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Posts posted by Andrea72

  1. Hi everyone! It is great to hear from people who are starting or returning to Atkins. It really is the only program that consistently works for me. For those of you who are new, welcome. For those that are returning, welcome back.


    So, last night I tried a new recipe for a shake. It tasted really good, but I think it would have been better for a breakfast or lunch instead (I need more at dinner so I don't snack). It would not work for induction, but once you've moved on (and based on your own carb allowance).


    3 oz cream cheese softened

    1/4 c heavy cream

    1/2 c egg beaters (or two raw eggs at your own risk)

    1T peanut butter

    1 T sugar free instant butterscotch pudding.

    blend with some ice.


    Oh, and I found a single serve blender at Walmart that I'm in love with. Later I may mix diet hot chocolate mix, 2 oz heavy cream, and 4 oz of coffee (and some ice) in the mixer for a treat. Depends on how good I am with my water. Thanks for the reminder, Jean. I ran 4 miles today :D

  2. Andrea - Keep on working out!! ...and water..... Are you doing a program/schedule to have you ready to run your race? I have a schedule that my daughter made for me....to walk a 5 K! I think I can do that. .. now... the 8/10k...that would require training for sure!:)


    Yes, I'm on a schedule. Today is a rest day and I love those :) Tomorrow I get to run 4 miles and Saturday I'm up to 6. I do have my cruise the week I'm supposed to run 10 miles. However, I've spoken to two of my friends who run marathons and they've said that even if I do a much shorter run that week it will not impact my readiness (which is good, because I was not going to run 10 miles on the ship. I might be ambitious and run, but it won't be 10 miles).

  3. Good Morning!!

    Ok........I've found a new little trick.....when I have a meal that leans a little heavy to the carb side....EAT ONLY 1/2!!! I did this twice this weekend...and I think it actually helped!! :);)


    Yeah, I need to be more diligent about my carb counting. Your plan sounds good. I'm someone who has no trouble getting/staying in ketosis. However, that does not mean that I will lose any weight.

  4. Alright, I've been doing pretty well with my water, but today was a backslide. It is hard to teach and drink lots of water, because you can't leave the kids unattended. I like having someone to blame. Blaming the kids may be cliche, but it still works :)

  5. My personal reminder for today: DRINK MORE WATER.......!!!!

    I think I might write this with a Sharpie Marker on the back of both of my hands !!.....:p;):)


    Oh, Sharpie so it won't come off even when you try :D Thanks for the reminder. I will go drink some more now.

  6. Andrea.... YOU GO Girl!! :D My DIL is training for her first marathon, my DD is training for her first 1/2!! So much time, work and commitment!! You can so reach your goal!!!

    1) Are you drinking enough water?

    2) Things could be building into muscle!!

    3) How long have you been training?

    Brrrr..... it was freezing last night....as I stood out by our grill for some steak with that smokey flavor! :p Green Beans w/bacon on the stove... green salad on the table....ahhhh... it was so worth it!! YUMMMM :)


    1)I'm working on the water thing. If I just have it next to me all the time I do better.

    2)We can only hope that this is true. They say muscle burns more calories than fat; so...here's hoping.

    3) This is week 3. In fact, after I pull myself off cruisecritic, I've got to go run 3 miles.


    Your food sounds yummy; way to brave the cold!

  7. Is everyone Frozen?:p :D


    We were yesterday, but we are starting to thaw out today (if you consider 23 degrees thawing out). Tomorrow is supposed to be better though.


    Are you keeping warm :) Remember exercise will help warm you up (I'm really saying this to myself more than you. You are better at committing to exercise than I am).

  8. Hey Everyone!! in 4 hours the doors to my car froze shut!!...I Finally got the passenger side open...then had to push the drivers door open to get in!!


    Same thing happened to my husband. He has been driving my car the past few days, because he still can't get into his. Of course, I think he prefers driving mine anyway if the truth is told.


    Water... I am having the hardest time drinking my straight - no color or flavor water these days!!.... And I love my water!!.... I think it's becasue it's so cold out!!..


    I'll use that as my excuse too (although yours is probably legitimate and I'm just riding your coattails).


    Andrea - so sorry the crud had hit your house... yuck!!


    Thanks. If anyone has a recommendation on a good tasting children's cough medicine I'm all ears.

  9. So, I'm wondering if I can count cleaning as exercise. I know technically I should clean AND exercise. However, with "the ill one" as I now refer to my oldest, I really can only do one or the other. Since the cleaning is the more pressing issue, I'm going to do it. I'd still like to give myself credit for some exercise. What if I do it vigorously??

  10. I must say those glasses, yes, glasses, of wine helped.


    I love that he was a front seat driver :) I would be right there with you on the glasses of wine just so you could maintain the positive attitude with a running critique. My husband would definitely be like that if he weren't in control. So, I'm sure I'll have that to look forward to in years to come. Welcome back to the program.


    I'm currently on a self-imposed "no weighing" week. I was getting to be ruled by the scale, and that is never good. So, the scale has been put away for now. Next week we'll see what impact it has.

  11. Nothing was really worth it other than the ice cream and tiramisu, so I'll keep that in mind for next time!


    That is always my thought process too. Is it worth breaking the diet and/or the calories? If it isn't, then I find it much easier to pass it by. That is why when my husband or daughters eat a store bought cookie, I am not tempted.

  12. Woo hoo! Lost a pound today. It is the first in a while. Just goes to show the water and the exercise do make a difference (as if I needed more convincing). Now, I just have to keep on keeping on.


    Lisa: Thanks for the articles. It is helping me make my grocery list.


    Jean: Congratulations on the great work out.

  13. Andrea...my son ran a 1/2 marathon in December too....did you run yours in Las Vegas? That is where he ran... I got to be Gramma for the whole weekend with their 20 month old! :p


    Yes, I ran in Vegas. My mom watched my 2 for me that weekend. I did ride the bicycle today for 30 minutes. Day 1 of exercise accomplished. Now on to more water. Hope you have a good workout.

  14. Here is my problem with exercise....I don't like it. So, to motivate myself last year, I signed up for a half marathon and trained for it (I'm goal oriented). I decided that at some point in the training running would become habit and I'd grow to love it. I ran and finished the race (13.1 miles) in December, and I've not run since. You're right though, if I can find something I love I'd be better off (even if it is just for health).


    I've got my water with me today. Maybe I can convince myself to hop on my treadmill later. :)

  15. Just found this thread (yes, I know; where have I been? There are only a million pages). Anyway, I'm cruising in April and so I've started Atkins again. I have hypothyroidism, so I have difficulty losing weight. Atkins seems to be the only thing that is effective for me. Although I'm seeming to stagnate before I even get started. I blame my lack of exercise and forgetting my water. I'm trying to balance taking care of myself and my two girls (ages 4 and 3). Hope the week goes well for all.



  16. One more though - do the rooms have the small washcloths? I don't exactly want to drag a hand towel into the shower and can always bring my own washcloth. Just trying to plan the packing. I know one little square towel won't make a difference really but every last little thing I don't have to pack is important. ;)



    Yes, they have washcloths. They gave us two initially. Your room steward will bring you more if you need them.

  17. Hey, I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, but I've tried the search function several times to no avail...and this thread is now 117 pages long, and I still don't know if my question has been asked.


    On to the question:

    Has anyone stayed in room 2470 or 2473. These are 6A cabins but they are supposedly larger and have two windows versus the traditional one. We are sailing May 10, 2009 and I'm just curious about people who have actually stayed in one of these rooms. Thanks

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