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Posts posted by ooulio

  1. TO THE person looking for GF food for lunch. I go to Guys' Burgers. They are awesome. I just get it without bread. I tell them about allergy and they wiped the grill. Cucina Del Capiatana also will make special meals for you. At nite they made me GF Chicken Parm. You pay a charge of $12 per person I think. Great food. They have it on Magic and Breeze . not sure about what other ones. Steak house will also do gf too.

  2. TO THE person looking for GF food for lunch. I go to Guys' Burgers. They are awesome. I just get it without bread. I tell them about allergy and they wiped the grill. Cucina Del Capiatana also will make special meals for you. At nite they made me GF Chicken Parm. You pay a charge of $12 per person I think. Great food. They have it on Magic and Breeze . not sure about what other ones. Steak house will also do gf too.

  3. Just thought we would check in . We decided to go on the Breeze again. They weren't doing any credits when we booked. They said they had aleady sold out which wasn't long after I was on last time. We booked by ourselves which turned out to be higher than it was this year. WE went to the 9th floor. We usually stay on the 7th and 8th. We tried to go to the Steak house the day after we got on cruise. They told me they were completely sold out. She said the VIP"S were even sold out. She put us on the waiting list. She told me no parties of 6 at all. I asked her what good is being VIP if we cant even go to the steak house. We have never not been able to go . WE tried the Cucina del Capitana for lunch. It was good for me since I am celiac and gluten free .The guys said the lasagna was good for lunch. We learned to sit near the stairs at lunch. NOt as noisy as back with the basketball playing. WE went at nite and it was very quiet. Chicken Parm was very good. The guys are all Italian and very fussy. We loved the ship itself. Elevators sucked which were very slow. Service was pretty good.

  4. Just wanted to say a quick hello. We are also celebrating our anniversary on Feb 17..11 years. We loved the Breeze. Since we just did it this past Feb, we should be pros on this one. This will be our 13th or 14th with Carnival. We have also done 1 with Disney. I did one with RC. Has anyone else booked their hotels in Miami before the cruise.? Just wondering. What floors are most of you on?

  5. I finally bit the bullet and booked on priceline. I did the Express Deals... 4 stars was $218 plus tax and ? Waited and was nervous. We got Intercontinental at Chopin Downtown Miami. I had already called them. They wanted 299.00 plus tax and fee. It was around 365. With tax and fee was $255.00 per room. I was thrilled. It is right on water and right near where we stayed this past Feb. Even Hampton Inn downtown Brickell was $323 plus tax. WE passed them on our way from the hotel and saw it. I told my husband I would love to stay there. Now that is done. We can walk downtown and go to PF Changs and PUblix. Are you guys doing a casino tournament for the group. It is fun. Loved the one we did on the dream with the group. It will be fun to meet everyone. Have a good weekend. Happy Easter.

  6. We tried to book with this group. They told me Carnival did away with the obc. It was cheaper to book ourselves than with the group. Erin is great and so much more helpful than Joana. We had to go up to the 9th floor. I need a balcony . Since the cruise was so much higher than we paid this year, we just did it with her. We like the 8th floor but for a lil more money , we went up lil higher.

  7. I still haven't booked our hotels either. I went back to the Hampton Inn downtown Brickell . One site was $347.00. I really want to stay in that area. I love to walk downtown Miami. I looked on Priceline. There are some that are $218 that are still in that area. I probably will just book tomorrow. Has anyone used Priceline for the hotel in Miami. ?I don't want to stay near the airport. You can't walk around. I finally get to see my brother and his wife. We would love to be able to do what we did this year but he wasn't with us. It is still freezing here. Sick to death of snow. Winter from hell. Had my ski jacket on, mittens, and zipped to the top.

  8. I checked at lunch today on kayak. I think that hotel for 4 stars was gone . Everything I saw was close to $300 for south beach or downtown miami. We stayed in South Beach a couple years ago. It is so expenisve there. We booked on one site. It said $99 . It was beachfront and gorgeous. I think it was Palms. I have the flier somewhere. We booked it. WEnt back an hour later. It was a mistake. It was $1099. I was a nervous wreck they would charge us at the hotel the difference They didnt know what you paid. Drinks at the bar at the pool were $16.00 each not including tax or tip. Hamurgers were almost $20.00 each. First and last time staying there. It was beautiful but too much for my budget. I am still trying for downtown miami like we stayed this past Feb. It is nice to walk to all the place, plus the people walker is right there too. I am still checking everyday.

  9. We had snow again. Thursday and Friday. We were lucky this time. Only an inch while some places in Mass got over a foot and a half. Now I started working on the hotels. They have gone crazy. I called Intercontinental twice. $399.0 for Feb 14. I don't want to stay at the ariport. I am trying to look at Miami. Any ideas. Where we stayed at this past Feb has gone crazy too. It is enough that they raised the Breeze so much . We just cruised this past feb for 8 days. A couple hundred I can see but when it is over triple , that is crazy. Everyone told me they were were going down. They must be dreaming.

  10. thanks guys for being so nice. We are going to start looking at hotels too. I need to wait til next month. Need to pay my $600 deposit first. When we did the Dream a couple years ago, We went with the group.. We had a scavenger hunt which was so much fun. We had a Casino game. We each threw in $20.00 ,. Whatever we won, we split in a group. They called each name one at a time. Of course, when they called my husbands name, he disappeared. I had to go up twice. We had a meeting where they did a lot of things. I actaully won a award for saving dogs. I volunteer and try and save dogs all over the place. I also lived in Chicago before. We lived in Lake in the Hills. My brother lived in Schaumburg. Now we live in Rhode Island. My other brother and his wife live in Washington state. They are coming with us too. Nice to meet everyone. Esther

  11. Cruise went up again. I tried all day to book. Now there is no more credit at all for this group for new people. Erin has been trying all day for us. We finally just booked for the 4 of us. It is a lot higher than it was for our cruise we took last month. YOu would think Carnival would be nice instead of charging crazy. We are going on this one but we booked by ourself. They couldnt give us any deal if we booked with the group. I guess we wont be with you guys. We tried. It was cheaper to book the 9th floor by ourselves than to book with the group like we tried. I didnt know the boat show was this week. I wanted to stay where we just stayed last month but I am not spending over $300 a nite for Hampton Inn brickell. It was good for me because I could eat PF Changs . They serve GF food. Maybe we can stop in and say hello if you dont mind. We spent too much for this ship already. I love this ship. I will enjoy this ship anyway.

  12. We also went on Breeze early Feb. We also went to St Thomas, Antigua, Tortola and nassau. We are still hoping to do this one with you guys. Watching the rates but the new ones are over $3000. We would love to do this one . I loved the ship. I just keep hoping the rates go down. We didn't pay this much for a Category 8c. It is a great ship. I keep checking all the time. Keeping my fingers crossed. We just want a balcony. Suites are just too much for now.

  13. Rick,

    I agree with the other person. Sorry forgot name. Sitting at my desk looking at prices. Just hung up with Doug . I just dont understand why it is higher than it was this month for the cruise. I am still thinking. Really loved this ship.

    I would tell that guy that you have a few clients and you will be baby sitting their dogs the next time he needs you. I have a baby sittier for my doug. I pay $30 a day. She doesn't let us pick up on Sat or Sunday and charges us for both of those days and Monday. I love watching dogs. Someday I will do that for extra money.

  14. Just wanted to say we Loved the Carnival Breeze. It is our favorite ship out of all the ones we have sailed. We were going to book it while on the cruise but couldnt decide. We are really thinking of booking this one for next year. Who is handling the group Cruise? Is it Erin? I know they were offering a certificate on the cruise but had to book on the cruise. I talked my brother and his wife about 90% to come with us too. They wanted to go the week before but since our Anniversary falls this week, I am leaning more to this one. Colors are so pretty. So easy to get along. We loved the Cucina Del Capitano restaurant for dinner & lunch. Best Chicken Parm I have ever had. We are looking for balconies too.

  15. We just stayed at Hampton Inn Suites Downtown Miami brickell. They were great. Hotel is very nice. WE got 2 coupons for free drinks. Free Breakfast which everyone said was great. I didnt eat because I have Celiac. My husband is fussy. He said it was very good. Good Coffee at nite with all flavors. Also had cold fruit drinks in the afternoon. Room is very nice and huge shower and tub. It was only a couple minutes from Bayside,Publix and all kinds of places to eat. They also offer a shuttle in the am for $8.00 pp . They were very efficient too. We are planning to stay there on our next cruise from Miami too. Service there is really good too. There is also a people walker 2 minutes from there too.

  16. Sue...I am sure Callie will be okay. I wil with rescue dogs . I am sure your dog will be fine.


    I love reading everyone's posts. I love to read them. I am leaving in the next month for the Breeze. I know we will love it. Going to Miam. I never posts dates because there are too many people lurkng the boards. Dont need any problems with my house. We had 4 more inches of snow Wed . It is almost gone. I will write and let you know how much we loved the ship. I still can't go online to check on anything. Carnival has had major problems with the website. I wanted to see what I could bring onboard. Can't remember. I bring pepsi but I still buy a soda card too.

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Hope they add more balconies when we come back. I will keep checking on that and deposits too.

  17. Can anyone tell what the sister companies are to Carnival.? I am waiting til we Come back from the Breeze next month before we decide what we are going to do. I want to see if the reduced deposits are back and the balcones are added. It is still a year and a month before the cruise. I love Carnival but why are the other companies giving so much more than Carnival. I have a friend who just booked Celebrity and paid less than what I paid for our breeze next month and is getting a free drink package for both of them. I want to stay with Carnival but I am not an idiot. On our last group cruise on Dream, it was new then. We got a good credit, few drinks party for 2 hours and a room that we had our own party for. We also did a slot tournament too.

  18. We are booked on this ship in Feb this year. I called and checked the rates. They are doing a past passenger rate with a credit. It seems like they aren't offering too much for the group. All the rooms are really gone. They are only offering inside now.

    5 -- 4b left and 7 - 4c all inside. No balconies at all. Carnival needs to step up and offer more balconies. This is crazy. No reduced deposits now. Full deposit. talked to our agent today from cruise critic. Erin is great. I thought we were going to still have a low deposit since it is still a year away. I told her to let me know when we get back from this cruise. No reduced rates for balconies. I am sorry but we could never do an inside room. Hoping Carnival wakes up and gives a litle more. I am just wondering why do I keep seeing posts from Travel agents saying Carnival is not offering much to them anymore. Wake up Carnival and give them something. You can make more by offering things. We aren't beginners on Carnival.

  19. I saw your posts for next Feb on the Breeze. We are doing it in Feb but a different itinerary. We are thinking of doing it next year with this group. I am waiting til I come back to make sure I love the ship. I know I love. We did the Magic last Feb and loved it. My husband and I go together and my brother and his wife said if we love it, they will come again with us. Just wondering what are they giving for the group? We did a group cruise a few years ago on Dream. The group was great. They had given us credit, bar for an hour, a party and a few lil other things. I use Erin for my cruises anyway. She is great. She booked the cruise we are doing next month. She gets right back to you. Not like someone else never did. You will love Erin. I know the group we did before was fun. HOw is this group? Esther

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