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Posts posted by Poohx2

  1. Hi,


    We may be taking a night flight into Vancouver, arriving at 1:30 am. Can anyone, please recommend a good hotel, near the airport possibly with a free shuttle? We have the Pan Pacific booked for the other 2 nights but it is alot of money to pay since we will probably only be checking in at around 3am or so.




  2. I would really like to book the Pan Pacific for our pre-cruise stay next July. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get a good deal? How far ahead do hotels normally book on Hotwire? How long should I wait?? Any advice is appreciated!!






    I have booked Pan Pacific for next August. They have a AAA rate. Not the lowest but at least we have the hotel booked. Good luck!



  3. Hi,
    Thanks so much for all the advice about the Sandman Signature Hotel. It is in Richmond. I will check out the Sandman Suites. I also will follow your advice on booking a mutually acceptable hotel for all and then trying Hotwire. The Pan Pacific is where I want to stay so hopefully it will work out. Thanks again for the help.
  4. Hi,

    We need a hotel for 2 nights pre cruise, 6 rooms. I want to stay closer to Canada Place but the rest of the people want to pay under $200 a night. We would like to see Stanley Park and Capilano Bridge, I know I spelled this wrong sorry. Would Sandman Signature Hotel be good for sightseeing since we will not have a car? Thanks.
  5. [quote name='Putterdude'][SIZE=4]Yes you can book more than 1 room but I have forgotten how many, it is on their website though. As for beds per room, again it is on their site and I think it is 2 beds per room. To get a downtown room, and I only recommend downtown, once on the bidding screen select Vancouver-Downtown, then select 3*+ and then start bidding at about $75 but once you reach $125 stop and retry a week or so latter. This should get you a room in the Hyatt Regency, Sutton Place, one of the two Marriott's (one being the Renaissance), one of the Westins or once in a while even the Pan Pacific.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

    Putterdude...again thank you so much for your reply and informatioon. I am off to the Priceline website now to investigate.

    I have been reading this board for a couple of weeks now and I appreciate all of the advice and information from the people in Vancouver. It seems like such a nice city and I can not wait to explore it next year!
  6. Susan, this a question which we get asked several times each year and we have yet to come up with an answer except to try the larger hotels. Regrettably one report that we got this year was that the downtown hotels wanted the full nightly rate. So as far as I know the only hotel that offers a day rate is the Fairmont at the airport but if you accompany them out to YVR you are going to burn up about 2 hours going back and forth to downtown. If it were me, I would wait until after the new years and then bid a room on Priceline. In the downtown area close to Canada Place you should end up with a room in a nice hotel for under $125...it would just be a matter of requesting an early check in.


    Putterdude....thank you so much for answer. I am trying to plan this trip, we have the cruise booked, for 18 people who of course have all different opinons but all want to go straight through from NY to Vancouver and back. I like the Priceline idea but have never used it. Do you know if I can book more then 1 room through Priceline so we are all at the same hotel? Plus we have 4 families of more then 2, I thought priceline rooms only have 1 bed? Again , thank you so much for your help.

  7. Hi,


    We will be taking an Alaskan cruise out of Vancouver next summer. We plan to arrive about 3 days early to enjoy Vancouver. On the day we disembark the ship our possible return flight will not leave to about 10:40pm. Does anyone know if any of the hotels offer a day rate? We will be traveling with several elderly people that normally take naps during the day but want to fly straight through and that is the only flight that flies straight through. Thanks so much for the help.

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