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Everything posted by Jaedog105

  1. No response from Royal. I'm reasonably confident that the COR will be accepted, based on Royal's own language in the FAQ, but I'm pretty paranoid anyway.
  2. Can't vouch for the full process because I haven't had the appointment yet, but I made the appointment on QuickMD and it was very straightforward.
  3. This is how I understood the policy, too. Thank you for confirming!
  4. Thanks. I've seen that FAQ and it doesn't specifically mention that unvaccinated guests are exempt from testing with a COR but, because it doesn't separate the groups out, I take that to mean that all guests with a COR are exempt, regardless of vaccination status. I just kind of wish it spelled it out to avoid any possible misunderstandings at embarkation. Has anyone been in this situation and can confirm that a COR is accepted for unvaccinated children?
  5. I appreciate the response, but I don't know that it's correct. Wouldn't make sense, because the whole point of the COR is to excuse lingering positives from previous infection, and I'd be more concerned about lingering positives on a NAAT. I've asked Royal, so I'll see if I even get a response, but I don't see anything in the FAQ that limits the exception to pre-cruise testing. In any case, I may have everyone test again precruise anyway, and if it's negative I won't have to worry about the COR.
  6. As far as I can tell, the FAQ does not say that it applies only to vaxed guests. Can you show me where it does?
  7. Well, I already have positive PCR tests for all of us and appointments lined up to get a COR for each of us, so that's not the concern. The Royal policy does not mention vaccinated status anywhere with regard to being exempt from pre-cruise testing with a COR. Did you see that someplace?
  8. So my entire family tested positive about 30 days out from our sailing. Does it make sense to just get a certificate of recovery for all 4 of us (including 2 unvaccinated kids) and not even worry about testing? Anyone have any experience using a COR? Ever any problems from port agents? Thanks!
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