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Posts posted by BABA 7

  1. I didn't explain that well. We were charge 170Euros for a minivan that would transport 6 of us from the Piazza Navona area to the port. We tipped 30 Euros on top of that bringing the total to 200 Euros. But then we split the bill with our friend Hilary and paid 2/3 of the cost as there were 4 of us and 2 of her. Hope that makes sense.


    Got it....i'm getting so excited....countdown into the teens...:D



  2. I had a fab Martini on IOS . It was a chocolate Martini. So good. When I returned to Ireland I asked for a chocolate Martini and was given a dry martini with drinking chocolate sprinkled in the top it was disgusting. Maybe I got the name wrong.

    Hopefully on the Equinox, I can track it down again.


    :D Chocolate martinis are the best!


    I think I'm getting a handle on this...but there is one question that remains....does anyone know the going price for martinis?


    I'm considering getting the premium pkg and not having any hassles....and taking advantage of the sale that Celebrity is having...



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