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Posts posted by TubbyMrT

  1. I always float around the sea as a single.


    I never look at it as paying double for a room. I simply recognize it as the price of the room plus the price of the food.


    Similar to a hotel, the price of the room is exactly the same regardless of how many people are staying in it. (within reason)


    The price of the food is once per each person in the room.


    In other words, the people in the room are splitting the price of the room and each paying a full amount for food.

  2. Well if it came to improper food cleaning/prep/handling, or a sick food employee, or not enough cleaning between voyages for example, RCI certainly wouldn't want that to get out. I also think it's odd we received an email from RCI the day before this story broke saying how well the company's earnings have been doing and how we have made a great solid investment by owning their stock. No need to fire away at me for asking this. Obviously I like RCI since i have cruised with them multiple times and own stock. But this is business. BIG business. Can't be so trusting.


    Since you don't trust RCI to be honest, I recommend that you keep an eye on the CDC news.


    Have you ever watched them prepare food or set it out at the buffet? They are very good at keeping things very sanitary. In fact, the Center for Disease Control rates each of the ships and provides detail findings of any multitude of violations. http://wwwn.cdc.gov/InspectionQueryTool/InspectionSearch.aspx


    My common sense tells me that there is a 1% chance of food being the cause and a 99% chance that it was caused by infected passengers bringing the illness on board.


    Also, historically, it has always been the sick people so there is no reason to believe this is caused by food.

  3. How can RCCL or the CDC put 3000 more passengers on that ship this Friday and not know for sure what the problem was? How does that make sense?


    You would think they could speed of the process to find out what caused this and why 1000 people got sick?




    Perhaps because they have been through this so many times before. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. Been there, done that. We all know why the people got sick. Once the ship has been cleaned, life will be good.


    Until the next group of sick people come aboard.

  4. I have never heard of Kefir and definitely won't be trying it.

    Will someone please pass the Vodka bottle around?


    My theory has always been to make my body a place where viruses can not possibly survive. Vodka usually does the trick. Perhaps followed by a hot tub to mess with the body temperature too. Just kidding, but it should work as well as any other voodoo.

  5. I have read many times on these forums that the hand sanitizer does not kill the norovirus. I doubt that it would kill ANY virus -- it's anti-BACTERIAL, not anti-VIRUS.


    I have a friend who is a vet, and she says if the sanitizer were so wonderful, surgeons would use it before surgery. Do they? No, they scrub their hands with soap and hot water.


    The Purell web site makes no claim of killing the virus. All they say is ..."the CDC recommends alcohol-based hand sanitizer in addition to handwashing to reduce the risk of norovirus infection."


    Purell 2013 Norovirus Infection


    I always buy Purell because it has higher alcohol content than any other brand. And a higher price to reflect that too.


    LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray "Brand III" is effective against norovirus. However, LYSOL® Disinfecting Wipes are not effective against norovirus

  6. There are a lot of things that cause vomiting that aren't not norovirus. One day at the doctor, I was very dizzy and started vomiting. It turned out, my blood pressure was too low. Vertigo can also cause vomiting.


    Personally, I think they should allow people in their staterooms as soon as they board. If people are feeling ill, they can retire to their stateroom instead of spreading germs in the Windjammer.


    You are empowered. If you are feeling ill, you can proceed directly to your stateroom and do not have to infect people in the Windjammer. If you are feeling ill, do not board the vessel until after 1:30PM and your room will be ready and waiting.

  7. Seems odd that it would cost that much to set up a single ship. Think about it. Broadway shows roll into cities for 6 week runs all of the time then move on to the next town. They set up and tear down quickly. All the stage sizes are different. They may run for a year or two but the travel the country. I wish that they would rotate the shows on the Cruise ships. I am guessing that the major cost is the rights to the show and the performers. The stage and props aren't that expensive.

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