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Posts posted by BayAreaBC

  1. I mentioned this before but just want to make sure that the OP is aware.


    The ports are the most important aspect of a cruise. Some ports are incredibly homophobic, particularly the Caribbean, Africa, Russia and to a lesser extent South America.


    We cluelessly have gone to countries in Africa which when we entered the customs agents made homophobic remarks about two men traveling together. We could have possibly been arrested. We also went to Fiji and nearly were involved in a serious attack from homophobes. Even in Capetown SA which is relatively gay friendly for Africa we experienced anti-gay remarks.


    Gay men actually have been arrested in the Caribbean off of cruise ships (I believe the stop was Jamaica but I may be mistaken).


    Anyway, since the purpose of cruising is to see the world and not the ship be aware of the ports of call and potential homophobic issues. I strongly recommend doing a lot of research on the ports of call.

  2. One of the most recent reviews of Celebrity blames the cruiseline for their booking a cabin with a restricted view and the fact that they couldn't change cabins.


    I appreciate nearly all reviews since they are good information but complaining about that is completely ridiculous. It's up to you or your travel agent to make sure you book the cabin you want.


    I would post a link to the review but I don't want to give it validation that is undeserved.

  3. It's hard to predict the crowd on any cruise and your experience will vary with how well you "click" with the other guests.


    One of the best gay group cruises we ever had was "hosted" by an alcoholic who everyone in the group hated. We bonded because of this. Looking back I now feel sorry for the host and we should have been more empathetic. I was young and stupid at the time.


    As an added bonus everyone got norovirus. You would think that cruise was a disaster but we'll remember it forever due to the challenges and adventures we experienced.


    Any vacation or cruise is what you make of it. Experiences which go awry at the time you live through them can later be some of your most cherished memories.


    That cruise was certainly not boring and we will never forget it.

  4. Thanks for the review. It's a shame that people repeatedly complain about the music and noise. Not everyone is looking for a non-stop party. In a ship as large as the Solstice it should be easy for Celebrity to have both quiet relaxing and party areas.


    Now I know to stick to the Epernay. There is no way I would pay an extra $300 for an error in the kitchen. IMHO, if they ate the appetizers and desserts a substantial discount would be in order and/or a comp to another night at one of the specialty restaurants.

  5. Initially I wasn't going to reply since I was hoping this thread would die on it's own.


    However, for ANY minority to express self-hatred against others of that minority status after the tremendous gains made over the last few decades is incredibly disturbing.


    Why would anyone think that gay people are less capable of running a business?


    Yes, usually one has to pay more for a gay charter but that is true of ANY charter.


    It's truly sad that many elderly gay men are still stuck in the mind frame of self hatred from the 60's as demonstrated in the "Boys in the Band".


    If you hate yourself and other gay men and businesses, it's YOUR problem not anyone's else.


    I will continue spending my money supporting the gay community and not those that oppress us.

  6. LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender so if you identify as such or support your friends who are you should be welcome.


    However, for some reason gay group cruises are primarily either gay male or lesbian women. I didn't see any bi women or lesbians on the gay group or gay charter cruises I've been on. Thus I suspect that a bi woman looking to meet other women would not have much luck.

  7. The only drawback to an all-gay cruise is that they are more expensive.


    I don't think the drug dogs sniff luggage during embarkation but I would be surprised if they don't on the return. You leave you luggage outside your door the last night and pick it up in customs. It is highly likely that they run the dogs through before you pick it up.


    The RSVP/Atlantis company literature says they will kick off anyone found using drugs. However, if you have a medical marijuana prescription I doubt they would do this.

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