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Posts posted by Malibubaby

  1. Thanks for the great review!! Glad you guys got a new home. Best of luck in it. My question is about the yummy guava juice and/or orange juice. Is that free and available throughout the day? I was going to bring some OJ to make mimosas's in my room with the 2 bottles of Asti I am allowed to bring on. But if this stuff is available I'll just bring more diet cokes instead to go with my rum:D. Also what do you think/have you heard about the Holiday Inn Express in Mount Pleasant? We just booked that for a cruise and stay package. Not the cheapest but looks really nice in pictures!!

  2. I have been doing ww too. I purchased the at home plan because I didn't want to keep paying a monthly fee. For $99 I got all the books, calculator and the magazine(which I could do without)


    I was going to stay within the ww points and use the 17 day diet....not a problem. I get 29 pts with ww and so far only use about 17 - 19 a day with this new diet.:D


    The door bell just rang and guess what came! I guess I will start reading!


    That's a good idea, tonight I am going to compare what I am eating on the 17DD with my WW points allowance. (might as well get some use out of it:p )

  3. Thanks for all the info! I will probably break down and buy the book, I was just holding off on spending money until I know I will stick with it. I have done/bought every gimmick out there:) (I rejoined Weight Watchers online 3 weeks ago, but not crazy about the new plan and barely lost anything the first week so I just spent that money) I am on week two of this and I am doing great. When I did Atkins before I was a raving lunatic without carbs about 3 days in, but I am having no problem with this plan and not hungry.

    Unfortunately, I don't care for red wine, I wish I did. I need to start exercising, I know I will lose faster with that. Keep up the great work!!

  4. I went online and found out that Diet Coke and White Rum are very low carb. Captain Morgan Spiced Rum has a little carbs but not as much as Malibu my favorite. So I had 2 Diet & Captain's on Fri night and 4 Diet & White Rum on Saturday night and really watched the eating part and only gained .2lbs. I knew I was going to be out and having drinks, that's why I posted the question earlier in the week. I don't always drink like that every weekend, just good to know that if you do drink, that the drink's mentioned are a good choice. Let's face it, there is always some trip, event or party going on that is a diet buster! Back to being a good girl today!:p

  5. I didn't buy the book but this diet was featured in last week's Woman's World magazine. Bought all the food I needed and started on Monday. I am down 5.8 lbs in 3 days! Anyone with the book have any tips? I went on the 17 day website, but they don't give you too much info, they want you to buy the book obviously. I am specifically wondering about alchohol. I know you won't lose as much if you drink, but if you do what do they suggest that is low carb? Thanks!! :p

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