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Posts posted by Blueboss

  1. Just returned from a wild ride on Elation. Rough seas and howling wind had us rocking for 3 days, nonstop. None of us got sick, but we were getting tired of staggering everywhere we walked, some pax were thrown out of bed and they put out the seasick bags. We have been on Carnival Magic in rough weather but didn't feel the ship moving unless a big wave hit us. We are booked on Liberty, Eastern Caribbean in Nov. and was wondering what to be prepared for on that size of ship. Will we feel as much movement as we did on Elation? Is it more stable like Magic? Or fall somewhere in between? More curious than anything since we have not been on a Conquest Class ship yet. Thanks for any input.

  2. Check the lunar tables for when your cruise is scheduled. Maybe you'll be lucky and there will be a full moon up early enough to allow a moonlight view of the Mississippi and Gulf.


    Hadn't even thought of that! Thanks! We are getting ready to leave Missouri today for our cruise on Monday. I know it gets dark early and have been wondering if there would be enough light to see everything on that CC post. I have watched Marine Traffic dot com to get a better idea of times. I think I will be able to see it all and get a nice picture, as we turn the bend, of the bridge at sunset. I watched the radar back in Sept. when Conquest sailed with my DD at 4:20 pm and they hit open water around midnight. Last night, was doing the same thing with Elation. They sailed at 4:10 pm and was nearing the mouth of the river around 11, when I went to bed.

  3. Loving this review! Can't wait for Aruba. We aren't going there anytime soon but gathering info for when we do. Was talking to my son (stationed in Germany) and he asks me if there was any part of his wedding that I was dead set on paying for. He didn't need any financial help, but he knows I paid for his sister's wedding last year. I told him I would pay for his honeymoon if he wanted to take a cruise (we will be on the same cruise) he says, "I think Aruba sounds like a place to go." Looks like we will be on the Breeze for an 8 day as soon as Uncle Sam sends my son back home.


    I LMAO about the cornbread! OMG! Even in my "learning to cook" days, I didn't screw it up THAT bad!


    As for the reptiles......you got more guts than I do. No way am I going to hold anything like that! Glad you and your mom had a great time and am enjoying your review.

  4. Thanks so much for the pictures of the ship. Interesting décor. Having been on Elation (over the top) and Magic (more understated), this one falls somewhere in between. I think I'll fun exploring it. Either way we are leaving from a port that is new to us, going to places we have never been before on a ship we have never sailed. Yep fits in perfectly with our 'fly by the seat of our pants' lifestyle! Can't wait! Am settling in for the rest of your review and looking forward to all of it.

  5. Can anyone make the decision to self-disembark if they want? Or, do they only allow those with early flights to do it?


    Anyone can when they call for the "Self Assist" passengers. I can't speak for other cruise lines since I have only sailed Carnival, but generally the first ones off the ship are Self Assist, then zone 1, zone 2, etc. Self assist can only be done if you/your group can handle all of your luggage yourself easily. A good place to start is your cruise lines website FAQs to find out their particular policies on various things. If you have any questions or need clarification of anything you're not sure about, this is the place to ask those questions. There is a forum for each cruise line with many people that can help answer any questions you might have. Lord knows, I had enough of them before our first cruise! Welcome to Cruise Critic.

  6. Maybe it might be a chance to form a not for profit charity. CAA. Cruise Addicts Annomous. Of course, none of us would join, however, it would be a good chance to get together and plan the next cruise. Sorta like all of us here in Cruise Critic. :D


    I can see that adapting very well to a 12 step program! :D


    To the OP, just go with the addiction. My husband went on our first cruise against his will, said we weren't going to take one every year. I said ok and booked us on 2 this year! Although while discussing the one that is fast approaching, he named off all the reasons we shouldn't book it. I asked him if we should just pass on it and his reply was, "It's a cruise!!" Apparently, I have created a monster now! :eek: Welcome to Cruise Critic.

  7. Loved reading this review! Will be on Liberty next year and am trying to get acquainted with the ship as much as possible. Haven't quite put my finger on the theme the designer was going for but still looks interesting. I also took a peak at your photos on your FB page from last year as well. Loved seeing the photos of Magic you took while parked next to her. Brought back some memories of our Jan. cruise and a different perspective of the ship. You seem to capture the places that DH and I hung out the most while on that cruise. lol On my bucket list is to try the glass stair case if I ever get on a Spirit Class ship. I'm terrified of heights but a "face your fear" sort of thing. Thanks for sharing and glad you had a good cruise.

  8. I saw Funship Freddy on my first cruise, surrounded by a group of passengers. I was trying to point him out to my sister and for the life of me could not remember his name so it came out of my mouth as, "Look, there's Freeloading Freddy!" I knew it started with an F! To this day, that is one of the stories her son asks her to tell him again and again. LOL The kids are going on their first cruise with us in Nov. and they are looking forward to seeing "Freeloading Freddy"!

  9. Will be looking forward to reading more. No grandkids yet. DD and SIL are still having fun, just the 2 of them. I do have a grand doggie though that I get to spoil. Son is still in Germany and will be for the foreseeable future. He came home for a couple of weeks this summer. Was happy to see him but it tore my heart out watching his plane take him away from us again. I have a love/hate thing going on with the airport now. lol DH and I started a project together building his mom a new house, so have spent all summer swinging hammers when we weren't at our regular jobs. Not something I would recommend for 2 strong willed, opinionated people, but we haven't had divorce lawyers on the phone yet. :D Decided to take another cruise this year to 'chill out'. Over all, I think we are adjusting to empty nest pretty good.

  10. I had lost this thread for several months, so glad I found it again. I've spent the entire night reading it and have to admit, I was wiping tears when I got to the NYE posts. I was also laughing about the video of Sapphire Princess coming into port. Priceless!! So glad you all had a wonderful time on your cruise. I thought it was a nice touch taking pictures of your wife where some of your 'clue' pictures had been taken. I did get a digital photo frame, put our cruise pictures on it, hung it near our desk and catch both of us just looking at the pictures on occasion. Such a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration! Now I have to go read your review, but that will have to wait until next week when I transition from sleeping nights to sleeping days again.

  11. Thanks for this review and the one you did in Feb. This will be our second time on Elation but first time sailing out of NOLA. Glad to see not too much has changed in the 2 years since we last sailed on her. Really liked the pictures of the port itself, gives me a visual of what to expect. I did a review of our Magic cruise in Jan., but I don't think I'll be doing one for this cruise. You have done such a great job with all your pictures, I don't think I could add anything else to it if I did one. The info on the pools has already helped us since this trip we have 2 little ones going with us and they have no fear of water, but can't swim. We now know which pool to take them to.

  12. Still following your story. I have had the same thoughts about cancelling our cruise, seems so much is needing our attention, time and money at the moment. I talked to DH about my worries and he told me I had put my kid's wants and needs first all these years, it was time we did something frivolous just for us. He's right, my world has been centered on the kids and we need to get back to being a couple again now that they are on their own but before we have grandkids. Hope you make many nice memories for you and your wife to share.

  13. FWIW...the area around the smaller pier might have some fish life, but it's nothing like other shore lines in Roatan, notably the West Bay and West End reefs, or Sandy Bay. The run off from the surrounding hills creates a silty bottom that gets churned up by the ships' propellers. If there are wind waves on the outer shore, they won't let you snorkel or kayak out past the pier itself. If you wish just to play around in the water with your snorkel on, and aren't over enthused about seeing various species of sealife, then it'll be okay. And your DH won't get his swimsuit in kippers with worry.


    Thank you. Sometimes he can rain on my perfectly good time, but at least he cares enough to worry. I would love to see some of the more colorful sea life but can be happy with more minimal sights. I've snorkeled the rivers of the Ozarks for years with not much to see besides rocks, bass and perch. Once in a while, I get lucky and find "treasures" from someone dumping a canoe over. At least it will be different scenery for me.

  14. there was a thread maybe a day ago.. how good is the snorkeling at mahogany bay.. consensus was yes, pretty good.


    I read that thread and was starting to really think about it. A picture is worth a thousand words and this looks doable for me. I will snorkel by myself, under the watchful eye of DH since he doesn't enjoy swimming, I have to stay pretty close to shore. I wasn't sure how far out I would have to swim. Usually, DD snorkels with me and DH doesn't worry so much since we are both strong swimmers and using the buddy system. She won't be with us on this trip.

  15. Glad to see you back. Sorry you and your son have been sick. As for the high and lows and life being like a rollar coaster........you have 11 kids! :eek: My mom just had 5 and there were times we had her speaking in Yiddish and we aren't even Jewish! Even with the 2 kids I have, there have been times when they needed me and I told my husband to take a number. Sometimes we just have to roll with the punches life throws at us. In the end, it is all so worth it. This summer my daughter got married and my son started his Army career, all in the same week. Lot of joy, sadness, tears and prayers, but DH and I are able to sit back now and feel blessed that we raised two fine young people. The good and the bad times are what shape and make families stronger. Keep your chin up, pray for strength and thank God for your blessings.

  16. Ominous Sky arriving in Cozumel on Elation, Sept. 2011


    I think we were on the same cruise or Cozumel has the same weather pattern. Got off the ship in the morning, sunny and hot, this rolled in around lunch time and then the sun came out again in the afternoon. Still was a good day in paradise.

  17. Was away from cc for awhile, too many life events with my kids this summer. Sat down tonight and read all your posts to my husband. He says you are doing a great job. Then he tells me he could never pull the same thing with me. I qoute: "I could give you a picture of a pitch fork and you would guess right away I was taking you to see the penguins in Antartica." LOL He's right, in all the years we have been together, he has surprised me exactly 2 times, our engagement and a birthday dinner, nothing on this scale. We both had to laugh at the bantering between you and the wife, we do that too and could relate. Hope this trip is everything you want it to be. Even if the surprise gets blown, she will know the amount of effort you put into it and will make it that much more special.

  18. WOW! Love reading your reviews and seeing your pictures. Glad you are enjoying your new camera so much, the pictures looked great! Sorry I was late in finding this thread. Both of my kids decided they would have life events in the same week! Son left for the Army and 5 days later, daughter got married. Didn't leave much time to be lurking on CC. I am so ready for my cruise in Jan.! It looks like it will be the last one for a couple of years, son is going to Germany so our next vacation will be in Europe to visit him. After reading this whole thread and looking at your pictures, I think I would like to take an Alaska cruise when we get back to cruising. Excellent job my friend! So glad you enjoyed it.

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