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Posts posted by drummerdavebmth

  1. It wasn't too long after that when the Captain made another announcement. He had arranged it so we could dock in Dubrovnik this evening. Dubrovnik was meant to have been our port of call tomorrow......so we were effectively having an overnight stay in Dubrovnik!! I thought that was pretty cool of him to do that (although no doubt some people probably still had something to moan about!).



    We already had a table booked at Giovanni's Table, which I was looking forward to - but secretly I was kicking myself that we were missing the opportunity to go ashore and eat out in Dubrovnik. Oh well, it was nice looking out of the restaurant's windows into the Dubrovnik evening skyline..


    Here's some photo's of us approaching Dubrovnik....


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]





    We've arrived!!!


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  2. The last sea day we had, when we were sailing between Malta and Corfu (God...that seams so long ago now), we had gone to the cinema. We decided to do the same thing today.....they were showing Men In Black 3.



    I still love the fact they have a dedicated Cinema on this ship (and so did Jen!)


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  3. Ok.....so let's talk about Split, Croatia.


    Today was meant to have been a day in Split. However, as we got close to where we were going to tender, our Captain made the decision to abort. The wind was rolling down the hills/mountains into the bay making the water too choppy for the tender boats (apparently there had been cases in the past where they had started the tender process, only for it to get too choppy to continue leaving passengers in Split not being able to get back to the ship!).


    With that in mind, I'd say the Captain made a good decision and he made his decision with the passengers safety and well-being in mind. As usual you had people making complaints, which meant the Captain had to repeatedly make announcements further explaining his decision.


    But, of course, passengers - who are not privy to the wealth of information the Captain has - know best (tsk!)




    So, we had an un-expected extra sea day. Leaving Split behind....


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1444/25702147403_f3f8d37d70_b.jpg' alt='25702147403_f3f8d37d70_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  4. In the evening, a Venetian 'Masked Ball' was taking place at the 'Safari Club' at the aft of the ship. It gave us the chance to wear the Venetian masks we had bought the day before. It was to be the busiest we ever saw the 'Safari Club', which is a shame because I, personally, thought it was a very under-utilised area of the ship.




    We are ready!!!


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]



    The next day was to be another tender day and we were going to be in Split, Croatia. I had never been to Croatia before, so was looking forward to it.....Stay tuned!!!

  5. "Cheers Venice".........We will definitely come back to this magical city one day!!



    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]





    Quick story: A few years previously, my parents visited Venice and did a 5 night cruise around the city and surrounding areas on this river boat (the 'Michelangelo'). I couldn't believe it when I spotted it, so I took this photo to show them.


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]



    That sail-away was another one of those experiences that will last with me a lifetime......Amazing!


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  6. We had a brief visit to St Mark's Basilica - I say brief because it was so crowded, and we were kinda herded along, so we decided to get out. A shame as I would've liked to have looked around at my leisure. Maybe next time (....oh, there will be a next time!)


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    It was now time for a coffee and a cake.....and we found a nice little cafe to sit and give our feet a rest...


    p><p>Do you remember that bottle of Champagne we had won in the


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1549/25995903440_713c0b8dee_b.jpg' alt='25995903440_713c0b8dee_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  7. When we came out of the Doge's Palace, we soon found ourselves in St Mark's Square again and queuing to get into the Bell Tower. They have a lift taking you up to the top, which is just as well as it's very high and it would've meant lots of steps!



    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    And now, the views.......Spectacular!!


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]





    We could even spot our ship from up here...


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1573/26176274452_f455d359b9_b.jpg' alt='26176274452_f455d359b9_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  8. Here's the view prisoners would see from the 'Bridge Of Sigh's' as they were escorted to their awaiting dungeon cell. The bridge got it's name because prisoners would let out a sigh has they glimpsed (for the last time), the outside world....You can really imagine how that must have felt. I wonder how many would have tried calling out to people below, before being told to shut up and move along by the guards escorting them?


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]





    Many of the prisoners carved out their names and messages, which are still visible today (an almost tangible link to the past, some 600 years ago...).


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1687/25995861720_64c3938a2b_b.jpg' alt='25995861720_64c3938a2b_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  9. Next we moved onto the impressive armoury display chambers.....


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]






    ...And then into this impressive room. Now, just check out the size of this room (and the height of the ceiling). Jen and I did a little bit of GoPro filming for our video - just a little bit of us spinning around with the camera pointing up to the ceiling - and we got told off by a member of staff..."no filming" Opps!!


    This room was often used for trials and the condemned were then taken straight from here to the dungeons after conviction. Meaning, for the Doge's enemies, it was the last room they would see before being taken across the 'Bridge Of Sighs' to an awaiting cell. Imagine being in a room full of so much wealth and opulence one minute, and then the next being thrown into a stinking cell....to await execution. A last powerful message from the Doge to traitors...."You could have shared in all this, but you chose to betray me.....and now you have lost everything".



    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    Nice views from the windows...


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1443/26176228792_6c18765dc5_b.jpg' alt='26176228792_6c18765dc5_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  10. The next morning we were up bright and early and off the ship shortly after breakfast. Whilst yesterday was all about exploring Venice, today we had a plan to visit the Doge's Palace and climb the Bell Tower for the views...



    We took one of the many Vaporatto's (water buses) into the centre of Venice.


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    And here's the Bus Stop (oops, I mean Vaporatto Stop)


    p><p>The first thing we wanted to do was visit the Doge


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1492/25995789080_3e22b2babf_b.jpg' alt='25995789080_3e22b2babf_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  11. Absolutlely superb! I'm saving this photo, and a few others, if you don't mind my friend :D

    Dave, I never noticed you but you and Jen must've been almost right beside me top deck during sail-in from the looks of the angle of the photos you took. Definitely the best angle to get those shots were the top starboard corner. I feel very sorry for those people in were too stubborn to get out of their balcony cabins to truly appreciate this sail-in.


    Haha....be my guest! Glad you like it. Yeah, we certainly wanted to be out on top deck for the sail-in. What an experience, huh?

  12. We decided it was now time for dinner and we opted to chose a restaurant by the Rialto Bridge. It was nice enough - but also very expensive!


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]



    We had another night-cap drink before we finally went to bed, reflecting on an amazing day and very much looking forward to what tomorrow would bring!


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1707/25665898223_60c041b56d_b.jpg' alt='25665898223_60c041b56d_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  13. But as it wasn't a proper JRs anyway it's not great loss imho


    Totally agree!! The fun of JR's to me was sitting down in an old 50's style American dinner and being served amazing burgers by happy, dancing staff (who encourage everyone to say "hello" to you as you come in!). Not to mention the one off cover charge, rather than paying per item.


    From the pictures I've seen, they've reduced JR's to the same experience as queuing up to get a burger at Mc Donnalds!!!


    Give me the Panda Noodle bar any day!!

  14. We were now approaching the port of Venice. Ahead of us was the Azamara Quest, Celebrity Silhouette, Celebrity Equinox and, in the background, P&O's Ventura.


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    With Jen in her element, reading a map, we were ready to explore!!! To be continued..........


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1559/26176022872_c3a366ab52_b.jpg' alt='26176022872_c3a366ab52_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  15. The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning was turn on the TV to see how far we were from Venice (we were due to arrive mid-morning, staying over night and departing tomorrow afternoon).


    We're getting closer....


    p><p>And then later.....We


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    I can promise you, these photo's don't really do justice to this sail-in! It's with no exaggeration when I say nothing can compare you to sailing into Venice...


    <a href=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1524/25665719573_6880cc84c3_b.jpg' alt='25665719573_6880cc84c3_b.jpg'>Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

  16. What an amazing day we had just had in beautiful Kotor......and to think, for the next two days we'd be in Venice!!


    Before that though, we had a lovely evening on the ship to look forward to - which started in Izumi (one of the speciality restaurants aboard Serenade..)


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]




    I must confess I don't really do Sushi....but cooking meat on a hot stone? Oh, go on then!


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]


    p><p><img src=Untitled by drummerdave72, on Flickr[/img]

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