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Posts posted by crvng4mr

  1. Woke up and guess what...............WE ARE IN PARIS!!!!! Well of course we are because that is where we went to sleep last night, duh, but can you feel my enthusiasm.


    I wasn't prepared to fall in love with Paris the way I feel in love with Paris. I wasn't ready.


    We woke up refreshed, happy and ready to take on the city. I mean didn't I tell you we were in Paris.....oh I guess I did. The hotel offers breakfast for an additional 13 euro per person but there is so much to eat around it really isn't necessary.


    We are staying in the Latin Quarter and after much deliberation with myself and the help of another travel site and those members I am glad of the location and hotel I chose. The young lady at the front desk, Caroline, was extremely helpful with suggestions for breakfast and going over my tentative schedule for the day. It was raining a bit that morning and the hotel has many large black umbrellas for you to borrow. As we only had one small one we took one with us as well.


    We headed to Paul to grab some much awaited croissants and some coffee for myself. I didn't realize at the time Paul was a chain but was happy to see them in other locations around Paris throughout our stay.We grabbed our breakfast and an awesome coffee and headed to our first stop Notre Dame.


    Now Paul's is about 2 short blocks away from the hotel and in the opposite direction 2 blocks away is the Cathedral. When we turned the corner and could see Notre Dame was so close it was like the sun was shinning even though it was still raining off and on. There was a line when we got there to get in but it was only about 5 minutes long.


    This was a big moment for me and as luck would have it mass was going on so the kids and I sat for mass. I took communion but the kids felt a bit uncomfortable doing so. Then we walked around and tried to see every intricate thing and lit candles. I wish I could have brought home something from there but I definitely will return.


    I will say there were many people being very disrespectful there and obviously tourist. I do not believe they were doing it on purpose but caught up in taking pictures and talking that disrupts others who are trying to pray or listen to mass. This one dad for at least twenty minutes, maybe longer as we had moved on by then, was blocking access to some of the candles by the cross so he could take a million pictures of his kids. He was directing them and placing them in different poses and the kids were about 4 and 6. I really had to pray not to say anything.


    Then we walked down the side street that has tourist shop after tourist shop and plenty of items to take back. Our plan was to get to Rue de Rivoli, then find a place to grab lunch, continue walking down to the Louvre, walk over the lock bridge, then on to the Rodin Museum and see what happens after that.


    Will we make it? First some pictures.......

  2. I just spent 10 days in Europe, half of it in Paris and didn't have anything that interesting happen in the metro lol.. Nor did we ever feel unsafe, but I definitely kept an eye on my belongings. Too many pickpockets.


    You mean you weren't lucky enough, lol. It was of course an isolated situation but to my daughter who hates metros anyway it was the reason never to ride one again. I definitely never felt unsafe in Paris or the entire vacation.

  3. Aleysha this is such a funny coincidence for me. Last time we were in Paris we sat at a cafe/bar directly opposite your hotel wondering what it is like and thinking it might be a nice place to stay next time we're back. Well because of you I guess I know what its like now and heck even how to get there ! We are unfortunate enough to use Ryanair a lot of the time and yes most of them sound like your experience. :D


    Wow! That is a coincidence! I will never stay at any other hotel in Paris but this one form now on. That is how much we loved it and it's location to everything.:D


    Okay maybe I won't try Ryanair again :eek:. How do you do it? What drugs do I need to take?

  4. You are a trooper! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story...


    Ciera, Hope your adventure to Auburn is wonderful. Two of my friend's children got their MD there. God bless you on the rest of your life journey.


    Ayasha, it gets better after the shock of leaving them at school. Tears all the way home. You have done an amazing job of raising them!




    Thank you!

  5. Oh my! Your Metro to Paris experience sounds even scarier than my "where the heck did the the train station get moved to" adventure in Rome. So glad when I got further down in your post and read that you all made it safely to the hotel!!!




    Yep! Only difference is at least we had 20 other people with us, even though we did not know them, many didn't speak english and we would never see them again.:)


    We had never been more grateful to finally get in our room.

  6. We last left off with us landing, barely, safe, sound and shaken up.:eek: Beauvais Airport is a very small airport that actually reminds me of the airport on Martha's Vineyard. There is not a whole lot to it.


    Before we boarded in Barcelona I found a bus that goes from Beauvais to Paris Porte Maillot. It says on the website that there is a bus available after every flight that lands and that certainly seemed to be the case. The cost was 17 euro per person but you can get it for a little less by purchasing online. It is your typical charter bus, maybe abit older, with little room.


    The whole time we were in the bus it rained lightly. It took about an hour and forty five minutes to get to Porte Maillot. The bus stops in what I would call a gravel parking lot. There are some cabs waiting if you want to go that route but me being the cheapskate that I was decided we would take the metro at 11:15 at night. Luckily there were about 25 other cheapskates who were doing it with me and the kids were game and so we set out for the metro. Let's see how this works out!:cool:


    So we all set out purposely but not planned together to get to the metro. The first 2 entrances were closed and so we searched out for a third as this seemed like a station that has like 5 or 6 entrances/exits over a circular 5-6 blocks. (Like many ones in NYC). Luckily I saw another metro sign and we all headed in that direction. Okay so we finally get to the metro and I ask the ticket person how to get to the St. Michel station. She quickly explained I which train I need to what stop, then transfer there for another train to St. Michel and if I wanted to use a card to pay I would have to use the machines. What?! Change trains?! Use that machine thing? Is it in English?! And can you explain that again twice more? (Which she did btw)


    After attempting to purchase metro tickets (not understanding the zones we would need) for several minutes I decided to just purchase the tickets with euros at the ticket booth so we could stay with our unofficial group from the bus.


    Now remember I am a New Yorker and it really takes a lot to scare me in the way of neighborhoods, subways etc but not Ciera. I explained to the kids prior they needed to take great care with there things and be aware of there surroundings because of unsavory people who come in all shapes, sizes, ages etc. Ciera was on watch, serious watch and stood right by my side the entire time. She did not like the Paris metro so far and thought it was way worse than New York which she doesn't care for either. What she didn't realize at the time was that each city has different stations that are dirtier and older than some others and with homeless people. This was not the time to have that discussion and I would have to save it for another time.


    I decided to ask a young woman in the "group" to help me figure out what stop I needed to change trains at since she seemed to know where she was going and we were engrossed in the station map and conversation as to what stop that would be. Little did I know everyone else including my children where watching a show across the tracks on the opposite platform. I would find out later in the comfort of our hotel that the "show" was a homeless man who happened to be lets say pleasuring himself for the "audience". Ciera was horrified and Cai thought it was disgusting but "Ce La Vie".


    Anyway, we found the stop to transfer and made it to our next train. It only took about 12 minutes total to get to St. Michel from beginning to end. After we excited we asked a family if they knew which way we should go and our hotel was literally right around the corner we were standing at.:D It was now almost midnight and I had called from Barcelona to let them know we would get in extremely late so they were expecting us. The Hotel Albe at St. Michel did not disappoint.


    We were given a room on the second floor and it was quite spacious for Europe and Paris. Unfortunately we had to call the front desk to have the young man come up to show us how to turn on the lights and the tv. I was so embarrassed but we were safe and happy! We were in Paris! Not to mention my kids deserved a medal for the extremely long day traveling we had.


    We slept soundly that night!


    Up next our first full day in Paris....but first some pictures of our hotel.

  7. I agree. So, it all depends on your comfort level with being surrounded by people dressed "to the nines" while you're possibly only dressed in "country club casual" clothes. I find it a little uncomfortable myself, but with luggage fees these days, I'd rather be a little self-conscious for 90 minutes than pay the $100.00 that my airline WOULD have charged me for a 2nd bag upon returning from the UK this past spring.


    Enjoy your cruise!:)

    On my Med. cruise in June it was 85% Americans from the states.

  8. Loving your review! Planning my Med cruise for next June. How did you arrange your private tours? How did you get the group together and did you have to leave a deposit with the companies? Also, can you list all the tour companies you used as we are doing the same trip. What month should we start reserving the tours? Thanks again.


    Thank you! All of my tours were done via email. I just listed which tours I booked on our roll call and then people just responded to the roll call or emailed me. Many tour operators took my cc(debit) info but never charged me as all of them wanted to be paid in cash at the end of the tour.


    I used Rome In Limo for all 3 Italian Ports, Revelation Tours for Cannes, PK Travel for Athens and Best of Ephesus for Turkey. I reserved 3 months out but only because it took me awhile to research tours and what I wanted. I think the earlier the better, especially if you are going during summer. No problem!;)

  9. I had the same experience at the airport in BCN... although I guess I have experienced the crazy rush to the gate before you're called thing in the States too. Annoys me every time. Just sit down and WAIT until you're called people....geesh!


    OK, I would have died before that plane even had the chance to land. I HATE flying and if a plane is rattling and hitting air pockets, well, that just about does me in. The only saving grace would have been if I had taken enough of my anti-anxiety meds before it all started. I think just reading your description of events got my heart rate several notches higher :eek:




    Yes but usually when they open the gate, not before there is an actual plane there.:eek:


    I almost did! I definitely needed anxiety medicine for that plane ride. Usually it's the take off and landing that I get a little jittery with but this one was a different story.

  10. How I wish I could feel this way!! Mine is leaving Tuesday & I feel like I'm scrambling to hold on to every day because she's been so busy this summer. She's ready to go, except every now & then she thinks how much she'll miss it here. She'll miss the dogs the most!


    The crazy part is she'll only be half an hour away!!:p I'm such a mess!!:o


    I totally get it! At least you are only a half an hour and can visit in a heartbeat if you need to. I know I will even though mine is going to be 6 and a half hours away. I have no problem jumping in the car on a whim.:D


    Luckily family weekend is in September, then she has a 4 day break in October (if she gets off work) she will come home, a week for Thanksgiving, a month for Christmas so that should hold me over.

  11. I am looking into cheap inter Europe fares and all the dartboard experts told me you get what you pay for on those so only use if you know the rules, thanks for the warnings!


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    Yeah, it definitely is worth looking into. We loved Norwegian! We would not have minded the old plane on Ryanair but the ride was eventful and the landing scary. We might have had an adventurous pilot and I can not say I would never fly them again but all of the above plus the way out airport did not make it a great financial decision.

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