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Posts posted by MtnBikerFallDown

  1. Type 2 Diabetic here. I have found my blood sugars are always lower on cruises. I walk more, there are more fresh food choices than I have in my daily life, etc. So, my sugars are fan-freaking-tastic on board!


    As someone else suggested, don't make it a chore. Eat some things you really want, like the cake. Just realize it's a treat, and adjust your intake the rest of the day accordingly.


    I hit the buffet for breakfast and do mostly proteins (omelettes, bacon, etc.). If I have bread, I do a slice of whole wheat bread. That leaves me some more carbs to "sin" later on.


    I do check my blood sugars more frequently on vacation. The change in diet, sleeping habits (I work insane hours, so my sleep changes drastically on a cruise), and exercise make it to where I actually have some lows on cruises. So, I check myself 4-5 times a day when cruising, when I'm usually 2-3 times per day at home.


    As others have said, if you haven't availed yourself of a diabetic educator and/or nutritionist, please do so. They were a HUGE help to me when I was first diagnosed. And, funny enough, I'm an RN with 20 years experience. It's a whole different thing when you're struggling thru it on your own! You will learn what works for YOU. Some folks can handle more carbs than others. Some do better with one sweetener than another (I, for instance, get blood sugar spikes with agave sweetener, and most folks don't). It's a diagnosis, but not a life sentence! You will find better health is very much within your reach!! Some folks have to take meds, some can just control it with exercise/diet. Don't beat yourself up if you have to take meds. Everyone is different.


    Best of luck!

  2. If you decide to drive, I second the Blue Ridge Parkway. Slow, but gorgeous! Passes through or near some neat towns, too!


    I do not live in Charleston, but visit ridiculously frequently, so here's my 2 cents on a small part of your trip. I haven't hit NYC in years, so I'm useless on that part. Sorry!


    If you don't want to drive, Atlanta and Charleston and New York are all Amtrak cities, so you can do trains, if you wish. But, to get around in Charleston, you'll want a car.


    A suggestion for hotel in Charleston is The Town and Country Inn. It's right on an interstate, near several great places to eat, grocery stores, etc. It's not right in downtown, but easy to get there. Also, easy to hit highways to get to the other islands.


    Fun stuff to do in Charleston that you might not know about:Firefly Vodka distillery and Charleston Tea Plantation, both about a 30 minute drive from Charleston out into less populated areas. Gorgeous drive and neat places.


    Hope this helps a tiny bit!

  3. This is a girls trip with my mother and adult daughter. Here are my questions:


    1) Is it best to arrive at port around 10:30 a.m.? Or, do you have another suggestion. (We have FTTF)


    2) Are there secret decks on this ship and if so how do we get to them?


    3) Best place/deck for sunbathing and is like the Sunshine and you have to get out early for a chair?


    4) Best place for lunch on embarkation day?


    5) For handicapped parking, is this in a different location than the building and is it still free?


    Thank you in advance for any help you can give!!! :)


    I'm not much help, as I haven't cruised on Ecstasy in years. BUT, I can tell you about the Charleston port parking (I have friends who work at the port). Handicap parking does have its own area, and it's indoors. BUT, if you get there later, and they're out of space in the building, you may have to park outside. It's still free, and the port is still locked. They still bring the handicap shuttle to your car to pick you up.

    Also, they do make sure that the person to whom the handicap tag is issued is in the car. Apparently, people try to use other folks tags just to avoid paying for parking. :(


    Hope other folks can chime in and help you with the rest.

  4. Isn't sailing on your first ship again so much fun?? Our first cruise was Fantasy in 1994, when it was one of the larger ships around. My how times have changed.


    Times have indeed changed! That cruise was with my Dad, a last Daddy-daughter trip before I got married later that year. He went all out and got us a suite. We were at our table (only dining room, assigned seating back then) and mentioned that we had a balcony. Nothing would to until the other couples came to see it. I think we may have inadvertently invented the cabin crawl. LOL! One of the couples took a picture standing in our bathtub! We had so much fun. That room now is pretty much what a typical balcony cabin is. We thought we were SO fancy, though!

  5. Thanks so much for this review! We've sailed out of Charleston once, so we kind of know the drill. And, Ecstasy was my very first cruise in 1995! So, we're thinking of going on her again this coming December.


    I'm curious, having not sailed Carnival in a few years, what are some good places on board to settle in and watch the water go by? I love finding some out of the way places inside the ship that have good windows to watch the view (but AC is my friend, LOL).


    Also, what about food? I'm a foodie and (let's be honest), freakin' love to eat on a cruise. What was your favorite? I'm curious about The Taste Bar. Is it anything special?


    Again, thanks for the upbeat review. I loved it!

  6. I got "head hunted" by a group that places medical staff on cruise ships. I was very impressed with the level of qualifications you have to have in order to even get an interview! To work as an entry level RN, I needed my degree & licensure (obviously) and multiple years in critical care (ER, ICU, etc), multiple years of ACLS certification, etc.

    I declined to apply, because I love where I work, but it really, really impressed me! I feel pretty darn good about my chances of getting excellent medical care on a cruise ship.


    Certainly some ships use grey (sorry, gray) water for flushing toilets.

    JB :)


    Off topic, but funny. My mom taught me to read with the Winnie the Pooh books as a child. In school, we had a spelling test. The word was "Gray." I, of course, spelled it GrEy, because that's what color Eeyore was, and that was how it was spelled. I got it marked wrong and was mad as a hornet. Took the book into school the next day and showed my teacher. She gave me credit, and sent a note home to my Mom telling her to get ready for some wild years ahead, as I had NO problem standing up for myself, no matter who I was standing against! That was a VERY long time ago, and that teacher still laughs about it when she sees my years later. She said she never asked that one on a spelling test again!

  8. First, about us. We are a family of five, but six of us will be going on this trip---possibly 8.


    It will be me, my boyfriend, 3 kids (8 and 6 year old boys, 3 year old girl), and my mom for sure. Also joining us could be her boyfriend, and a close friend and coworker of mine. The whole premise at this point is that my mom took us to Germany last year, and so we are surprising her with a cruise this year (I told her to bring a swimsuit, we may be going to the beach since we live close to the beach--and thankfully, as a German citizen with green card, she always carries her passport/ID/cards everywhere already).


    So, questions:


    1. We are looking to sail out of Tampa, FL... during the week of March 25-Apr 5 (my kids' spring break). I see a cruise with Carnival that's 5 days (sailing 3/30). Are there any others I should be considering? It will be our first, and I'm trying to stay within a budget. I'll be using a tax refund to book in mid to late February. If all of us go, there will be a law enforcement officer per room, and I know some lines offer discounts. Adjoining/close rooms nice, but not a deal-breaker. I think the only one that give a LEO discount is Royal Caribbean. Carnival is great, especially since you have kids. They do a military on board credit for current and vets, so that might help some, too, if any of you served.


    2. When we traveled to Germany, I had to have a notarized statement from my ex husband allowing international travel with the kids (which no one asked for). Do I need this for the cruise? Definitely. Saw someone get turned away from a cruise once for not having this!


    3. I've read about holds being placed on credit cards. If I'm taking mostly cash, is there a way to avoid this altogether? My intention is to also pay off my car with the rest of my refund (about $2k, woo!) but if I need to wait until that hold is lifted and do it when I get home, that may be doable. :\ They only do holds on debit. But, you do not have to use a card, you can just plunk down cash. They let you know when it gets low.


    4. Weapons. It's unlikely we will drive without service weapons. Am I correct in assuming no firearms are allowed on board? What about pocket knives and the like? Cannot take on firearms. I would hate to leave it in the car, as it isn't unheard of for cars to be robbed in the parking garages. But, easy fix... call the police stations/sheriff's offices where you're sailing from and ask if they will store your fire arm as a favor to another LEO. We have a friend who is a Fed, and she stores hers that way, as she can fly with hers, etc., just can't take it on the ship. They stored it for her in Ft. Lauderdale.


    5. The cruise I'm looking at is on the Carnival Paradise. What is there for KIDS to do on this ship? (8, 6, 3) I am absolutely terrified that they're basically going to fall over the edge and drown. I have no problem spending the whole cruise with my kids, but a few hours on one of the days ALONE would be cool too... ;) Carnival isn't my favorite cruise line, but I still had a lot of fun. That said, I think it has the best kid's program outside of Disney, just from what I've seen. There is a whole children's program, there are tons of pools, etc. You probably won't see them for hours at a go. Most kids adore the kid's program.

    Also, less important, I heard something about them doing a dry dock to remodel this winter since it's an older ship?


    6. The sign and sail cards... I'm assuming kids have those too? Can I keep them from being able to charge anything on them, or set a limit of some kind? Is there an FAQ on what exactly it is/does? with older kids, you can set theirs to where they can't charge. Not sure if you can put a set amount of not, but ask as you embark and get your cards. They'll know for sure.


    7. Cell service. I'm sure their dad will want some form of daily check in. Is there an astronomical charge to check in either via text or internet once a day? We're on Verizon.


    8. Wine. One bottle per adult, correct? (And we could buy more at the ports of call?)


    9. What EXACTLY is included (in the price of the cruise)? Any drinks? Tea? Soda? Juice? Just water? Water with lemon? All the food except what? All the room service except...?

    The gym? The sauna? Obviously not spa treatment stuff?

    (I understand gratuity will be expected, of course)


    10. Is check-in the same as an airport? One suitcase and one "carry-on"? Complete TSA workup and all?



    I'm sure there will be more to come, but thank you so much for reading and answering in advance. I've read a few threads here or there but I'm hoping for specific answers in relation to this ship/line if possible :)

    (also, if I missed a thread that covers something entirely, I won't be offended if you just link to that thread of course!)




    See the red above! I think others have answered most of the stuff I had no clue about. Enjoy your cruise, it's a great way to travel with family!

  9. I'm the planner/herder/care-taker for our little crew, so I don't really relax until I'm on the ship, in my cabin. As soon as I am there, the phone goes in the safe, and I'm free as a bird! After that, no matter what happens, I'm pretty much stress-free. Love that feeling! Only 9 more days...

  10. Yes, it will cover any beverage on Princess Cays that does not cost more than $10.


    The reason the soda package did not cover soda at Princess Cays is that it only covers soda from "soda guns", not cans, and there are only cans at Princess Cays.


    So, I could have gotten a virgin drink on the card, just not a canned Coke. Well, duh on me! At least I'll know it this time (we sail in 9 days, woohoo!).

  11. If purchasing the beverage package, would that include drinks on Princess Cay as well?


    I know the unlimited soda and more doesn't count on Princess Cays (much to my dismay, I just wanted a Coke!), but not sure about the big unlimited package. I'll be interested to hear this answer.

  12. Good question, however we only fly SW so we never pay for luggage.


    Sigh. I wish we had Southwest at our little puddle jumper airport! We only have the legacy airlines (and only 2 of those!), so it really costs.


    Just called Princess.....you will pay any baggage fees when you get to the airport. I presume the airline already has been given the bag information even though you won't have it in your hands.
    Thank you SO much for that info! I hadn't thought about it until today and did a "hmmmm..." moment. Thank you!
  13. Thank you for your inputs


    Following the advice, I will most probably be doing a pre-cruise of 1 or 2 days before going on the cruise.


    As for the Kennedy space center, well...I guess we will have to find a way to fit into our itinerary.




    Maybe fly in early the day before, stow bags at your hotel, and do the center that day? The space center is SUCH a cool place. You'll really enjoy it!

  14. Here's the Ecstasy, back in September 2005, trying to outrun Hurricane Rita.


    OH MY!! I am very glad our first cruise didn't include the ship going thru seas like that. I may never have gotten back on one! :eek:

    Of course, I did cross the Irish sea in a small ferry in gale force winds and not get sick, so maybe I'd have kept my sea legs. Doubtful, though! :D

  15. This has been a GREAT thread. I've enjoyed the pictures and history so much!


    My first cruise was with my Dad in 1995. I got married that year, but this was a Father/Daughter cruise just before I got married. We were on the Carnival Ecstasy. We thought we were the cat's meow, because we had a balcony AND a bathtub!! We brought all the people from our table in the dining room down to see it. They'd been complaining about their tiny showers and I mentioned the bathtub. We practically had a party in our room that night. So fun!


    I really remember the last night. Dad and I were walking the deck and you could hardly stand up. We looked over the railing and the ship was absolutely flying! So much faster than it had before. An hour or so later, the Captain announced we were picking up speed, as Carnival had another ship that was stranded without electricity. They were getting us to port early, and then going to rescue the folks stranded. We were off the ship, luggage in hand and on the bus to the airport by 7am! We spent a lot of time chilling out in the Miami airport waiting on our 2pm flight.


    I actually found an old news article on it!



    The ship they rescued was the Celebration.

  16. In the days when we checked a large pullman suitcase, we took one of those collapsible hampers, a large one, for a self-drive vacay in New Zealand. It was very handy for keeping the back seat tidy! However, when the suitcase was first open, it SPRANG out like a jack-in-the-box and nearly stopped my heart!


    I read this last night and laughed so hard I scared my DH. And, several times today I have thought about it and had a good chuckle. I just had to let you know how much amusement this provided me. Good one!

  17. I can't drink (freakish allergy) and I got the Unlimited Soda and More package and I wore it out! It's relatively inexpensive and they have some fantastic virgin drinks (my personal faves were the Key West Cooler & the Nojito). I also got a killer milkshake and drank soda anytime I wanted it. I really enjoyed being able to get something different, instead of just soda. So, if he likes that kind of thing, he may enjoy the card!

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