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Posts posted by kcms4

  1. how we usually do it is husband and daughter in one and me and the other daughter in the other ( then we swap ) but on rci they just tell me where they are and i ok it, as it will be the school holidays its not cheap and i know its only £84 in the scheme of things, its just the principle, thanks for your help every one. :)

  2. thinking of doing a b2b on either splendor of the seas or rhapsody of the seas in the school holidays two children 12 and 17 we have been on independence of the seas, liberty of the seas, freedom of the seas and a short trip on anthem of the seas all brilliant we like a busy ship, so which one is the best for us? both itineraries are great so its the ship that will make even better:confused:

  3. i have just had this situation we go at the end of April on anthem passport agency says if the passport is in date on your return then its ok but Royal Caribbean says six months so i went with Royal Caribbean even though i know they are wrong but i wont to go on my little cruise any way sent it off last Tuesday they got it Wednesday 8th April and it come back today at 7.15 am HOORAY panic over dont chance it get it changed

  4. hi going on a mini cruise at the end of April stopping at Bruges and Le Havre the ships excursions are a bit on the expensive side for four of us has any one done these on their own and could you give me any advice or information to help us, we would like to visit Paris most of all.:confused:

  5. can any one help we as a family have only cruised on royals ships ( freedom,liberty and independence) this year how ever for two weeks in the school holidays its just too expensive for us so we had decided to go for a package holiday but for the same money we can do a thomson cruise on the Majesty sailing round Greece and Tukey and a weeks stay, Spirit sailing round Turkey and Greece the last one Dream sailing round Spain and Italy are the ships that bad all the ports are fantastic and we love cruising has any one notice any kids stuff on board it will be in august two girls 12 and 17 is the entertainment good also the food and are the drinks priced ok sorry for all the question but whens its alot of money i just want to get it right:confused::)

  6. My Hubbie is now currently looking at the US deal where you can get wifi on board for 12-17 year olds for half the price - not sure whether this is valid from the UK or indeed whether he's looking at the right info, but I will call rcci tomorrow and come back and tell you on this thread.


    Last year we did the whole 'find a cafe' scenario (we did the same cruise last year - you are in for a treat). i have to say, in some ports it spoilt our experience as all DD wanted to do in port was find wifi. We are currently of the opinion that to would be cheaper to buy her a wifi deal on board (depending on price) and then we wouldn't need to buy coffees and burgers and ice cream and transfers to service her needs. She could then choose whether she wanted to come with us for the cultural experience :rolleyes: or not.


    hi did your hubbie manage to find anything out about the internet for 12-17 year olds? i think its about $269 for the two weeks cant make my mind up if its just a bit expensive or not :confused:

  7. My Hubbie is now currently looking at the US deal where you can get wifi on board for 12-17 year olds for half the price - not sure whether this is valid from the UK or indeed whether he's looking at the right info, but I will call rcci tomorrow and come back and tell you on this thread.


    Last year we did the whole 'find a cafe' scenario (we did the same cruise last year - you are in for a treat). i have to say, in some ports it spoilt our experience as all DD wanted to do in port was find wifi. We are currently of the opinion that to would be cheaper to buy her a wifi deal on board (depending on price) and then we wouldn't need to buy coffees and burgers and ice cream and transfers to service her needs. She could then choose whether she wanted to come with us for the cultural experience :rolleyes: or not.


    Sounds awful but I suppose she loves the ship so much, she doesn't really want to come off.

    that would great if its true fingers crossed, but i know megan will wont to get of the ship as she dose not like to miss any opportunity to spend money but she dose have her phone glued to her hand:rolleyes: let me know if you find anything out, i am sure we will get a % off internet with being c and a we used it last time but then again we was only on the ship a week

  8. Anyone know close wifi points to the ship in the following ports?








    This is for a teenager who prefers staying on board with mates to seeing the delightful sights of these beautiful cities .... But needs wifi as though it were water.

    we too will be on this cruise and have been thinking about this but you can never go far with out there being a subway or mcdonalds and you can always get wifi in these places, i cant make my mind up about whether to get a internet package or not as they are very expensive and the reviews for them arent very good :confused:

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