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Posts posted by Luvscruising44

  1. Marine Stop Lights For Boats


    The bridge was too narrow for two boats to pass so they put up stop lights.


    Note the current flowing under the bridge.










    Bird of the Day!




    Jim, loving your review and the picture of the "bird of the day" made me want to find out what kind of bird it was. I'd never seen one like this before. This bird is called a kiskadee which was brought to Bermuda in 1957 from Trinidad to control the Jamaican Anolis lizards. This lizard was brought to Bermuda from Jamaica in 1905 to control fruit flies, but like most species brought from their indigineous environment, the lizards became a pest. The kiskadee was brought over to control the lizards, but hasn't been a successful venture. The kiskadee like the eggs of other birds and is very aggressive even to much larger bird species than themselves. They also eat insects and are thought to have brought about the extinction of the Bermuda cicada. Seems they have little to no appetite for the lizards. I thought this was interesting and that you might enjoy this little bit of bird history.



  2. Trainman, really enjoying your live review, but sorry Judith has been feeling so bad. Green apples really do work for seasickness and ginger ale is good for settling ones stomach too. When you get to Bermuda, there is a free trolley which comes about every 20 minutes. You may want to try to get some crystalized ginger at the pharmacy. The last car on the trolley is for handicapped passengers so you can easily take your walkers. Praying Judith feels much better by tomorrow so she can enjoy Bermuda. I'll be watching the harbor cam for your arrival tomorrow. Thank you for doing this review and your pictures are wonderful.



  3. One time we had to sign a paper for Royal in order to have the booking turned over to our TA that we booked on board. This last time, they didn't ask for a signed paper. I guess it depends on what rep one gets. RCI is so messed up with IT problems and their employees not being updated on what's going on. I feel they are growing too fast and can't handle all the changes they're making. Just hope everything gets straightened out and we have a flawless cruise like in the past.

  4. Anne, love your review. Did you give Denzil a hug for me? Isn't he a doll? Not only is he so very nice, helpful, dedicated, but very good looking. We've been friends for 6 years now. I didn't tell him we would be on EOS back in May, but when we got to our cabin we had a note and bottle of wine from him. He said he reads the manifest for every cruise and instead of us surprising him, he surprised us. When we first met him, he was our waiter. Later he was on the front desk, Guest Services. Then he was floating concierge filling in for vacations on EOS and Liberty. Next he became concierge on EOS. Hope he keeps moving on up; he deserves it. I know moving to Asia will keep him closer to home, but selfishly I wish he would be moved to Quantum.


    Glad you had a good time and missed most of the rough weather. I was following along on Seatracker and saw the ship docked in St. Maarten on the port cam so I knew you made it there okay and the storm had passed.


    We had a JS in May and love, love, loved the walk-in closet. That sure does spoil a person. We were in 9606 and our cabin was is very good condition.



  5. We saw a shark right next to the ship once when the ocean was absolutely flat. We've seen water spouts form a couple of times (a little unnerving). Also have seen lots of flying fish and it's amazing how high they can manage to go. Of course, we've seen lots of dolphin. Saw sperm whales off the coast of Dominica. Saw the volcano steaming on Montserrat. Have also seen lots of other ships; freighters, other cruise ships, and once saw an aircraft carrier and was buzzed by planes from the carrier. One time we had a cricket on our balcony. Don't know where it came from or how it got there.

  6. My favorite has been creme brulee' until this year. Now it is banana. I could not get it without bananas mixed in. RCI used to have coconut creme brulee' which was very good, but I like it plain vanilla like it's supposed to be. The flourless chocolate cake is very good, but many may miss it because it is served as a sampler with 2 other things. I had heard so much about the key lime pie, but what I got was a sliver. The mile high lemon meringue pie is very tasty, but it is actually a little tart. I have never seen some of the desserts mentioned on here so I think I have to visit the WJ one night for dessert. The chocolate chunk cookies on Explorer were the best cookies I've ever eaten. I wanted to bring some home, but forgot to get some for PCD (post cruise depression).

  7. Sorry, NOTHING on RCI compares to the Carnival warm chocolate melting cake, NOTHING!


    I had forgotten about the Grand Mariner Souffle. It is my favorite in the dining room.


    We used to like the fruit tart in the windjammer on the first day but, like the honey stung chicken, it has been gone bye bye. :(




    Honey Stung Chicken is on the room service menu.

  8. So happy to see all these accolades for Denzil and hope RCI is reading this. He is a delight. For those lucky enough to see him, tell him I said hello. We've been friends ever since we had him as our waiter on our first Explorer cruise several years ago. Just saw him this month and he said he loves his job and apparently it really shows seeing all this. I am not surprised; he is very dedicated. Kudos Denzil!

  9. Chris, I just finally caught up with your review and it was fantastic. Thank you so much for all your time, effort and expense to share your cruise with us. And, WOW, you and Dale are going to do a LIVE on our Q cruise. How exciting. I get to cruise live with you, Dale and bendy Andy. I cannot wait. If Dale needs a baby sitter for Andy, I'm available. LOL On second thought, maybe not. Andy is a hand full, isn't he? Thanks again.



  10. Looks like a fantastic day weatherwise. Enjoy! Breakfast looked very good. Yum! The Promenade looked pretty deserted. Were you up very early or did everyone just sleep in. Glad you don't have to put up with Immigration on the ship. They've been doing this again in Key West since at least last October. Maybe it is because the Grandeur is docking at the Naval base there. Whatever, it is an inconvenience, but not iike we've experienced in the past.



  11. Good Morning, Chris. Hope you've had some COFFEE by now. I have a questtion. Are you having to go through Immigration on the ship in St. Thomas?We used to have to do this every time we went to a foreign port and then back to a US port. We hadn't had to do this for several years, but last month we did in Key West. Don't know why they started this up again or maybe they are just doing it in Key West. I hadn't seen anyone mention it in any of their reviews. Hope you don't have to; it's a royal pain. On one cruise in the past, we had to report to Immigration at 7AM. There were people in robes, in pajamas, hair standing on end, hair in curlers and people who looked like they were sleepwalking.


    Have a great day in St. Thomas. Love it there. I usually go to the beach or shop at Havensight.



  12. Sorry you all didn't come out winners at the slot pull. More money in the pot for RCI new builds or to improve their bottom line. Most of the time it seems that only a few who are signed up for the M&M actually attend. At 9:30, they were probably still in bed or at breakfast. I've seen many complaints about M&Ms being scheduled at 10:30 because it was too early. Personally, I'm usually up before sunrise to see that beautiful sight. I can sleep when I get home.


    Anyway, enjoying your review and your pictures are great.



  13. Thanks for the food porn, Chris. Hope you enjoyed your dinner. I love creme brulee, but they now have it banana flavored. I like bananas, but not in my creme brulee. This was a big disappointment for me. I wish they'd make it just plain vanilla or the coconut flavored they used to have. Oh well, no creme brulee for me this year. I had the seafood spaghetti on my last cruise and it was delicious. I really like the menu now with the exception of the aforementioned creme brulee. I also liked having shrimp cocktail every night. Happy to hear they have plenty of limes now.


    Sorry you are having internet problems. This is a real bummer and is so frustrating, especially when it cost so much. Hope you have better luck with it tomorrow. Have a great evening and I'm sure you'll sleep like a baby. I love that gently rolling at night when you're out to see. Good night, Chris.



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