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Posts posted by AmativeDame

  1. I think the consideration of a scooter is a good idea, but I wanted to also suggest a combo rollator/transport chair.  There are a couple different models out now from around $150 and up (or about the price of a cheap wheelchair if you were to actual purchase one.)  Obviously you know your own limitations but it came to mind to me because you mentioned the need to sit.  I deal with my own back issues and this resonated with me and I often use a rollator for this reason.  One of these upgraded ones feel like it might help because if you wanted to get out on your own you could think of it as a walking seat.  If you still need to sit but need to move from place to place the back of the seat typical moves and allows it to "morph" into a transport chair.  Might be a good solution depending on what you actually need.




  2. Wanted to touch base and give you all an update as you asked.


    Thankfully, I am actually doing a lot better. I think my new physician was more saddened than I was that the new medication wasn't successful, but he agreed to let me try an anti-inflammatory and I have actually had a couple of almost pain free days! We're going to wing most of our port days, so I won't have any concerns about not being up to anything.


    Having felt a lot better I really struggled at what to do, but I did book a scooter from care vacations. I am going to try and suck up my pride and use it as much as I can on the ship. I did go ahead and purchase a cane since my doctor suggested it, and I have been realized surprised how much it has made a difference. Started off using one of my mother's spares, and I ended up getting a folding one for myself so I can stick it in my purse or my beach bag in case I need it.


    Trying to stay positive, and I feel like this trip will still be a good one no matter how my pain level goes.

  3. I would do the first sea day, unless she is the type to have one done before the trip. (Especially if you are doing a winter cruise.) I would be delighted if DH did something like this for me, but if he did it the last day I would be slightly disappointed that I would have less time to "show off" my cruise toes. You know your wife and her habits, but I would throw that out there.


    Maybe split them up to? Could always do one on the 1st and another on the last day...

  4. Curious if these alarms are so loud they could disrupt others in their cabins...

    Odds are that it would be no worse than another loud person or someone being obnoxious and noisy. I would have to wonder how much an amber alert would affect one vacation as well. Likely most intrusive than a short alarm?


    If they are smart kids you could even set it up at home and show them how it goes off.

  5. For all of you saying that the three year old can't unlock the deadbolt you're wrong. We had the same cabin configuration with my family and parents. Grandma and grandpa let us go out to see some shows one night. They were watching TV and had a knock on the door. Our room steward found our three year old out walking the hall, luckily he was only a few doors down. Don't assume they can't or won't unlock the doors. We were very lucky, next cruise we're bringing something to help secure the door.

    A motivated child can definitely find a way to get to that deadbolt. Now the odds of you hearing them in the process are decent, depending on how well you sleep.


    Honestly I would think about one of the travel alarms for the door. They make the type that hang from the door as well as ones the function and look like a doorstop. It might go off, but it might not. If it does go off I have a feeling the kids would never touch that door again. If you shop around they range from 90 decibels to 120.


    Might also be worth checking out your local stores, they might have something you can use in the safety proofing area. I saw some door handle locks for lever style handles, and they might work just fine.

  6. One of my friends had considered cruising but has similar concerns. One of the things I had mentioned was to bring a cheap food storage container/storage bag/disposable plate covers. You may not have a fridge, but the storage will help let you store some things in your cabin more easily. You could always stop by the buffet before it closes and store something for later. You can also order a cheese/fruit plate from room service (you can get an idea of what is offered by searching Google or the boards here to find a recent menu.)


    If there isn't something you like or will want from room service, do ask the staff about options that you can take back to your room or get something from the buffet that will keep for later. I have a feeling that the staff will happily do what they can (within reason.)


    You are certainly not the only cruiser who will bring food back to your cabin (I do it with fruit all the time!)

  7. I do not have the kyss bag, but several years ago I had a similar issue. Was between a tote that was 12 and one that was 14. I wanted it to fit my laptop and college textbooks, the 12 inch high one was a half inch smaller so I opted for the 14. For me, it ended up feeling more like luggage than a tote because it was so big and awkward. The tote I have is an inch wider than the medium bag.


    If it is just you two I would go with the medium.

    You can also test size with cardboard if you have it. DH laughs at me but if we have a box hanging around I will cut it to the handbag size and tie/tape a piece of rope to it. Gives me an idea of how it will feel to carry and the size. (I don't worry about depth... just length and width.) The cardboard gives you an idea of how a packed bag will handle. It feels silly sometimes but it cuts down on the number of online purchases I have returned.

  8. Maybe the OP will let us know. I thought it was a neat perk, but I also figure a lot of port changes happen during the cruise so it may not be that helpful. I think there is a small exclusion to it as well. Will check on that later. I know you do have to show proof of the itinerary change to claim it.
    Port Of Call Changes (Itinerary Change)

    Provides a one-time benefit of up to $1250 per person for the inconvenience of an itinerary change by the cruise line prior to departure, as long as you go on the cruise.


    This is a snippet from Nationwide's page. The plan details for the plan I purchased simply states they will pay the max allowed for the plan once the itinerary change is documented. It does not say only for expenses pre-paid etc or anything else.


    I purchased their policy because the price was reasonable and I thought the extra cruise type coverage like this was a plus. They also compensate for itinerary changes after departure and for mechanical issues.

  9. I wonder if it is as simple as they say ??


    If the embarkation port changes due to storm I can see it but not if just a port stop change


    interesting though

    Maybe the OP will let us know. I thought it was a neat perk, but I also figure a lot of port changes happen during the cruise so it may not be that helpful. I think there is a small exclusion to it as well. Will check on that later. I know you do have to show proof of the itinerary change to claim it.

  10. What was your claim for ??

    If the itinerary changed were there extra costs associated with the changes?


    We actually purchased this insurance for our trip. We haven't made a claim yet,but if there is an itinerary change the policy states it is supposed to reimburse the set $750. It does stipulate it has to happen/be announced before the sail date.


    Nice to know they do payout for it!

  11. Has anyone had luck finding the carnival cards? I have been looking for about two weeks now in all my local Krogers because with the double fuel points I figured it wasn't a bad deal. I haven't been able to find any around me though, and I have tried 3 of my local Krogers.


    I guess I might have to load the coupon and go looking at a couple of other locations.

  12. I helped my aunt book her hotel stay (and ours) for our wedding this year. Price was very good, but when she wanted to upgrade the roo s she had some stress with who she had to talk with (verizon travel or the hotel.) Did take her a few tries. I would assume you would have to deal directly with the "agency" for most things, but at the same time you should be able to link the booking with carnivals site. Granted it wasn't a cruise, but thought it might be helpful.

  13. In this situation, you really can't divorce the two. The best travel advice is to reduce (or eliminate) the pain, which really requires medical advice. This is particularly important since there's all the other days in the year to consider once the cruise is over.


    For some chronic pain sufferers, the right Rx, PTx and diet regime could eliminate the need for assistive devices. You mentioned your use of OTC meds and recognition that there may be something better for you. (I wonder how many nerve-pained cruisers are on gabapentin) That's why, IMO, you should be concentrating more on which meds than which scooter.


    Good luck to you.

    I made it a point in the OP, about how I was looking for other possibilities that my medical provider might not suggest. I also made it a point to mention that a scooter is not something that I really want to consider, and that I was looking for other possible options or suggestions from someone who has much more experience cruising that I do and would have suggestions that I may not think of.


    I was not asking for direct medical advice from a random person on the internet, that was not the point of this thread. Never once in my OP did I request an opinion on my medical care, or opinions on how my medical care needs to be directed. Do not need someone to tell me that a multi-faceted approach or reducing or eliminating my pain is important. This is something that already exists. While I apreciate the time you put into your replies they are not helpful or productive.


    If anyone has any other suggestions would help with mobility that hasn't been mentioned I would love to hear it.... as that was my actual request. But I will not be responding to coments like these about my medical care from here on.

    • Like 2
  14. This is not a great place to get medical advice. And, sometimes, neither are the local physicians recommended by friends and family.

    Find yourself a major teaching hospital where multiple options and coordinated care are the rule rather than the exception. Their pain clinic would be a good place to start.

    Your situation, including any thing like morbid obesity, may mean that you'll never be totally pain free. But, a multifaceted regime may get you to a place where physical activity need not be dreaded.

    Not looking for medical advice... just travel advise.

  15. ^^^


    What Parmagal said.


    Although I haven't officially been diagnosed with fibromyalgia yet, I do suffer from chronic ankle, knee and hip pain. The bones in my feet are also kinda jacked up and standing on my feet for a long time is a killer. Pain meds are my best friend on a cruise because I know they'll allow me to have a decent vacation without being in a crapload of pain. I also know that I'm on vacation and I make myself take it easy, so I don't overdo because I know I'm gonna pay for it later.


    And the hot tubs..when I can find one that's actually got water that's warmer than a lukewarm bathtub..oh man. Those are a godsend for my achy bones.


    Sorry to hear you have been struggling with the diagnosis. I can definitely empathize with the foot and ankle pain. Had a tendon and ligament repair on my one ankle and I have hammer toes on both feet. Definitely makes getting around and amps up the pain more.


    Going to try and have a serious talk with the doctor this week about other options for pain relief. Unfortunately, a lot of what I have tried in the past for injuries or other pain (narcotics) haven't really provided any real relief, or at least no more than what I get from taking a large dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Hoping he might be able to put me on a stronger anti-inflammatory at least for a little while.


    Thanks for mentioning the hot tub! I actually hadn't thought of that. Sometimes heat tends to make my general pain feel worse, but I am going to have to try that. At the very least it might make my sore feet and stress melt away a little bit.

  16. Thank you all for your replies, I really appreciate it.


    I really appreciate what you brought up Enforcer, I do use some meditation and positive thinking to deal with it already. Up until recently it has been the main way I could cope with the pain. I think getting the parking permit will be a victory in some ways, because it's something I have been struggling to ask about for a couple years. Hard to ask for it when I couldn't find anyone to really admit I had a problem.


    I now use a scooter, but before I got to the point of admitting to myself that I needed one, I used a rollator with a seat. The sturdy design helped me maintain balance and not favor the side with pain and I since there was a seat, I could take a break whenever I needed to. [/Quote]


    If I am honest with myself this is where I am at now. Ended up having DH pre-read my post on here because l have been struggling to actually voice my concerns about our trip. I don't like admitting that I need the help or that I can't do it. I am very overweight as well and combined it just kind of feels like a failure. I know I shouldn't look at it that way, and limiting myself in the process.


    On one cruise I was in so much pain that I was absolutely miserable. Out of desperation I scheduled an acupuncture session and found relief enough to get a good night's sleep. As a skeptical person, I used to think acupuncture was a waste of time. Now I have regular appointments and find them to be extremely helpful to me.


    This is actually on my to-do list. I have been fighting the idea a long time because I am very uncomfortable with needles/blood draws/anything going into my skin from issues with getting labs done as a kid so it's something I haven't had the nerve to do yet. At the point where I am going to go suck it up and try it - and hopefully I can get the insurance to pay for a part of it. My mother has actually had success in the past with it, so I know it can be helpful for some people.


    Jpcello, you brought up a great point. I had actually been looking at some of the scooters like the luggie last week. It's not something I can afford to buy outright at the moment (but it is something I want to look into.) I can actually rent a Travelscoot which is kind of similar to a luggie and I may decide to do that. I think if I don't rent a scooter I fill go ahead and at least rent a wheelchair.


    I keep hoping I will feel better than I am and maybe the trip will be do-able without any help like a wheelchair or a scooter. Think I need to just stop hoping that I won't need it or worrying that I'll have paid for the rental and not use it. Needing and not having it would be decidedly worse.

  17. I was hoping you experienced cruisers might be able to help me a little. Going on what will be my second cruise in January 2016 (so not far now) and it is supposed to be our belated honeymoon as well. can anyone give me any tips for traveling with chronic pain or ways you cope with it while on a cruise?


    For a little bit of background, I have been dealing with widespread pain for as long as I remember (since I was a child) but its been a struggle to find help with medical professionals I am only 29, so its not a lifetime so to speak, but its been a struggle. Was told I had fibromyalgia about 5 years ago now, but have only very recently found a provider who was willing to do more than tell me to "learn to live with it." I have an appointment next week, and I plan on bringing up my travel concerns then but I was thinking you might also be able to provide me insight or give me things I might be able to bring up while I am there.


    My first cruise was a short 4 day to the bahamas on the RCL Sensation of the Seas with my mother. Being a smaller ship I didn't have a lot of issues getting around, and since we only had two port stops it was easier to pace myself. I didn't have any major issues with pain that really stopped our vacation since my mother and I have a similar pace on my bad days. Our cruise in January 2016 is going to be on the Carnival Breeze for 6 days (western caribbean). Much bigger and longer... with 3 port stops. Its also DH's first cruise, and I am in the middle of what is now almost 2 months of agony (the longest period of high level pain I have had in years.) I am starting to really worry if it's going to impact our vacation. I was hoping you might be able to offer suggestions on what I might be able to do to try and minimize some of the impact?


    One of my biggest concerns really is just getting around. If I over do it I tend to pay for it the next day. How much walking or standing I do and how I will fare the next day because of it worries me, but I am struggling with how to actually find a solution for it. Unfortunately for whatever reason it can really be hard to gauge how much activity will result in what level of pain for me. Some days I can go out to say the grocery store and by the time I am done I am walking to the car with tears in my eyes from the pain and cursing myself for not having the nerve to ask for a handicap placard yet. Other days I can go shopping, go to a warehouse store and run a bunch of errands and hardly hurt at all. One of my biggest concerns is dealing with potential lines when getting back from port. Now I know I can request some wheelchair assistance from the cruise line, but that would be for embarkation/debarkation at the beginning and the end of the cruise only yes? So at port am I on my own? Is there anything other than renting my own wheelchair or scooter?


    We had a price drop, so I was able to upgrade us from an inside to a cove balcony. While I hadn't planned it this way, I figure at this point it will hopefully give us a chance to relax and enjoy being outside on the ship without having to trek all the way to an upper deck. I've only planned out one of our port days - and it is a beach day Cozumel. Been hesitant to plan out/pay in advance without knowing what I will feel like that day. We were thinking that we might just make our first port stop (Jamaica) just another "sea day" for us, and winging our other port stop at Grand Cayman but I hate feeling like I am limiting our trip.


    I would really love to hear any suggestions that you all might have.

  18. We tend to eing it whe it comes to our last morning. If they still offer room service we will do that sometimes so we can wake up on our own pace. Otherwise we usually head to the buffet until we are ready to go. I would definitely give your hotel a call and see what you options are there. They may be able to get you an early check in, and they usually will at least you leave your bags. Would likely let you use whatever is on the grounds (suchl as the pool as well.) If staying there for the afternoon doesn't sound appealing you stillm have your bags as one less thing to worry about while you explore the area. I have almost always been able to check in around noon or 1 pm at most places unless they are very booked, and the location may be able to offer you a very early check in with a fee (since they can plan in advance.) Never know, you may find you won't have a lot of time you have to fill.


    I think the tour could be a good option as well if you find it appealing... but don't forget you may be able to find something local as well, or something like a fun self guided tour near your hotel.

  19. I know u said u dont like sulfate free..... however, you DO like Loreal.

    Have tou tried Loreal EverPure?

    I cannot use anything that leaves or doesnt remove, buildup.

    I have fine hair that HAS to be clean and clear or its gross.

    Loreal EverPure smells beautiful, cleans my hair leaving soft and residue free.

    Ive even used it as face soap when I forgot mine on a trip.

    Soft face :)

    I second this! I have VERY oily fine hair. When I did dye my hair I always used their line (both the color save version and the volumizing.) Both cleaned well and I did feel the sulfate free did help keep the color.


    Red is very hard to keep, and some dyes do hold better than others. Other than the things you already mentioned, have you tried limiting the amount of hair washing you are doing? Are you washing it more on the cruise than you would otherwise?

  20. Hi all. Found a gorgeous formal dress for our upcoming November 14th cruise on Carnival Conquest in the Caribbean. It fits great, I love how it looks, but it is black velvet. Is that ok for a tropical locale? It is the holidays, so I think the time is appropriate for black velvet. Am I right or will I look ridiculous in velvet in the tropics? I do tend to run chilly in air conditioning, and Im not worried about being hot. Thanks so much for any advice you have for me. Im not a fashionista,just a regular old mom who wants her DH to go WOW!:eek: when he sees my cleavage, ahem I mean me:p, in that dress.


    If you aren't worried about being hot and you feel great in the dress you should wear it! I wouldn't worry about how others will feel since you would still be appropriate, and if they are going to judge you for wearing velvet I think they may have judge you for something else without it. :p


    If you look great and feel greatn wear it and have fun!

  21. I know all fleece is not created equal. How do I find warm fleece. Is name brand the only way?


    As others have mentioned, name brands will often give you a temp range for their products. If you are looking to go off brand and are shopping in store there are some things you can keep in mind. One of them thickness, a thicker fleece willl be more likely to keep you warm. The other would be the density of the fabric. The more open the weave is the less it wil insulate, so if you have a thick fleece that is kind of an open knit it may still not keep you as warm as a think one that is dense. You can't tell this online but you can see or see it in person. Fleece should be a dense fabric though, so unless the quality is terrible you may not be able to see much difference in density but its something to think about.

  22. Question for you lovely people. I am cruising on Carnival in January and I found a dress in the back of my closet that I forgot about.




    Its white, with a crocheted overlay. Would this be suitable enough for carnival's formal night? Can I get away with it in white in January? I bought it when we were thinking of eloping so it feels so bridal like to me... but I think its because I knew what I bought it for. It was never marketed for bridal.. just a white summer dress.


    I was thinking of maybe trying to dye it (some shade of blue most likely) since I feel kind of hesitant about the color and it would save me having to put another pair of shoes to go with it. Would it work? Should I try to dye it or leave it as is?


    Edited to add: sorry about the typos in the title. Was posting on my mobile and aparently auto correct had some fun with me.

  23. We recently picked up the carnival Barclay card. I also have a Capital One quicksilver card and an amex blue sky.


    Customer service wise Barclay is the worst I have dealt with, and there are cards with better perks. Both the capital one and amex give you 2% on everything vs the 1% on Barclay. Amex has higher cash out values to redeam but the capital one lets you cash out to cover a purchase, recieve a check or get a statement credit for very low amounts. If I was going to get a card for the points I would not go with Barclay at all!


    Aim for something that gives 2% on everything all the time. You have a lot of options...

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