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Posts posted by ATHENA3

  1. Perhaps it's been addressed, ( haven't read through entire thread), but is the $250 fee it??, i.e. if you're willing to pay the cleaning surcharge will Carnival allow you to carry-on with your balcony smoking??...That's actually not that much as long as you're not going to be harassed by Carnival employees or others.




    Not sounding like a pay to smoke on this ban see below.


    I have to respectfully remind you mate that the $250 is charged once it has been determined someone has smoked in a non-smoking area. Guests are given a warning . Per the cruise ticket contract if they repeat the offense they can be disembarked.

  2. Hey Guys!!!...



    Does anyone else's life work like mines? You go on the most AMAZING VACATION of all time....everything is great...the world is your oyster, (insert another random cliche' here) and soon as you get back home soon after...


    Everything goes to H@#$ in a handbasket?



    That is the amazing thing about discovering cruising...Whenever things seem like they can be getting to be just a little too much, all it takes is few weeks of saving and a few days off and all those things can be cast aside :p


    That is the addiction of cruising...the convenience of being able to get away from the trials and tribulations we all face on a day to day basis.....Oh how I need a DOD right now!!! And some "old school" cheese fries!!!...


    But enough of all that....things are turning around for the kid finally and I have been able to breathe for a little bit, so the show must and WILL go on...Hopefully I can get this done before you guys that are leaving next week embark:D


    In the meantime I'll leave you with this....




    Shyhova "mans up" and leaves the fruity drinks behind for a bit and enters the ring with a Jamaican lady hell-bent on making sure I can breathe fire by the time I leave her shop.....20 mins and idk how many shots of various Jamaican rum I was reduced to this......







    Hahaha....Stay tuned!!!



    Is it taking you this long to get rid of a hangover? Hurry back you are missed by many.

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