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Lady Hudson

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Posts posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Happy Constitution Day!  As a former

    Social Studies teacher I know it well.  In PA we were required to do some type of instruction/mention about the constitution on this day.  Hope that requirement is still in effect.


    Prayers for all in need and for relief from pain.  So many of our contributors and/or family members need our prayers.  Best wishes for Roy and his team at rehab and hope he is home soon. 


    DH Bill and I went to the cardiologist yesterday to try to get some resolution for his shoulder/chest pain.  All agree pulled muscle pain should be gone by now. (This has been going on since at least February.)  More X-rays taken and should get those results today.  Other tests from last month have come back negative.


    Best wishes for a great day.  Katherine 

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  2. 59 minutes ago, Jamman54 said:

    Okay, as promised, here are the nuts and bolts. When Chris Williams left Carnival, his position as a Fleet CD opened up. Lee applied for the job and was selected. Not only is it a promotion which means more money, the schedule will work out better for him and his fiance Geraldine. Fleet CD's work three months on, and a month off. The other Fleet CD's are Mike Pack, Donkey, and Erin. Three of the Fleet CD's will be assigned nine ships each, and the fourth Fleet CD will be a "floater". Lee doesn't know as yet which of these he will be. Their job is to fly to the various ships to train, assess, brainstorm ideas, amongst other things with the CD's and the Fun Squads. 


    Lee told us that he will remain on the Venezia for the next four to six weeks until his replacement is named and can join the ship. Lee, of course, will stay on for the handover cruise. I think that covers everything. :classic_cool:

    Did Lee used to be with Royal Caribbean?  Last name?  Thanks.

    • Like 1
  3. September 11 is a day I will not forget.  I was teaching 6th graders and planned to have them working in the library to do a short research project.  It was there that the computer tech told me that about the first tower being struck.  The decision was made to not tell the children what was happening (this was pre cell phone days).  Reason being that we are close enough to NYC that the children could have had relatives who worked in the city. It turned out one family did lose a member who was a firefighter.   We also had teachers who had family in the city as well but fortunately all was ok with them.

    At the end of the day we spoke to the children as they were leaving to go home.   Again, a day all of us will never forget.  Katherine 

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  4. 53 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

    Good morning,

    Happy Anniversary Sandi, I love the photo. Nancy I am sorry to hear about your brother. I worry about complications with my friend and her TKR. She a set up for problems. On a good note Murphy is a big sister. Baby sister Rooney Renee is here and doing well. They are one busy household. 

    Prayers and well wishes to all and have a great day. 


    What a sweet picture.  Thanks for showing us.

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  5. Prayers for your DB Nick, Graham.  Scary times for your family but praying all will be well.  

    Cooler day here today.  Trip for DH yesterday to check on possible need for cataract surgery.  Inconclusive. Follow up next week to cardiologist to check on chest pain that DH has had.  Heart tests are coming back negative. More tests to follow, I am sure.


    Best wishes for everyone to have a great day.  Katherine

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  6. Good morning and Happy Sunday!  Blessings to all.


     We got home safely and yesterday I did next to nothing.  Now to unpack!  So far DS and I have no cold, Covid symptoms.  Online chatter says some from our cruise have tested positive.  I will keep my fingers crossed.  

    Fall is in the air and I will start to put out my fall decorations.  My favorite time of the year.  And then the holidays — time passes quickly.


    Have a safe and happy Labor Day.  Katherine

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  7. Good morning.  Prayers for those in need and thanks to all contributors on this thread.


    Last day on Vision of the Seas.  It has been a good trip but today is rainy and cloudy as we make our way to Baltimore.  DS and I always have a great trip as we laugh a lot.  Next trip is 10/19 with DH.  He will be glad to get away.


    Best wishes for a safe and healthy Labor Day weekend.  Katherine

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  8. Good morning.  Prayers for all suffering with illness or other issues.


    Our friend, whom some of you have been praying for - thank you, passed away peacefully last night.  He was back and forth between rehab and the hospital.  Infection and pneumonia was the ultimate cause of death.  I am sorry I am not with DH now because I know how he must feel.  Those guys were best buds and business partners for around forty years.


    In St John Canada today and will be out looking for a good lobster roll shortly.  Best wishes to everyone and have a great day.  Katherine 

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  9. Good morning and best wishes.  Lovely weather coming up for us starting tomorrow — 70s for many days!!  I will enjoy it.


    Hal Sailer - so sorry to hear of your diagnosis.  Keep the faith and, as many has said, lymphoma is quite treatable these days.  One of my best friends had the same diagnosis and lived over twenty years.  His passing had nothing to do with the lymphoma. Continued prayers for you and your DH.  

    Today I will work on cleaning out an unused bedroom.  Too convenient to “store” stuff when room is not being used.  I need to decide what can go and what can stay.


    Have a great weekend.  Many, many thanks to our regular contributors who keep this thread not only continuing but make it a very interesting read.  Katherine 

    • Like 35
  10. 18 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

    There has been no evacuation order.  The governor did not even declare a state of emergency.  Without those in place there is no one to notify.

    i see that Jim Cantore is in Charleston. 

    As I said before, there is no place to go.


    Prayers for you and your husband.  May God help everyone in Debby’s path.  

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  11. So getting confused!  It appears that Royal is asking if people want to cancel the trip I want to be added (to

    an existing booking) in exchange for a free trip.  But they are also granting Royal Ups.  Going to keep my fingers crossed I will eventually be successful.  DS is making Pinnacle and I would like to be there for that.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

    Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  The computer is not giving temps and weather info, it is telling me what is happening at the Olympics at this time, so my weather report?  Hot, Humid, and Horrible. (3H club)


    Braham Pie-Known as the 'Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota,' Braham has a rich history with pie, making this celebration both a nostalgic and mouth-watering experience. Braham Pie Day falls on August 2. While you celebrate the day, make simple pie recipes at home to enjoy with your family and friends.


    As usual I misread the pie-thought it said Graham pie, thinking graham cracker, FYI , I made an eye appointment yesterday morning.


    Minnesota is the king of pie, my favorite, apple pie with cinnamon ice cream.  Hard to find the ice cream in the south.  So I'm ok with blueberry or cherry with vanilla.


    Yesterday was a horrible day, but it was filled with wonderful people.  All of you, and the staff at the restaurant.  The manager called 911 for me, which tied up their phone for a while, (they do a lot of call in/take out)  The waitress brought cool damp towels to out on Chuck's head as he was sweating so much, we never did order, I had had no food except for an english muffin at 8 yesterday morning.  When I left the hospital in the afternoon, I still had bills to pay, so I drove back up to Northlake, then stopped back at the restaurant to give Terri (the manager an update) and ordered dinner.  The waitresses paid for my dinner, I left a good tip , thanked Terri and the waitress brought back the tip to me, she said, no, we want to help you both today.  There are earthangels, all of you, and those at the restaurant, and the nurses at the hospital.. 

    Prayers for you both as you go tbrough this difficult time.  

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  13. One in our group is trying to be added to a solo passenger cabin. No need for an additional cabin.   Ship is supposedly sold out though we know of a number of solo bookings that are on the voyage.  Anyone have any luck getting added to a “sold out” trip?  I know folks can cancel at the last minute for a variety of reasons.  How many days before sailing will Royal let one book?  Many questions, I know.  Thanks for any information.  Katherine 

  14. Good morning, everyone.  Prayers for all in need and especially those in pain.


    Hot again here today — I am not a “summer” person so I am really getting tired of this!  Love it when we have to turn the gas fireplace on in the morning to make the house more toasty.  I am aware I am in the minority.  😀  


    Taking a trip to BJs today to stock up on some things.  Mostly paper products is the plan but I never know once I walk into that store.  Lots of good stuff to purchase.  

    Have a great day and stay safe.  Katherine 

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  15. 1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

    We are back, and the road of life that we were traveling on, ended with this doc.  No surgery. (which is what the oncologist said would happen)  and then we find out through this visit, that there is a tumor on the right jaw, and no one will do surgery ever.. Each doc we have been to,  to resolve one problem has told us of more problems, the tumor today, the kidney problems last week, and while this was a new young doc, he knew immediately that DH's thinking ability is pretty much gone. 


    All DH could focus on was a single front tooth that was getting looser, and the doc pulled it this morning. Bang, out. Well at least he cant complain that the tooth hurts or that its loose, or have to pay the oral surgeon I saw,  any money.  This doc pulled it, and said, it was on the house.  I told DH to put the tooth under his pillow and the tooth fairy will come by.  DH was about to walk out as we had waited an hour for him to show up.  The doc did tell him that he had no idea why he was there.  And if DH put his faith in his oncologist, he would not have been.  But, if the MRI shows more cancer, (which is what the radiologist's nurse told me is happening) they will probably take DH off of the immunotherapy and put him back on chemo.  


    So it is what it is.  Last night DH asked me if I had moved the furniture.  We have lived in this house 21 years, the sofa, has been replaced, but nothing was moved.  This way with his bad eye sight he wont trip over anything, he should know where everything is. but recently I installed a night light in the bedroom, as he has been ending up on my side of the bed thinking that way lead to the door, but he will be trying to open the closet. Again, the mattress was replaced, but that's all.  So I dont know if he knows where he is half the time.  


    @smitty34877All kittens are here and accounted for.  Jersey will go to her new home some time this weekend.  A woman we met at the vets is interested in Turnip but that will be the hardest to let go.  He is a feisty little monster, but purrs and snuggles when picked up.  Quiffy sleeps next to me when I work, and Ollie-who is now Olliebeararosa- attacks me when I walk down the hall.

    The Ollie is for the new next year F1 driver Ollie Bearman.  But Ollie acts like a squirrel (runs back and forth and tries to hide behind the water bowl)most of the time, and the squirrels in Arosa Switzerland are black.  I think the name sounds important and much better than Squirrel Brains.



    So sorry to read of Chuck’s medical situation.  Prayers for you both.  Katherine 

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  16. Good morning and prayers for all in need.  So many troubles for our dailyites.  Prayers that all see improvement soon.


    I can’t remember what I have posted so forgive me if I repeat.  DH Bill had a fall when I was on the trip with my sister.  Leg still has bruises. I think the fall was related to not taking meds appropriately and he was not steady on his feet with very high sugar levels.  DD dealt with that, a dishwasher that went on the blink as well as an icemaker. We also are having issues the garbage disposal!  So DD had quite a time while I was gone.  But she is very efficient for which I am grateful.  

    Our close friend has now gone from the hospital to rehab and back to the hospital again.  Looks like a uti as well as breathing issues.  Prayers please.  

    Thanks to all who support this thread.  Best wishes for a great Sunday.  Katherine 

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  17. Thanks to all for your kind words the last few days.  I am sailing, as you know, and have not been online that much.


    Sorry to hear of all the health issues .  Best wishes and prayers for all.


    Bill is with our daughter and did have a fall last night.  All seems to be well today.   I will be back in a few days to check on his condition but our daughter is more than competent.  As we know that as we age “It’s always something!”  Katherine 

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