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Posts posted by krkheffe

  1. tocruzagain the day you described is great but with just 8 hrs in port (and at most 5.5 hrs of time available) snorkeling the BVI isn't really a good option unless you're just going to the west side on a motorboat. But we would be the first to recommend an excursion to the BVI for someone with more time in port as we love staying in the BVI because it is so beautiful. Just a long trip to the Norman Caves and Indians for snorkeling.

    A daysail or beach excursion via ferry to STJ is more doable with 5 hrs available and there are options if that is really desired. Water Island is another option, perhaps one of the excursions that do the turtle snorkels? We haven't done that but it is popular too.


    krkheffe, there are several daysail outfits listed under daysails on the vinow dot com site if you want to check them out, just that your time is a bit limited when you allow for the debarkation, taxi time, and return to the ship. But I also know that some of these outfits are flexible and good at accommodating these schedules.


    Thanks for the website suggestion...I will check it out!

  2. Thanks everyone for your replies. I contacted captain Max with sailwithcaptainmax and she said she could take us to St. John...said we would get to her boat by about 10:45 and be back around 4:30-5:00 pm. This would include lunch and drinks and quoted me a cash price of $140 per person.


    It sounds like getting to St. John might be more time consuming. Is the snorkeling and water that much better? Just wondering if we would be better off staying in St. Thomas and having more time.

  3. Depends on what type of snorkeling and day you are interested in. Some of the best off-the-beach snorkeling is actually right at Sapphire Beach and other beaches on STT. You will also find great snorkeling at Maho and Francis on STJ. But for the best snorkeling on STJ we would actually take a day sail like New Horizons or Yacht Nightwind (both out of Sapphire Marina on the East End of STT) which moor off the cays of STJ. We enjoyed a great day on the NH, $75pp but the tour is from 10AM - 4PM which doesn't fit your schedule unfortunately.

    Because you are in port only 8 hrs I would highly recommend Sapphire Beach which is a $10 - 12pp taxi each way and you can rent what you want there at the dive center. Abundant shade and drink and food options, here's a webcam there -



    If you still want to go to a beach on STJ just taxi to Red Hook and take the 20 minute ferry tkat leaves RH on the hour like clockwork and grab a taxi from Cruz Bay to your beach choice. Roundtrip fare is about $50pp and gives you the most time for your excursion.


    Thanks for the info! Actually we are in port from 10am-6pm. I will check out the companies you mentioned..maybe they can work something out.

  4. Kelly: You don't need a tour operator. Once you pick a beach, you can get a taxi or a taxi-ferry-taxi to take you there.;)


    Thanks! Do you know how much all that would be? I was there about 12 years ago and we went on a ship tour and went out on a boat somewhere. We don't have our own equipment either so thought maybe someone taking us out on a boat that provided the equipment and getting us there would be less of a hassle.


    I am cost aware...but also do not want to stress out trying to find equipment to rent and having things done for me while on vacation if you know what I mean...especially taking 3 teens with me.

  5. We will be in St. Thomas on March 18th from 10am-6pm on the Carnival Liberty. I was wondering if snorkeling is better in St. Thomas or St. John and if anyone knows a private tour operator that is good. I do not like taking the cruise excursions because there are just too many people. It will be myself and 3 teens ages 18, 18, and 16.


    I snorkeled years ago in St. John and it was incredible. From what little I have been reading on these boards it seems people think St. John is better.


    Any opinions and tour operator suggestions? I appreciate it!!!



  6. I found two websites - one lists the following tour one doesn't.

    How can I contact them other than phone? I put the following in a message on the website, but not sure it went through.


    We are interested in a catamaran, dunns river falls snorkel tour for 2 adult and 2 kids age 8 and 10

    We are on the Carnival Freedom February 20th 2014




    This is the website I used....http://courtneytay.wix.com/jamaicajh


    I sent an email and he got back to me within a couple of days. Not sure which website you used. The catamaran looks like it might be new? I think some stuff depends on where you dock so maybe everything isn't available. I clicked on the catamaran icon and nothing happened so maybe the website hasn't been updated.


    If you don't hear anything within a few days maybe try the website link again.

  7. I had a paypal deposit of $26.00 for 4 people. That works out to be $6.50 each. I am not sure what is normal...maybe it depends on the total cost of the tour and how many people you are bringing. I don't think I would worry about it. I copied all the emails I had received including my paypal deposit so I knew exactly how much I owed. I would make sure to have copies of the prices you were quoted and any deposits made in case there is any confusion with your driver as to how much you owe.

  8. We got back from Carnival Freedom and used Courtney Taylor on Oct. 17th for a tour. It was myself (Mom), and my 3 kids ages 19, 18, and 16. We went to Dunn's River Falls and Irie Blue Hole. We had lunch and also a quick stop at a shop.


    The tour was awesome! Our driver, Dean, was also awesome! He answered and and all questions that the kids had and pointed out things as we were driving and told us about his country. We got to Dunn's Falls and he dropped us in the parking lot. He watched over all of our belongings while we did the Falls. We chose to NOT use a guide at the falls as we didn't want to hold hands. Dean gave us advice like which side to climb up and to stay away from the slippery black rocks. When we were done, another driver called him and soon he was there to pick us up.


    Next, we went to Irie Blue Hole. This place was about 20 minutes away and the road was very uneven and bumpy and narrow. When we got there we had to climb down some steep stairs. Unfortunately I twisted my ankle somehow and fell...just on that step, thankfully not all the way down. My ankle swelled up pretty bad and Dean was right there, along with my 2 teenage sons, helping me. I was unable to enjoy Blue Hole and the water, but I made the kids do it anyway. I say I made them because they were worried about me and wanted to take me back to the ship but I insisted it was better for me to rest with my foot up and let them enjoy the area.


    Dean was wonderful and although there was no ice there, a couple of the Blue Hole guides went and got ice and an ace bandage while Dean held a cold orange juice carton on my ankle. (it was all they had!). When the ice arrived, he held that and the swelling went down quite a bit and he wrapped it for me. He knew I was disappointed that I didn't get to experience Blue Hole and see the kids having fun so he helped me hobble to a couple of points where I could see the kids.


    The guides helped the kids and took my waterproof camera with them and took a bunch of really nice pictures. Although I didn't get to see most of the area, I was very glad to have pictures.


    The kids said this was the best part of their trip. Next we went to lunch at a local place. The food was good but it took a LONG time to get it. It took so long I was afraid we wouldn't get to shop at all but we managed a quick 10 minute stop in a local shop so the kids could pick up a couple of things.


    The only thing I didn't like was that we were told to get off the ship as soon as we could...we got off at 7:30am and were waiting at 7:45. We had to wait a good 30-40 minutes before anyone came to pick us up. I think that was a waste of time and time we could have used in the afternoon when we ran out of time...literally.


    Having said that, I would definitely use Courtney Taylor tours again. Our drive, Dean was awesome in every way...especially when I got hurt. He was concerned and went out of his way to help me and help me still have an enjoyable time.

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