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Posts posted by Whittyone

  1. It won't be long and people will get on here and tell us how they will not go on a ship that has wristbands. The bands will clash with the outfits they are wearing and how they cannot wear something on there wrist. (same folks that probably had one of the yellow "livestrong" bands, they just won't admit it now)


    I think the bands are a great idea myself!

  2. I certainly hope not. I just don't get it, a certain item of clothing increases enjoyment of a cruise??? Shorts in the evening should be buffet only.


    Just like forcing me to wear pants should not change the enjoyment of your cruise. You can still wear pants, just many others would be in nice shorts. No one is wanting to change how you would like to dress for your cruise. Just other options for other folks.

  3. Why are you all talking about formal night? Who brought up formal night? How come every time someone wants to wear shorts people talk about formal night? What has one got to do with the other?


    My preference; shorts A-OK on all casual night. If they want to require pants on formal night I'd play along to that. There, that's the end of formal talk.


    So back to the regularly scheduled program, yes, I'd like to wear my khaki shorts to dinner in the Caribbean, most especially on casual nights. I live in a place where today was 88°. And I don't have to wear pants for work either. So, I really don't want to be required to dress what is, to ME, more uncomfortably on vacation than I do in daily life.


    I believe the options as they stand are bunk. Buffet or specialty dining. Why should I pay more to be comfortable on my Caribbean vacation? Or why should I sacrifice table service that I've paid for in order to be comfortable. Shouldn't my relaxing, rejuvenating, pampering Caribbean vacation be comfortable for me to enjoy? If you want to wear a wool suit every night, or a cashmere jumpsuit, be my guest. ENJOY YOUR DINNER!


    I sure see a lot of guys running around ships at night in shorts. They put on pants to eat, then go back and waste time to change into shorts to go be, you know, comfortable on your Caribbean vacation? Not all, but quite a bit I see guys in shorts at night. I've certainly changed after dinner too.



    Why do people think that unless I am "forced" to wear pants that I will choose to wear basketball shorts or a bathing suit? I don't wear those items to restaurants at home, why would I do that on a ship? Why would my desire to wear shorts mean I wouldn't shower and come right from the pool or gym? It's always such an absurd thing to read people say. It's a completely irrational response and yet so many repeat it over and over again. No matter how many people say it, it won't make any sense. Do you mean to say in my desire to be comfortable I completely lose my entire fashion sense and personal grooming habits and will bring my mowing the lawn clothes on the ship and live in them all week? A purely stupid response.


    And why is this an issue for men and not women? I see women in shorts on every night of every cruise I've been on and it has absolutely not ever been any sort of issue whatsoever. So someone please explain why it's okay to apply a standard to mens dress but not to women? Personally it doesn't bother me one bit, not one iota. But I am curious why the double standard.


    We all have better things to do with our lives. I really don't care what you wear and I don't care what you "judge" me as either. Whatever goes on in your head is your problem.


    Great Post, I think a few of these "fashion critics" have pathetic little lives where they have nothing better to do. I can see them already, casting looks that could kill as someone walks by there table not dressed properly. And can you hear the conversation at there tables, more about how others are dressed than what they did that day. LOL Oh what is this world coming to? I am guessing that most of the fashion critics are just jealous they can't be seen in shorts anymore, so no one needs to wear them.


    When I go to dinner with my wife, all I am concerning myself with is having a nice evening with her. I am definitely not concerning myself with my tablemates clothing choices, I have more important stuff to concern myself with. LOL

  4. Royal2464 you are totally correct.

    Prior to the cruise the OP was aware of the policy, and there even is a sign at the MDR entrance, and still ignored.


    What an awful society we live in that people behave like this.

    Does she think she is a Victim and the Cruise Line is wrong ?


    Truly awful behavior by the OP and her Family.

    Can you imagine what the Kids will grow up to be like ?







    I can imagine your kids got out of the house as soon as possible also.

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