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Posts posted by Mikesa1721

  1. Yes, I sure hope so. A few nice extra perks for them will go a long way for good PR.


    Wonder how many of the former crew will be back. Lots went home instead of going to Brazil. We will be back on board in November for our third time and hope to see some familiar faces.


    I know our butler Johnathan, Danny,,,one of the One Bar servers,,and the One Bar bartender,,can't remember his name,,,we had such a great time with all of them,,we can't wait to see them again!!

  2. Thanks. Very possible the reason for delay. So sorry to hear of the trouble passengers had today. Sure starts a trip off on a sour note. MSC had situations beyond their control. I'm sure they had their hands full trying to take care of upset pax on board, missing flights, etc. not to mention all the hot and hungry pax waiting to board. Just glad we were not part of it.


    I agree Cruisergal,,let's just hope the crew onboard can turn the unfortunate situation into a positive one for the pax onboard today!!

  3. Used to sailing Princess, HAL, with unlimited printing of luggage tags. MSC says 2 and don't photocopy. How are extra bag tags handled for 3rd and 4th pices of luggage at Port of Miami?


    Umuva,,,although they say not to print more than one copy of your luggage tags,,we still do. When you check-in, they will replace your pre-printed luggage tags with new ones and hand yours back to you. Not sure why they do this,,but they do.

  4. You should get yourself some of these Joy!!


    Mike - I take it these are the wide ones. Joyce


    Those are the wide ones which I purchased for our trip on Carnival this past March,,the narrow tags are what fit the MSC luggage tags, but if you were to purchase some,,I would get the wide ones so any cruise line's luggage tags would fit.

  5. It is ugly, MSC needs to start damage control now



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    Ehhhh,,,MSC's hands are tied by the Port Authority though Michelle. Do I think it's in MSC's best interest to make an announcement as to the reason for the delays?

    Yes,,but in all reality MSC just leases the terminal from The Port Of Miami and has nothing to do with the problems with the terminal or customs trying to clear those passengers disembarking the ship. Please don't let one unfortunate incident dictate the rest of your vacation.:)

  6. I wouldn't wait any longer for the luggage tags. Our boarding documents arrived via e-mail over a week ago,but no tags. I requested a call back, waited three days, called them yesterday. After a 50 minute hold, a very pleasant MSC rep heard my request and our tags arrived on line within 15 minutes.

    Does anyone know if there is a Meet & Mingle on Divina for her August 9th sailing? I have not been able to locate one.


    2Sea,,,here is a link to the Divina August 9th roll call:




    If they have one set-up there you can ask to have yourself added to it. The meet and greet time and location,, if there is one,, will be printed on the Daily's you receive in your cabin.

  7. Hello all,

    They are saying that there was an gas leak in the terminal, so they pushed everyone to the other terminal in Miami so then waited there for a half hour until they moved us back to the outside of the normal terminal, after waiting outside for another half hour, they started letting us in the terminal. We are currently in the terminal and checked in but people are still getting off the ship at 2:30pm! Also the terminal is at capacity so they are making people stand outside. The worst part of this whole thing was there was no information at all given, and I feel MSC lost customers before they even got on board. Also, we needed a wheelchair for boarding and because MSC was of no help, we had to find one ourselves.


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    How is this MSC's fault??? You can not board the ship until she is cleared by the Port Authority. Divina just returned from Brazil, so customs might be slow,,you really can't tell, but don't blame the cruise line,,,blame the Port Authority.


    Already looking forward to the negative reviews!! Can't Wait!!

  8. Thank you. When they gave us the flimsy tags prior to boarding the Poesia my luggage had not arrived when we set sail. Little scary to think wearing the same clothes for a week. Apparently the tag tore off and they had to identify the luggage with my name, address, etc. tag that I keep on the luggage. Rolled in about 11 that night.

    I laminate my tags at home for this reason, but it all turned out well,


    You should get yourself some of these Joy!!<a href=IMG_0263_zps0367f530.jpg' alt='IMG_0263_

  9. Will I be able to download luggage tags?

    Two years ago we went on the Poesia and luggage tags were given to us to fill out at the pier!

    Mike, you should be able to help me with this one.



    Joy,,,,As Riclop posted,,you'll receive your luggage tags with your boarding pass in an e-mail, about 30 days before your embarkation date. I'm not sure if this is just exclusive to the Yacht Club or not,,but when we arrived at the pier,,the butler removed our printed luggage tags,,handed them back to us, and reapplied new tags to our luggage. I have no idea why this is done,,but will find out in three weeks when we embark Divina.

  10. Are there 2 theme nights or 3? I know of white night and Italian night. I thought there was a 70s or 80s night too??

    I agree, MSC doesn't really mention it on their site, if not for this board I'd have no idea!!

    I sail on sept 6th and am also trying to get my packing list together



    Dog,,there are three theme nights. White Party,,Italian Night,,and the Flower Glory Party (60's and 70's). Unless you read the "Fun And Entertainment" section under "Discover MSC", there would be no way of knowing about these theme nights. I think they should send this information along when they send you your boarding pass and luggage tags.

  11. We've sailed on Divina and loved it!!

    There are very few announcements during the day.

    No loud music on the decks

    No bar servers walking around with trays of drinks to sell

    No photographers in your face everywhere you go

    Very rarely will you ever see your room attendant

    Dinners are an event,,1 and a half to 3 hours long in some instances


    You are on a European Cruise Line so expect the European way of things. We love it and can't wait for the next 5 of our sailings aboard Divina.

  12. Mike ... The MSC website appears to be hit and miss with regard to booking things depending on which part of the world you are in and who you booked with!


    We cannot yet book drinks or tours for the grand Voyage from Venice to Dubai in late November on the UK site! The idea of booking via the website is so you pay in total on the onboard account and accumulate club points and save the 15% but for some reason MSC do not appear to want people to do that.


    I should have asked the OP which MSC website they were logging into. I keep forgetting there are numerous MSC websites depending on your geography.

  13. I was able to add Allegrisimo Premium to my onboard account without the pre-pay option. Go to On Board Services---> Book Your Allegrissimo Package--->

    CLICK HERE,,,this should bring you to a page where you enter your booking info. Once there I was able to add excursions, drink packages, spa packages,,etc.

  14. You won't need your cards. Your number will be registered in their system and your cruise card will show the membership level you're at.


    Thanks Beam,,,I wasn't sure if you needed to present your membership card each time you made a purchase onboard.

  15. Well, I'm still waiting for my member number and we sailed March 22!!! I've e-mailed them several times, the latest about a week ago, and never have heard anything back from them. I even mentioned that we want to book another cruise (true) and are waiting until we get the number, still nothing. I think four months is a bit ridiculous.


    Try calling a PVC at MSC. They were able to tell me our membership numbers over the phone and apply the appropriate discount to our future bookings. Still waiting since May for our cards though, and we leave in 3 weeks!!!:eek:

  16. We are going on Divina in September (first time with MSC) and we decided to upgrade our room to Room 11010 on Deck Iride (Suite with balcony, front corner of ship, catergory S3) Curious to know if anyone has been in a room like this with more info/pics. I haven't been able to really find much...:confused::confused:




    We are sailing in 16008 (YC3) which looks to be similar in size to your stateroom, but on deck 16 in the Yacht Club. Here is a link to some S3 stateroom photos:


  17. My husband and I will be cruising on the Divina in 3 weeks for our 25th anniversary. We have never cruise on MSC, but are Platinum on Princess, and have cruised on Celebrity, Carnival, RC and Holland. We have enjoyed every one of them, regardless of the reviews:0) I have a few questions...


    1. Do they allow a lounge chair on the larger balcony cabins?

    2. Any suggestions on quiet areas on deck with views of the water, for lounging and reading a book? Is there a pool area that is quieter than others?

    3. Is there a jogging path that goes all the way around?

    4. Are there areas on the private island right off the water, where we have shade? Or is renting a clam shell worth the cost?

    5. Any good tips/secrets that you can share?

    6. We do like to have our dinners in the main dining, but prefer to just grab a quick bit for lunch...any preferences on places or food at the buffet?

    7. Is the dress code for day and evening very similar to all the other cruise lines?

    8. Any 'must sees or do's' on the Divina?


    Thanks so much for any answers! I love cruise critic!


    Are you sailing on August 23rd 7uvus?


    1. Yes,,most extended or larger balcony staterooms will have one or two lounge chairs


    2. The Garden Pool on deck 15 aft is fairly quiet,but the Solarium on deck 18 is your best bet. It does cost extra to use the lounge chairs or clam shells, I think $15.00 for the whole day.


    3. Deck 15 has a "Power Walking" track


    4. We have a cabana reserved for Great Stirrup Cay,,we've never been so I can't go into great detail.


    5. Definitely check out the shows at night, they are fantastic. There are 3 theme night parties, The White Party, The Flower Glory Party(60's and 70's) and Italian night. We'll dress for all three,,,why not??


    6. There are two buffets: Calumet Buffet, midship deck 14, and the Manitou Buffet, deck 14 aft.


    7. Dress how you like, cruise casual,,men are required to wear long pants to enter the dining rooms after 6:00pm, but we've seen men wearing shorts. Wear what you like and what you are comfortable with.


    8. Again,,check out the production shows at night. We love to dance, so you will find us in the Galaxy Disco every night.

  18. Ive read that the Entertainment on ship is top notch. I usually dont go to any of the shows an my previous trips, but Id like to check it out this time around. For those of you who have gone, whats youre take on the shows offered? What would you see again? what was disappointing? If you could only catch one show, which would it be?


    Frank Forever - Frank Sinatra Tribute




    Simply Italian


    The Witches of Paris






    Starwalker - Michael Jackson Tribute


    Tribute - Opera


    Thanks for your input!


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    Our first trip was a 3 day sailing so only Wonderland and Starwalker were shown the two nights. We're looking forward to all of the shows in August,,but definitely will not miss the Starwalker show. Loved It!!!



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