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Posts posted by pwilliams1952

  1. Hi all! Here is my dress that I bought for "formal night" our first cruise in April 2013.

    After seeing all the long formal dresses, I might want a long dress instead.





    With these earrings I got on eBay for $4.99!


    We are cruising on the Carnival Fantasy.



    You look fabulous and I love the color: orange is one of my favorites! No need to go long if you are comfortable with the short dress. My last cruise, I wore a cocktail dress and did not feel out of place at all.

  2. Good Morning Ladies! DH and I just got back from our Allure cruise/baby-moon' date=' and we had a wonderful time. I started a photo review in the Royal forum, there's a link to it in my signature.


    In any event, I feel like we had a maternity shoot on formal night! Love these photos:











    And my favorite:











    Chrystal, you and DH look so good and so happy! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy every minute of your journey, it's over before you know it. My baby is now 33! I can't believe it.

  3. Thanks, I got it!


    Cruise Critic will allow you to multi-quote two posts at a time. They really need to raise the limit, but I digress. To multi-quote, click on the middle button on the lower right hand side of the first post you want to quote. It's the button with a plus sign on a form & quotations. On the other post you want to quote, click on "quote" at the bottom right hand side. Both posts should be there. Alternatively, you can copy & paste the post you want to quote. Begin by typing
    for example
    without the spaces. Paste the post you're quoting, then type [/quote ] without the space. I hope that makes sense. Let me know, if it doesn't.




    Agree with you, but then I guess some might really get carried away quoting 10 people or more! They just lowered this - it was 3 multi-quotes at a time until recently. Boo. :p
  4. I agree ladies. We need to just learn to accept what our clothes say about our weight. I went shopping yesterday and tried on a 6P and I was totally surprised to find that not only could I get it on but I could get it zipped. Of course it will look a lot better once I lose 5-10 more pounds. I was so excited I tried on another 6 with the same result. I bought them both. I will use them as motivation to keep going. I'll try them on again after I lose another 5# and see how they look. I mean 160# and a size 6 does not equate to being 120# per WW table. I'll just use my common sense when it comes to losing weight.


    I am 5'2" and am at 165 too. I'm in a size 10 and I'm finding it really hard to lose the last 25 (the high end for weight watchers). I think I have the same bone structure as you...I don't think i could ever get that small. I've also lost 65 and to me, I don't look any different in the mirror. I see it in pictures but it's hard to believe. I think adjusting to the new you takes awhile.


    It's really interesting how we come in all shapes and sizes. I am 5'2" and when my weight got up to 140 lbs I couldn't fit into anything size 10 on the bottom. Many size 12 pants were too tight. I got back down to 130 and now I wear size 10-12.

  5. :pAmen to both of you! I am in total agreement. I wish I could say I have a C cup, but alas I am the barely B, lol. Then there's the bottom halve. Since I've been losing weight it seems the midsection and bum are changing faster than my thighs. So I find that while some pants may fit my thighs, they are way too big in the bum and waist area. Plus I also have the petite thing going on. Some petite tops do not work because they are too short and the regular size will be too long!:confused: What's a girl to do!? I guess I shouldn't complain. I am just glad to be able to wear a smaller size.


    Amen to that! I am 5 foot I am not big busted ( C cup) so tops aren't too hard to fit but then it goes down hill! I have a small-sih waist with a round back side and thick thighs . SO if I get pants they have to fit over my thighs and around my butt but then go in at the waist and not be so long that hemming them ruins the look .As in some pants that are suppose to flare out at the bottom but when you have to hem off 3 or 4 inches it takes away the flare. Or turns a boot cut into a straight cut that looks awful! I wear a size 6 as of now :(last year I was a 4.

    Then if I order a dress I have to look at above the knee looks because it will be TO the knee on me. Petite does not always work for pants sometimes the crotch is too short .

  6. I agree with you both. Healthy is always better which is why I try to focus on losing weight but am also mindful of what size I am and how my clothes fit. I am 5'1" and have larger bones than a lot of petites and am wearing an 8/10 at 165#. So while the charts say I should weigh between 106-120, I know I can't get that small. I mean as a teenager at 100# I wore a girls size 12!


    I wish I had thought to take pictures at each 10# loss. What a way to document progress.


    I hear you on that. For me it seems to vary with my monthly hormonal cycles and not with how I actually LOOK. Whether I was a size 18 or a size 6, when I look in the mirror I don't really look any different to myself--some days I think I look great, and some days I think I look horribly fat. While I've been on my diet this year I resorted to taking photos of myself every 10 lbs. lost so that I can actually SEE the difference. For some reason photos work better than mirrors for that!


    And I agree, way better to be overweight and healthy than skinny and weak! I have found, though, that taking the weight off has given me so much MORE energy and made it so much easier to do anything physical. My heart, lungs and muscles spent YEARS having to haul around 60 lbs. more fat than they are now, so without having that extra useless weight on my frame they are in super shape for doing what I need! Sounds like your SIL must have been on the wrong kind of diet and was taking off muscle as well as fat.


    PWilliams, I want to lose 10 more myself which will likely put me in a 4. Right now, at 140 and 5'3", I'm a size 6 and yet right on the borderline of being overweight based on BMI. I hate being so close to the "line" of being overweight but gosh, not sure how much more it's practical to lose either. I would worry that in a 0 or 2 I wouldn't be able to find clothes many places.

  7. Hi Barlee, great dress. When I've seen celebs with one shoulder dresses like this, they usually just wear a really cute bracelet and nice earrings. I think that a necklace would detract from the gorgeous neckline of the dress. I think I'd probably go with black shoes unless of course there is a color in the dress you really like and want to highlight. It's kind of hard for me to see what colors are in the dress.


    @ ARcrusizin2, thanks!


    Hey Guys, I just ordered this maxi dress and I was hoping to get some suggestions on accessories and possible shoe colors. I'm not sure what colors would be best? Please and thank you!!:)



    @Bottomfeeder, we do tend to have a hard time adjusting to our weight loss. I continue to see myself as bigger than I am . Even looking at myself in the mirror I see myself as being a lot bigger. I started at a size 14 and now am at a size 8/10. Not sure if I really want to lose another 25 pounds. I'm thinking I may be around a size 0/2 if I lose that much weight. Anyway, congratulations on your weight loss. I'm sure you look marvelous!


    Originally Posted by bottomfeeder viewpost.gif

    That's a lovely dress but you must be TINY now if you need to have that one taken in! It looks very small!


    I've lost about 60 lbs. in the past year and when I take my laundry out of the dryer now, I always have this moment of panic as I'm folding it thinking that the dryer has shrunk my clothes! My brain still doesn't quite realize that I actually fit into size 6 now! It's a happy problem to have though!

  8. I like your dress and understand about weight loss. I have 25 more pounds to lose and not sure what size to buy. It is driving me crazy not being able to catch so many bargains. I did buy two dresses thinking they might be snug, but got them and they fit perfectly. I hope I can wear a nice cami under them if they look too big.


    I'm so excited to find this thread!!


    I got this dress in January of this year for a wedding but since then have lost 20 pounds and I'll need to have it taken in around the waist. I still need to find a second elegant evening dress though...:o

  9. Great dress and color. I love both.

    That's the best feeling...to find something you absolutely love for such a great price! It's gorgeous!


    I went shopping after I got my hair cut today and found a gorgeous purple Ralph Lauren dress on clearance for $15!!! It fit like a glove and made my curves rock and my hair pop. :D It's this dress in a beautiful jewel tone purple http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/lauren-ralph-lauren-faux-wrap-jersey-dress-plus/3332034?origin=keywordsearch&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=&resultback=4235



  10. You are such a stylish woman! I love your attitdue and style. I think once I lose the weight I want then I'll feel more comfortable in my clothes. Thanks for giving me a little more confidence to wear what I want when I want.


    I just turned 56 in July. I know my body. I never think about my age when I shop for my cloths. I do not worry about what other people think. I dress for me, my husband always proud of me. That is all is important.


    I do like body-con style dresses. I bought this Herve Leger four years ago. I wore it many times.




    I just bought these two dresess. I will be wearing them to the Breeder's Cup next month with my black hat.






    Happy Shopping



  11. Thanks for the links. I recently posted two dresses I got form Dillards. I have to order online from them because we don't have one in my town. I will definitely keep looking online with them.


    I like the dress from JCP but I'm looking for something more formal.

    You might try Dillards, they have good quality clothing and maybe you can find a formal dress on sale. Also, not sure I'd feel comfortable with the cut. I'm 60 and think this may be a little young for me.






    Here's a dress from JC Penneys.........



  12. I know what you mean about the colors. Good for you for trying something new. I am also venturing out beyond my comfort zone. Thus the search for a print formal gown.


    I went on a mini shopping spree this weekend and purchased a pair of amazing orange pants (yes, orange!) for the cruise, but I can also wear them to work. I also purchased a new dress for the cruise in a bright blue color. It'll be for a regular dinner, not formal, but it's is a bit of a change for me since I typically wear black or gray dresses...it's kind of exciting! I knew the gals on here would understand :)
  13. @ Bottomfeeder, I know I was drawn to the pink and green dress because of sorority colors. I really love the style as well. The orange one caught my eye right away. Orange is one of my favorite colors. I have lost 20 pounds and have 30 more to lose. I am trying not to buy too many things until I've lost the weight. The two dresses I bought are size S. I'm thinking they should be fine regardless of my weight loss. I'm afraid to go any smaller than that. I'm thinking an XS would really be pushing it, but you're right I do have a lot more to buy. I have decided that by January, I should be at a weight that allows me to buy, buy, buy. I love it!:D:p:D


    @ Host Faith, I love your posts and your reviews. You have such great style. I am 60 years old and trying not to get so old that I cannot enjoy life and style.


    I really like the orange one! I am not fond of the green shade on the other dress, but that's just me. :)


    Now the challenge will be to not buy a dozen or more dresses before your cruise finally gets here!


    I just bought a bunch more clothes yesterday--2 pairs dress pants, a jacket, a more casual dress, a sweater and a t-shirt with a fancy ruffled collar. I REALLY need to stop reading this board before my closet gets way too full and my bank account too empty! :)


    LOVE the orange...tempted to grab that one for myself! :D
  14. FYI, these are not my formal attire.


    I found these two dresses on Dillards for my cruise in October 2013. I know it's a long ways off, but you ladies really got me going on this issue.






    I hope you can see them. If not, here is the link.





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