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Posts posted by lilghallinsf

  1. Congratulations on your upcoming first cruise with Celebrity!. I maintain a blog on every cruise that we take; if you are interested in seeing what Silhouette looks like, direct message me or quote this reply with your email address .


    We were on her in August in the British Isles. CD Paul Baya is awesome, I hope you have him.




    I would love to see your blog. Lilghall at gmail



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  2. I'm quite enjoying this thread, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed the cruise!


    We're all entitled to our opinions, but they remain just that: opinion and perception. Did my husband of seven years put sunscreen on my back by the pool? You bet. Was someone offended by such 'groping'? Entirely possible.


    Did a 6'2 240lb bearded guy show up at the pool in a wonder woman shirt and shorts? You bet. Was someone offended by this 'over the top' display of gaiety? Entirely possible.


    Were there a bunch of burly bearded guys in speedos and square cuts? You bet. And we felt damn good wearing them, for a change, because we were amongst friends. Friends that don't judge each others' mannerisms, body size or lifestyle. Were there people offended by this? Apparently so. Some people think that's 'with your junk hanging out and I don't need to see it' or say 'Ugh, fat guy in a speedo.' They're entitled to their opinion of what normal or appropriate is. Don't think we don't see your disgusted looks: some folks are quite dramatic about it! That's good - let your inner diva out!


    We can be guilty of it, too, sometimes. On Thursday evening, our table of 10 collectively gasped and clutched our pearls when a 20-something woman wandered into the dining room in cut-off jean shorts and an itty bitty halter top. A split-second later, we all looked at each other and laughed, mocking each other for becoming the judgemental folks we saw by the pool every day.


    We weren't the only ones having fun - there were lots of smiling people of all ages by the pool. There was on group of ten or more wearing matching t-shirts that said 'let's get shipfaced'. Did that offend someone? Entirely possible.


    We weren't everywhere at all times and it's entirely possible that there was lewd behaviour in public areas. We didn't witness it, but I have no reason to doubt anyone's sincerity. I can't speak for anyone else in the group of 200+, but I know I certainly didn't intend to offend.


    I also want to add, that over the course of the week I had great conversations with at least three gentlemen from the Media Research Council 'ultra right wing' group. They were willing to talk to a gay guy (in a squarecut on one occasion) so I was willing to talk to them. All very amicable with wide ranging topics of discussion. On one occasion, we chose politely to disagree and say our goodbyes when the conversation turned to Muslim bashing, but if we don't talk to each other, none of us move forward.


    Thanks, Ken, for the great review. Thanks, also, to ALL those who've posted their opinions and perceptions. We may not agree, but at least we're talking and all moving forward as a result.





    Ps. Next time WonderWoman makes a twirling entrance to the pool deck, get up and twirl alongside. It's very liberating!







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  3. I wasn't going to post on this thread until I read this statement. You would expect Celebrity to call you up and "warn" you that certain groups you might find objectionable will be on board? I notice you said that about the gay group but not about the conservative group that was traveling (and whom I would more than likely not get along with). There are over 5,000 people on board. How about I tell Celebrity that I don't care for short people, Republicans, Catholics, fat people ....or how about, I don't like being on board with disabled people? Germans, Russians. etc......? Or, on second thought, maybe those things are ok as long as they hide it (and too bad for short people, fat people, black people and disabled people, because lets face it...they should just stay home). Shoul I make a list so Celebrity knows who I don't want to travel with so I can change my reservation?


    Do I think people should behave appropriately in public and not treat the whole ship as their personal living room or bed room? yes. But I absolutely extend the same rights and freedoms to everyone to be themselves and be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. You have no more right to enjoy a cruise than anyone else and if you want to confine yourself to only those who you approve of, then do not venture beyond your own back yard.


    A particular pet peeve of mine on these boards are the "funny" references to overweight people. How much they weigh, how much they eat, how they dress....comments about not being a "gym goer"....etc It's shameful. Further, in all these years, I have yet to see one perfect body on board.




    Well said



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  4. IMO, I'd rather see shirts that say "Parking in the Rear" or "It takes balls to be a Fairy" than some of the shirts i've seen on straight men on cruises that degrade women.

    somehow every cruise, there's at least a few that pop up on the pool deck, like the stripper one that says "i support single mothers" and that sort of thing.

    at least the gay slogan shirts, while you can make a case for being "tasteless", and, I agree, not the best choice for dinner attire, aren't actually degrading to anyone and are usually just word play.







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  5. It's not called homophobia. It's called RESPECT ....for the people around you. Grow up and act like an adult




    Wow. I had to erase what I wanted to say to this, as it wouldn't have been appropriate.

    To the OP:

    Thank you for honest review. I do hope that everyone enjoyed their trip. And your responses to everyone show respect and self discipline, unlike some of these "so called adults".



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  6. Good Evening.


    Thanks for all the kind words. To respond as best I can:


    --Yes, we LOVE the photo package and the photographers - trying to make them laugh is one of our "mini games." It's interesting - over the course of 3 cruises we've found them to be some of the most congenial people we've encountered. On the Summit in January we would get off the ship at a port simply to have our picture taken with the hastily-costumed pirate and/or sailor and then immediately get back onboard.

    -It SO weird, aside from the initial CC Roll Call I *never* went back in to Cellar Masters and I have no idea why...I just kept missing it. Our chair rating endeavors got curtailed simply because there were so. many. chairs. We made it through Deck 3 and then despaired at the sheet variety on Deck 5 - in El Bacio alone. We'll reconvene on the Summit in August - hopefully the smaller ship will have less varieties?


    Day 6 - Storming the Beaches


    --My late night prowls have finally caught up with me, and I managed to make it out of bed for 9am. XZ has already returned with coffee from al Bacio and we enjoy a light breakfast at the Oceanview whilst the ship docks at Labadee.


    --We had hit up the Destination Concierge the night before as we wanted to do some Snorkling. The basic trip was $60. However...for $64 you got the "High Speed Thrill Boat and Snorkling" package. We immediately signed up and then paused to consider our choice. A $4 upcharge? Like...what kind of boat is that? If it, were, say, a $100 upcharge - ok, you're obviously getting something way better. But $4? That's like...2 horsepower, right? Oh. Oh how wrong we were...but I digress.


    --We disembark and...Her Furry Highness interrupts with yet another Cat Complain. Let's see what todays "alternative fact" is:



    Ok, so this is total BS. I am uncertain what cruise line reviews she gets these things from...it was supposed to be Celebrity...but this is absolutely false. Our room was fastidiously up-kept and apparently cleaned by ninjas because we'd be gone for 23 minutes and when we got back everything would be straightened and buffed. No one on the ship looked miserable. The guy cleaning the men's room at 1am gave me a hearty welcome. The lady polishing the railings at 3am was all smiles. At every turn the staff was unfailingly welcoming...so go blow it out your furry, overly large eared cat.


    --Back to disembarkation. Labadee is an interesting place. On our first visit, back in 2014, I was a touch concerned that it was, how best to say it, exploitative. Upon further research, the exact opposite is the case. The resort is the best place for employment on this end of the island (over the road-less mountain range) and while it doesn't allow for an "authentic" experience, actual Haiti can be a very challenging place for the average tourist. So, armed with that knowledge, we went down to the boat pier to meet our "High Speed" snorkel trip.


    --There were three other excursions departing at the same time; the regular snorkel tour (on a cool catamaran-type boat) had about 30 people, the Parasailing (speed boat) about 10 people and the Haitian culture tour (on a tire-sided dinghy) had about 20 people. Shortly, we were left all alone.



    --And then, the awesome starts to happen. First up, we meet Gary, the "local guide." Gary is from Labadee, grew up just in site of the resort, and will be our snorkeling tour guide. He chats with us for a few minutes and in that time we essentially get the abbreviated version of the Haitian cultural tour...Gary is awesome.

    --Next up, the desk informs us we're 2 of 3 people to have signed up for the excursion and the other dude is MIA. So. PRIVATE TOUR. NICE!

    --Finally, the boat arrives. Yeah. It's like...a Marine Landing Craft from the invasion of Grenada or something. It doesn't even have seats! Just mini-benches you sit on and grip with your legs and, as the operator Jojo reminds us, "Hang on to the bar or, when we go over a wave, your face hits it and you break your teeth." Never has a bar been gripped tighter before! Here is our snorkel tour/assault craft:




    --And off we go. This boat just moves. It also banks. At one point they pulled it into a turn and, I swear to you, I was looking *down* at XZ at about a 80 degree angle. Unreal. We get to see a sandbar, and then a shipwreck, and then get into the water with Gary for the snorkeling part.


    --Gary is awesome. The first thing he does is free-drive down and come back up with an Octopus! After that he leads us about (so effortless for him, I'm dying over here!) and shows us submerged cannon, a 50' long anchor, and then guides us through trenches upon trenches of corral reefs.


    --Back on the boat, our attack craft roars away and takes us in and out of the coves of the island (with an amusingly truncated history of how *awesome* the child marrying, disease spreading, slave taking, murdering, world-navigating failure of a man Christopher Columbus was), culminating in driving us *under* the front deck of the Reflection, getting as close to the prow (?) of the ship as possible. From there we return to the shore and, as we disembark, we make certain to tip Gary - when you get a private tour you just have to pay a bit above and beyond.


    --From there, we go to the Suite-only Beach, grab some loungers, and then hit the BBQ. The Labadee food service in this area is incredible because it's all the ship's servers from Luminae and the like that we know so well. In fact, I'd go so far as to rate this the best lunch I've had (aside from Sushi on 5).


    --We go snorkeling in the swimming area where, of course, XZ immediately dives down and finds a dropped costume jewelry necklace and then spins that into a story of 'pirate treasure' to the delight of the grand daughter of some folks we had met the other day in Michael's club because this is what she does given 4 minutes of free time. NOTE: The snorkeling is *much* better on the leeward side of the island and not the secluded cove-side, FYI.


    --About 2pm we conclude our day and re-embark, fully intending to relax in the Persian Garden and prepare for dinner. Little did we know what the night would have in store.


    Next up: A sail away for the ages, our first big cast show, and a turn of tremendous fortune.


    That you used "alternative fact" gives me hope in mankind!!!!

  7. Good Afternoon. Thanks for all the nice comments - quick answer for those who asked: I did not see a Celebrity Chef At Sea contest listed but I believe the Eastern Caribbean activities are different than the Western, so you might find it on that sailing? We also didn't have a Wife carrying competition which I SO totally could have won because XZ loves nothing more than being picked up and shaken...and you'll see, below, what happens when I do that. Onwards!


    --Dinner was *the* night, aka, the Lobster night, aka the "drag me away from the table" night. That night when I mumbled my order for dinner embarrassingly into my napkin *cough* "two lobsters" *cough* "oh, I'm sorry? who said that? me? Why I would never...but since you offered, bring them anyways..." Fantastic meal.


    --From there we went to Michael's Club and then dashed all the way to the front of the ship for the Captain's Club Officers Reception in the Sky Lounge. As noted before, it's interesting...while everyone else is glad-handing the Captain, XZ and I have button-holed the Food and Beverage Manager and the Logistics Guy and are busy heaping praise on their hard-working staff whilst asking obscure questions "so...how high are the pallets that get loaded onboard?" And, yet again, we had a great chat with the Chief Engineer or, as Captain Alex calls him, the "Voice...from Below."


    --Once the Reception wrapped up we dropped by the World Class Bar to see what all the fuss was about. So. Here's the thing about the World Class...it is THE best bar on the Ship, hands down. And part of what you are paying for is the experience, from the ordering to the crafting to the presentation. The bartenders may appear a bit "posh" (as my friends from Norway would say) but it's all part of the show. Once you frequent it enough they warm up to you and it's all smiles and good graces and only then can you appreciate exactly their craft which is astonishing in both technique and value.


    --After a few...too many? (never enough!) drinks at the World Class bar we caught up with Duo Allure in the Ensemble Lounge and then...attacked the photographers. So let's see how this went, shall we?


    1. The picture you send to your parents:



    2. Pillows you say? I wonder what one does with pillows...hrmmm...



    3. Pillow Fight!



    4. annnnd this is what comes of picking up one's wife against her wishes:



    --After this we began the usual cycle of evening debauchery ranging from the Casino to Michael's Club and back again with our Norwegian friends in tow. Eventually XZ called it off at 12:30 whilst Eirik and I continued into the small hours. What passes between gentleman cannot be repeated but I will share one amazingly interesting anecdote - while I was away from the tables freshening up a dealer switch somewhat annoyed my companion. After we got another drink or two we returned to the Casino and, in the unfailingly polite way that only Europeans and Canadians can muster, he convinced them to re-open a table with his favorite dealer so we could get in a few more hands. We weren't playing for high stakes, it was more a 'chips and bitch' night and still the Casino host obliged his request. What incredible customer service!


    --At the outset of that I, sadly, had to call it an evening, or rather morning, at 3am as all the drinks had been drunk, the bars had been closed, and XZ gets up at 6am (yikes!)


    --Tomorrow: Labadee and the best Snorkeing Tour ever, XZ explores the cultural heritage of Haiti, we get to see our first Cast Show, meet Jeroen, and a series late night moves brings fortune, if not fame, to one of our early morning revelers!


    these photos are awesome.

  8. Another part of the process to think about is your willingness to handle your luggage from cabin to port. This could entail lugging your luggage down, or up, stairs and maneuvering through crowded corridors.

    The initial disembarkation process for self disembarking passengers involves gathering in a normally congested area with others "eager" to get off the ship. You can also depart at a later time but that also means you still have to keep your luggage with you until you're ready to depart.

    If you are disembarking on an upper deck into a terminal with both elevator and escalator you will have to wait for the elevator unless you can maintain control of your luggage and still have one hand on the escalator. Staff are stationed at the escalators to keep passengers with heavy or "abundant" luggage from using the escalator. This is for the safety of all.

    We have done it only once and will never do it again. This was years ago when the process wasn't well known and the self disembarking numbers were small and it was the worst way to leave the ship. I don't recommend it but we have been cruising for over 30 years and plan our flights with the same care we plan our cruises.

    I hope this answers some of your additional concerns.


    Thank you very much. I like others carrying my luggage but thank heavens it has good wheels if I do have to take care of it.

  9. You are the first off the ship, usually by 7:30am. You will have to handle all your baggage yourself.

    The benefit is being off the ship early if desired, not having to pack and put your luggage out of your room the night before and not having to deal with the crowds at baggage retrieval. That is basically it.


    thanks, I guess the biggest benefit then is not having to have your luggage out the night before, of course they always say by 11 pm I think but I am sure you could have it out later and not have a big issue. I hate packing the last day. One of the big benefits to cruising is unpacking for the two weeks. We are staying in Amsterdam on our next cruise for a few days and our room won't be ready right away. Normally we stay in Rome and it takes a while to get to the hotel. The hotel always has our room ready as we stay there often. I am thinking about doing the extended time on the ship this time to have a place to hang out.... :-)

  10. What exactly is the self disembark option? What does that mean exactly? Obviously you get to leave when you want and can leave first, but does it mean that you take you bags with you and they don't take them down? I don't get the benefit exactly.

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