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Posts posted by NorthernOntario

  1. Your welcome! I have heard here on CC Intercontnental Hotel...maybe do a search in the search engine above to find out more.



    We just booked at the Intercontinental. I asked them if they provide any shuttle services and they said no. Taxi it is!

  2. We had Aqua as well and decided to try the MDR one night. It was a bit loud and I don't think we were ever asked if we wanted drinks. Although the food was okay, it lacked the service and little details you get in Blu...in my opinion anyway. But try it...you might enjoy it!

  3. If I remember correctly, there is a deck in the front on deck 11 or 12 with loungers. My husband and I left Quisine one night, and he took me towards the front of the ship (but we may have gone up one floor). There were a bunch of loungers up there and off to the starboard side there was a set of stairs (my proposed there :)).

    I am not sure if this helps...but I am sure others will let me know if I am right or wrong:o.

  4. A couple of things..first I admit that I am a shopping enthusiast! I love shopping there and have a favorite jewelry store we frequent. We also find great deals on souvenirs there. They sell decent quality tote bags for around $3.


    Second..the beach is right there in front of the Main Street and last time we were there I think you got two chairs, an umbrella and 6 beers for $20. Perfect way to wrap the day.


    We have also taken tours to the French side of the island and that was nice as well, but our favorite thing is that it is a leisurely day in a beautiful setting that it very easy to get around. There are ferries that take you from the dock to the town and stop at one of the two ends so you can choose where to begin and end.


    I hope you have a wonderful trip!





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    I hope we do to! Its going to be interesting. From what I read, I didn't think I would like it. What town do you take the boat to? I thought I had read that there wasn't too much in the little town where the ship actually docks.

  5. I am not happy at all with the change from St. Maarten to Tortola. I don't mind the Tortola stop at all, but I would MUCH rather go to St. Maarten than St. Thomas. They at least should offer some alternatives for each ship rather than all ships going to the Eastern doing the same itinerary (other than one coming in from NY). I usually plan my winter cruise to make sure I get to St. Maarten at least every other year. Thankfully the Getaway is stopping there in February on our cruise but I am really hoping they add St. Maarten back to the 2017 itineraries or I will be trying another cruise line again.


    I am Platinum with NCL and we have been on 35 cruises. St. Maarten has always been one of my favorite places. It is one of the few places that I could go to every year without getting tired of it.



    Do you mind me asking what your favourite thing about the island is? We are heading there in November and as much reading as I have done, I am still stuck on what exactly we should do. We get car sick so I was hesitant about heading out on an inland tour due to windy roads. But I would love to hear about a couple of favourite things to do...

    Thank you

  6. You might have already tried this, but search this site with Epic and then the cabin number. You might find out if any of the balconies are bigger in the category you're looking at. I've never been on Epic, but I've read of things called "hump balconies" that have different dimensions than other ones in the same category. You also might find out if/why there's a missing balcony divider.


    Thanks meglet! One search came up with various views f the cabins...very helpful!


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  7. Epic has more motion towards the aft.

    Regardless, as much towards mid as possible. We were in a BD on deck 9 but the last one before it became mid. It was fine... (9258?)



    Thanks Medtech I will have a look!

  8. Yes, we usually try for midship. And we might upgrade later, but right now the rooms are on sale and I need to decide in that category.

    I figure aft is better as well. I called Norwegian and they say all the decks are standard 51sq ft. So hopefully this holds true.



  9. I am trying to decide on a cabin for my husband and I.

    Its on the Epic, beginning of December. Deck 10, category BE, forward and aft rooms.

    My husband and I are both prone to seasickness.

    My question is, should we stick with forward or aft rooms? Is either one better?

    Are all the balconies the same size? Looking at the deck pictures, it looks like 10073, 10284, 10283 have smaller decks?

    Is there any reason why there is no divider showing on the balcony between cabins 10288 and 10284?

    Thanks for the help!!

  10. Read this thread and learn. Usually it's 3-6 months post op to regain strength.

    You booked Nov 29, 2014, on Summit. There's plenty of time to cancel cruise and/or water tours. You have months ahead to ask questions of the orthopedic, ptherapist, and posters on this board. Check Ports of Call forums.


    In my case: a gallon of milk (read as "luggage") is impossible; putting food on a plate and using knife/fork, the computer, and not driving are challenges.


    The surgery varies as does recovery. In our case, DH knows looking ahead w/possibilities of trips and/or another cruise keeps me upbeat.


    St. Thomas snorkeling is incredible. Even if your mate must stay aboard the catamaran, as mine does.


    We have a pool. I've been cautioned not to get in until further notice.

    I'll let you know when swimming is allowed for me.


    Get the surgery done. Keep planning. A Celebrity cruise in the near future is the upside and reward for sleepless nights and exercises to strengthen the arm again. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your DH.




    Thank you Marisa. Good luck to you as well!

  11. Thank you for the pictures mpace58!


    I think I am going to have to hold off on booking anything. I think with one arm, possible in a sling, it would be much too difficult. I am a planner and like to get things organized. I was hoping to book things, but not knowing when his surgery is yet, not knowing recovery time, its too hard to make any sort of decisions. But the pictures give a much better idea of what the ladders could be like. I will have to possibly contact each company individually to see pictures like that.


    Thank you for everyones help.

  12. The two things you should take away from this thread are these. Every person/surgery is different with different recovery times and different outcomes. The most important take away is don't make plans based upon what you read here, talk to your doctor about what/when/how your recovery will be.


    I was lucky and had a great surgeon. My cuff was no big deal. I was off the pain pills two days after surgery and fully recovered after a month. Others were not so fortunate.


    Right now, I'm back on the injured/reserve list after surgery to repair ruptured tendons in my wrist. (as my orthopedic says, I lead an active life.) It's been six weeks since the injury and I only have a month of therapy (and a cast) to go.



    Yes I do know how very different each individual is. But, I was not at the initial appointments with my husband and had no idea what the recovery time would be or what his limitations would be. Its not to say he will be 12 weeks, or even 2, but now I know not to do any planning till we are sure.

    Take care and good luck with your wrist. That must be quite painful.

  13. I cant believe I found this thread!

    My husband is getting booked to have the surgery (arthroscopically?) on his shoulder soon. We have a cruise booked for the end of November. He has a torn rotator cuff and has a severed tendon which needs to be reattached. As of now, he has extremely limited movement in his arm.


    Its great to hear everyone's accounts of PT and their individual healing process. I just started asking for feedback on whether or not we could go on Catamarans or Speed boats.


    Now I realize, unless its after the 12 weeks, probably a no go.


    Thank you for the information!

  14. Not one that goes back very far, because every flight carries many different fares depending on the fare categories offered/sold, and the information is regarded as proprietary by the airlines.


    http://www.faredetective.com/farehistory/ can give you a one-year look-back on some routes, but it's very important to understand that airfares are set dynamically by very sophisticated computer programs owned by the airlines, so looking to the past is even less reliable than it is with stock prices.


    Thank you Gardyloo, I will have a look.

    Like I said, its just for curiosity. I am also trying to determine flight times that use to be available on certain days. Just for comparison.

    Thank you again.


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  15. Do you look at the prices of old cars before you go to the new car showroom to buy a car?


    No. not necessarily. I just wanted a general idea more for curiosity sake.

    Hope I didn't offend anyone by asking?


    Sent from my GT-I9000M using Forums mobile app

  16. I also love to snorkel and have a spinal fusion and very weak legs. If the front steps of the catamaran go one or two steps into the water, I am fine. However, on our last cruise we did a CATS catamaran in St Thomas and the front steps ended above the water. It hurt to get onto the first step. At one point I was not sure I could do it.



    That's the problem. I have no idea what the ladders are going to be like or if they will have handles for him. I guess I will just pick a few to email and hopefully they will be able to let me know what their CATS are like.

    Thank you very much for the help.

  17. A photocopy of the passport is the ideal thing to use at ports where they ask for a photo ID.

    That is what we always use, (except at the very few ports where we are required to take the actual passports with us).


    We do not take a DL off the ship unless it is a port where we will need it for driving.


    A lost or stolen photocopy is quick and easy to replace, unlike a lost or stolen DL or passport.



    As others have stated, always book your cruise or airline flight in the same name that is on your passport.

    That way you avoid any questions or hassles and no explanation or other supporting document is needed.

    It doesn't matter if it is your maiden name or married name, or even a name from three marriages ago ;), just so that it is the same name both places.


    I think I planned on bringing ID because I happen to be glancing at one of the dailies someone posted off the Summit, and it said on it to make sure you bring photo ID. I will stick to the photo copies.



    Sent from my GT-I9000M using Tapatalk 2

  18. I have never once had my photo ID asked for when getting back on the ship. So I wouldn't worry if I were you. If they did ask, they would see that my Quebec drivers license is in my maiden name and doesn't match my cruise card. It is booked with my married name to match my Canadian passport issued in my married name. I did sign my license with both names.


    In Quebec we are not allowed to change our names when married on our drivers licenses or health cards. We are the only place in North America with this silly law. It should be freedom of choice.


    wow...I have never heard of that. It is silly!


    Sent from my GT-I9000M using Tapatalk 2

  19. I got married in December. I've not updated my passport. I'm flying and cruising in May 2014, all under my maiden name. If your ID matches your booking, you're pretty much good to go. My passport is good through 2019 so I intend to leave it as is until then. I will continue to book under my maiden name.


    Just always make sure your bookings match your ID that you're showing, esp for flights.



    That's the plan. My passport doesn't expire till 2017 and I am not willing to pay the extra now or to take the chance on renewing it this late. I think my main concern was the part where we should not bring our passport to shore with us but to make sure we have identification. With that, and not having the proper name on my ID that matches my passport, it made me nervous. I will carry my marriage certificate as well (although we don't get a nice wallet size one like BC..unfortunately) and maybe a new health card. I will be loaded with ID! I am not one to take chances

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