pass on the drink. I don’t like alcohol in coffee for some reason, including Baileys or Kahlua. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  6. Good morning everyone from a beautiful, partly sunny Boston. We just returned home from our cruise on the Volendam. It’s so nice to not have to fly home afterwards! The cruise was great and we really enjoyed the Volendam especially the Crows Nest, such an elegant space not all chopped up like the other HAL ships. Thanks for today’s report, recipes and lists. Best friends are just the best! Not loving today’s quote but the meal and drink suggestions are both a yes for me. I have not been to today’s port. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  7. Good morning everyone from beautiful Charlottetown PEI. it’s sunny and 50F and get to 60F today so we’ll need to dress warmly before going ashore. The trip so far has been great. Quebec City was beautiful on Sunday, much warmer than today. Yesterday was our sea day as we moseyed up the St. Lawrence at 9.75 Nautical Miles per hour, it was mostly overcast which added to the mystery. Thanks for the daily report, three important days to recognize although I have no cat to hug. Funny quote by W. C. Yes to the meal and drink suggestions, sounds like brunch to me! I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  8. 🐇 🐇 🐇 ! Thank-you for today’s daily report, recipes and lists. Quite the nice selection of days. DH saved a friend with the Heimlich Maneuver while dining in a French restaurant in Boston years ago. My sister and young nephew who were visiting us from Michigan at the time were also at the table. Needless to say DH became a hero in my young nephew’s eyes. We all learned how important it was to know the Heimlich Maneuver. The meal and drink suggestions sound great but another drink that I might have as dessert. I haven’t been to today’s port. It’s kind of exciting to be boarding the Volendam today. This trip was planned a while ago. Since planning it we’ve sold our condo in Boston and bought a home in Wells, ME so we’re in the middle of that move as I speak. That whole process is nerve wracking so this trip has been a great diversion. It helps to have the fantastic weather that we’ve had thus far. Prayers for those on our care list, I hope things improve for you. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  9. Good morning everyone from Montreal. Another sunny, beautiful day in store. Thanks for the daily updates. Three great days to celebrate. Our niece is an audiologist who helps folks to prevent hearing loss. I like today’s quote, it can be applied to all of us travelers who like to wander about new places. The meal suggestion sounds like something that Edith Cropley from The Vicar of Dibley would have concocted! Since I like parsnips I would give it a try. It might go nicely with today’s drink suggestion. I haven’t been to today’s port. Our plans today are to pick up DH’s suit, that he bought yesterday, from the tailor. He was in the market for a new one for our niece’s wedding in August. We saw it on a mannequin and it was just what he was looking for so I encouraged him to just buy it. After that we’ll visit the botanical gardens, we went about fifteen years ago and thought we’d visit it again on this trip. Prayers for those on our care list today and for those who are suffering and in need. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today. Happy Birthday to @Vict0riann’s DH Pat! 🎂
  10. Good morning everyone from beautiful, sunny Montreal. We arrived Tuesday afternoon and have been enjoying the Old Port, where we are staying prior to our cruise on the Volendam. It’s been over ten years since we have been here and it’s been fun getting reacquainted. We had dinner last evening at a lovely Polish restaurant called Stash that had live piano music and delicious food and drinks. Pretty close to my grandmothers’ quality. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Two fun and one important day to recognize. I set up the roof deck irrigation system before we left so hopefully the few containers of flowers that we planted are getting watered this morning. Sadly, the quote seems to be true in many cases. Yes to today’s food and drink, both sound delicious. I haven’t been to today’s port. Praying for those on our care list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today. Happy birthday to @kazu and @GTVCRUISER! 🎂🍾🎉
  11. Good morning everyone. It’s gray and 65F here. A glum day to be flying to Montreal. Can’t figure out why I woke up so early unless my subconscious was telling me to finish packing. I think all three days are fine to celebrate especially Amnesty International. All humans deserve basic rights. The quote is nice and inspiring. No to the meal and drink suggestions. I have not been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  12. My partner is from there and worked as a lifeguard at Stevens Pond. He’s from a family of twelve brothers and sisters and lived on Sutton Hill. Here is a photo of today’s ceremony.
  13. Good morning everyone. It’s a misty day here, the Memorial Day celebration in North Andover will take on a somber tone. Two fun days to recognize and one important one. I’ll take your grape popsicle if you don’t want it. I like the quote today it sums up the importance of friendship. The meal sounds tasty and I think I would like the drink as dessert. I have not been to today’s port; thanks for sharing your photos of it. Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those who gave their lives protecting our country and the freedoms that we so often take for granted. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today! 🍾🇺🇸
  14. Good morn everyone from a rainy Boston, it’s 60F here this morning. Thank-you for the daily report. A fun collection of days today, the Lindy Hop, paper airplanes and cellophane tape. I haven’t made a paper airplane in ages, maybe today. Not sure on the meal and no on the drink. Quinoa isn’t my favorite food. Funny quote by Erma Bombeck, I miss her writing. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!
  15. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily updates. We have three worthy days to observe. I’ll gladly forgo plastic utensils today. I don’t have to brown bag it anymore as I have lunch at home, it did save tons of money when I did do it. Missing children are heartbreaking for their families and we should always be aware of them. I’m with @MISTER 67 on the quote, I just don’t get it. Probably not on the meal suggestion, there’s something about orzo that I don’t enjoy. I do however enjoy a Manhattan with a Luxardo Cherry. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those who are in need. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  16. Good morning everyone, it’s a beautiful May morning here. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists, so much to know about. My DB is departed, I don’t own a tiara nor do I know Morse Code but I will celebrate them all today! Not sure I like the quote, it just seems like lying to me. I do like the meal and drink suggestions though. Yes please to both and thanks for encouraging cake for a meal 😋. I haven’t been to today’s port yet. Prayers for those on our prayer list, here’s hoping that they help. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events and happy birthday to @Heartgrove! 🎉🎂🥂
  17. Thanks so much Graham. We actually sail next Saturday from Montreal. It’s a good reminder to start packing though!
  18. Thanks @Rubyfisch looking forward to following along. My husband and I will be doing the reverse trip embarking in Montreal when you disembark. We’ve sailed this itinerary once before and loved it. A ten minute taxi and we’re home!
  19. Good morning everyone. Thanks for today’s report. Looks like we may get a few thunderstorms and a high of 83F today. Three interesting days to recognize although my taffy days are in the past with two crowns on my molars. I suppose that there’s more to today’s quote, I can’t quite wrap my head around it this early. The meal and drink suggestions sound very good. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those celebrating happy events. Happy Birthday @smitty34877 to Tana!🎂
  20. Good morning everyone. It’s sunny and 63F here, soon to heat up to the upper 80’s. We’re off to Portland for the day to select furniture. Thanks for the daily report and for all of the useful information that I can’t live without. Three nice days to recognize, I think I’ll just be me today. The quote is funny, a humorous start to the day. The meal sounds tasty and nutritious, will have to wait and see on the drink. I’ve been to today’s port once to visit a friend. It was sunny and beautiful at Thanksgiving that year, a really lovely place. Praying for everyone on our prayer list and for those in need of them. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today! Have a nice day everyone.
  21. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. It’s 56F and will get up to 83F today I think I’ll have dig out a pair of shorts to wear for the first time this season. I’ll celebrate tea and patches but not the other. I think it’s quite arrogant to claim to know what God is about to do. The meal sounds delicious and I would definitely give the drink a try. It might go nicely with the salmon. Not sure that I agree with the quote but for some it may be true. I have not been to today’s port so thanks for sharing your photos. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and for those who need them. Happy ________ to those who are celebrating. There seems to be a lot to celebrate at this time of year.
  22. Good Monday morning everyone, it certainly takes on a different ring when you’re retired! Thanks for the daily report. Hats off to Eliza Doolittle who transformed into a lady. Won’t be drawing Mohammed, the premise of the day seems mean spirited. The general consensus amongst professionals that I knew was that HR was not your friend, I thought Personnel was a better name for that department. Not sure what to make of today’s quote. The meal and drink suggestions sound nice. We can always eat more salads. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list, here’s hoping that things improve. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
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