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Posts posted by Charger2008

  1. Sweet. A guy on my last cruise did that. He had just retired and was in his mid 60's. So like you said anyone can learn to flow board. Personally, for me anyways, boding boarding has almost nothing in common with stand up, so for those looking to get started, if you think you want to try stand up, go for it.


    I agree and to learn all of the really cool tricks on body boarding, you are working your backside off. It is REALLY physical. I don't want to have to work that hard at having fun :D

  2. Yeah, I know that they call it a "girl trick" but I like doing that as well. Those watching always tend to think it is difficult but it is pretty simple. I have started entering the wave recently from the top in the Show Pony stance, which is not too difficult either. I am working on doing 360's in the Show Pony stance now as well. Do them sometimes, but have to be more consistent with them. Keep on riding Edna.


    I am working on the show pony 360s too. Our home wave is rather steep and a single so I can almost get all of the way around. Going to try it on the Liberty in a couple of weeks :D I think trying it on a flatter wave with more room might help. We shall see :p

  3. Thanks for the advice. Down it is. 40 is definitely well in the rear view mirror, so staying in one piece is definitely a priority.


    If I can master it, ANYONE can ;) Just have to give it a go. Here is my "signature move" and yes, I know the pros call this the "girl trick" and the "show pony" and none of them do it, but I think it's fun :D



  4. Yikes :eek:...No need to be so defensive...I was just pointing out some other options where there always seems to be no kids....Certainly no need for "you" to change your plans or is it my place to suggest you do :rolleyes:


    Not being defensive. See, this is what I love about social media, people can infer whatever they what from a comment, even if that was not was I was implying. My comment was a general "hey, why can't we have an adults only area". Oh and trust me, I don't change my plans for ANYONE, regardless of age. :D


    Happy cruising (oh and no, there was no sarcasm in that comment) :p

  5. I agree with that too! When last on Allure, there was a "teens only" section on the ship and adults were not allowed in there!:p If I remember correctly, it was next door to Johnny Rockets and had video games, etc., inside.


    RIGHT? We walked through the "Living Room" on one cruise just to see what it was like (and on our way to Johnny Rockets) and all the teens started screaming at us to "GET OUT, teens only, no adults" and they actually "booed us" WOW ;). SOOOOOO, there can be a children only area but not an adult only area????

  6. Although not designated as adults only..The Schooner Bar, Champagne Bar and the Pub (different name depending on which RCI ship you're on) seem to rarely have kids in them...for those of you that prefer no kids around you might enjoy your (voucher) drinks in one of these ;)


    Why should people without kids always have to change their plans to accommodate those with kids??? Why can't their be a venue JUST for adults??? :confused:

  7. Which would you recommend for a young at heart first timer? Surfing or boogie boarding?


    Stand up, while much more fun (in my opinion), will take most folks (especially if you are not 16) longer to get hang of. The tricks you do are skateboard tricks, shuvits, ollies, kick flips, acid drops, etc. So, if you have a skating background, you will, more than likely, do better. :D


    I believe the most important thing you can learn in stand up is learning how to fall. If at all possible, always make sure you go up over the top of the wave feet first. With the force of the water, you can simply stand up when you get to the top instead of rolling over that plastic grate. If you feel the board going south simply SIT DOWN, do not fight it because you can get hurt. Yes, it is a trampoline surface; however, face planting, getting rolled, thrown over the top of the wave and into the back wall can and does hurt :eek:

  8. Edna, you sail in 6 weeks!!!!!!


    I'm so excited for you. With Jason heading off to college in 2 weeks, and Kyle starting HS next month, I just have not been able to put something together. It's looking more and more like either next spring or next August. I can't believe I have to wait that long!


    I'll live vicariously through you!


    HEY :) WOW, college already? You will have to let us know what ship you might be thinking about. Friends of ours have already booked the Adventure for May 20th out of San Juan and they are putting a Flowrider on her in October/November this year :) I have never done a Southern itinerary, that might be fun.


    Frank's boards are AMAZING. They ride SO much better than any board I have tried before and he even makes some short ones that are so much fun to ride and so easy to do hard carving.


    I'll be sure to send pictures from the cruise. We are really looking forward to it and who knows, Frank may be bringing home the gold on this cruise :D

  9. I'd be worried how they looked once you hit the golden years.






    I love when people say this :D My answer is this, they will look just like me, older and maybe a wrinkle or two in them. Bottom line, who cares what they look like? My body, my tats :D

  10. I am one of those who is very allergic to animals. I can often tell if a person has an animal at home within 30 seconds of being around them. It sucks really, because it can happen at the most inopportune moments. I try to always get aisle seats in theaters and churches just in case I sit near someone who has pets and get sneezy/itchy/scratchy.


    My supervisor got a new cat about a year ago. He'd step into my office for 30 seconds and I'd sneeze for 30 minutes after he'd left. I FINALLY built up an immunity to his cat, but it took months.


    At a school function for my son a couple sat across the table from me. Immediately my eyes started to water and I started sneezing. I had to leave the cafeteria. I texted my son's father saying "I think those people must have pets. I'm fine out here." A few minutes later he texts me back "5 dogs and 3 cats". We had to move away from them.


    So far, my allergic reactions don't trigger my asthma, but my eyes water, my nose and throat itches, I sneeze multiple times, my face and neck itch like crazy and my temperature spikes. It's not pleasant.


    I hope they can do something about this.


    That happens to a friend of mine. He cannot sit next to me on the bus into work because of his allergies and I can be wearing a suit/dress straight from the cleaners, just out of the bag but he still has a very bad allergic reaction. We always make sure to tell any appliance repair person coming over that we have pets and if they have allergies, they might want to send someone else. Poor dishwasher repair guy had it bad, we thought he was going to die and even told him "please send someone else" but he finished the job wheezing and sneezing :)

  11. I would also have spoken up. Service animals don't do things like sit in their owner's lap and eat from the table at a restaurant. I think it's a shame that the selfish and self centered are passing pets off as service animals. It makes things more difficult for people who have a genuine need for a service animal. Likewise, if my cabin was near someone who left their "service" dog there alone and barking all day I would go to Guest Services and be persistent until something was done. I'm all for accommodations for those who truly need them, but I also have rights and paid good money for my vacation. If the people stretching the truth and violating ship policy are negatively impacting my enjoyment you better believe I will say something!


    Even with true service animals, I think there is probably a limit to how many a ship can accommodate at one time before the animals become a liability from a sanitation/exercise/space perspective. People bringing pets along could have the same effect on a person with a true need as a physically able person booking an accessible cabin...they're taking a "spot" from someone who legitimately needs it.





    I'll have to try putting my cat allergy on my next reservation. I had a REALLY bad experience with one next to me on a United flight in November. The flight attendant couldn't or wouldn't attempt to reseat me. My eyes almost immediately swelled up, and things got progressively worse during the flight when the passenger put the carrier in her lap and began stroking the yowling beast!:eek:


    Thank goodness it was a short flight. I think the whole plane was ready to strangle the owner by the time we landed. She didn't help matters by not apologizing and refusing to leave the cat under the seat. I just don't understand why I could get arrested for consuming a peanut on a plane, but it's OK for people to bring non-service animals into the cabin. Luckily my allergy is just eyes and skin, but what would the reaction be if someone's allergy was an asthma attack?


    An animal does not have to be a service animal to be in the cabin, you DO have to pay extra and there is a limit on how many animals can be in the cabin on each flight.

  12. So aside from what I've already written nothing TERRIBLE happened on this cruise, but enough things went wrong that we simply have no reason to cruise RC again.

    We did not in any way, shape or form get our monies worth. Each day it became a joke of I-wonder-what-will-go-wrong-today?

    Little things add up, you know? Dirty dishes, rude staff, having to ask several times for the same thing, lack of information... There were some good things, but they were no better than on other lines. No better than what we could've gotten on the cheaper Carnival cruise that we decided against.


    Previously the only cruise we had an issue with was Celebrity. That was due to them changing our cabin when we checked in at the pier. They stated it was an upgrade, but we found the location to be quite undesirable. It was by the atrium which was VERY noisy. Because we travel with young children, they were unable to sleep so we would take them out which was met with rude stares and comments from passengers. We didn't 100% write off Celebrity, but find it ironic that now the only other cruise we've had an issue with is RC which owns Celebrity.


    We've sailed on lines that cost much more than RC, but always felt you get what you pay for. Not only did we not get what we paid for, we were overcharged...


    We prepaid gratuities as we almost always do when we sail.

    On about day 4 we checked our bill and saw that they had added gratuities to it. I went to guest services not once, not twice but FOUR times to get this taken care of. The final time just so happned to be on Saturday where I was rudely informed that there was nothing they could do because their office in Miami was closed.

    As I'm speaking with them about the gratuities I overhear people in line mocking me because, "I was removing my tips."

    If those people happen to be here on CC I'll have you know, no I was not removing my tips, RC charged me TWICE for tips. I was removing their added tips.


    Since returning home, I've had to call twice and write once to RC main office about these additional charges. We still have not received confirmation from the credit card company that the additional tips have been rightfully returned.


    We left this cruise feeling like we'd been ripped off. In fact if they do not return the double tips, we have.

    Yes, we liked Sabor, we liked SNF, we liked Adventure Ocean(even with the dining confusion). Were those couple things so much better than an NCL or Carnival cruise to justify the added cost. Not at all. Plus there were so many things that went wrong and added stress that we have not experienced on even the lower budget lines.


    We have no reason to return to RC, they simply didn't sell us a good product as other lines have.



    Did y'all try the Flowrider :) That is our favorite thing to do on the ship :D Sorry it was not a great vacation and I hope you get the tip thing worked out. That would be very frustrating.

  13. Yes i am hoping this one is much warmer sad that the cat lady board will not be there. It was a ton of fun hopefully be able to find something close to Denver soon.


    Yes, that one was a fan favorite. However, you can always get your own board :) Frank has sold three from that cruise already :D He is ramping up production so he will have plenty to sell this summer :)


    Did you have a chance to send the videos? Sometimes I tend to delete things without looking and I may have deleted it - :eek:

  14. Hey Charger2008 it's noterdame from the oasis cruise can you give me your emails for the videos i lost the card you gave us and we have a cruise booked on the allure so it made me think about the videos.


    HEY :) Good to hear from you. You can email me at tayloredna@msn.com. THANK YOU and have fun on the Allure. We are looking forward to a warmer cruise on the Liberty in September :D

  15. Have you ever felt the desire for a “do-over” cruise?

    If so, have you done the “do-over” cruise?

    If so, was the “do-over” cruise worth it?


    LOL! I want to think I am not alone in this line of thinking. :o


    Here’s my story: I sailed the March 4-7 Sampler on Anthem this year. The waters were a bit rough when we started out - so much so, we changed course. Toward the end, I took ill with some sort of head-chest-cough thing that rendered me useless the last day. I spent the entire last day/night in my stateroom with water, Fisherman’s Friend lozenges and Alka-Seltzer flu gelcaps. The flight home was brutal in my condition.


    So . . . I booked a “do-over” on Anthem for September. I figure two Anthem sailings within a 6 month period ain’t bad, I just want the “real” Anthem experience.


    What’s your story? :)


    That is TOO funny because we did the same thing. We went on the Oasis in February. The first night we find out the Karaoke machine was broken and that is where we usually hang out most nights to meet new people, have fun and then head to the disco with a group of folks. In the dining room, our tabletop was just for two people so, again, not meeting any new people. The Solarium on the Oasis is just NOT set up to meet people unless you drag a chair over to someone.


    We always bring our own flowboards and spend much of our time on the Flowrider and this trip was no exception, EXCEPT that it was VERY windy and sometimes downright COLD. On the last day, Frank and I both signed up for the Best of the Best competition and I bowed out because it was just THAT cold and windy. Even with a wet suit on, I was miserable. Frank came in second and everyone loved his flowboards, but BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


    Our room was amazing (one of the new aft grand suites) but the Diamond Lounge was boring and uninviting, no one was really mingling and while the Suite Lounge was nice, again, no one was really getting to know other people. It was a good cruise but not one for the record books.


    So, after the cruise we had lunch with some friends who had just returned from the Liberty and they said they were going again in September and we decided to join them and booked the same cruise. We need one GREAT cruise this year :D

  16. M&M is primarily a female senior citizen event just like CC. The ladies love the little trinkets that the cruise line provides. The men prefer spending sea days in the casino or the bar.


    No sure what you would consider senior citizen; however, this 54 year old female prefers to be on the Flowrider :D While we have attended a meet and mingle or two, we can normally be found either flowboarding or at the Solarium :)


    Trinkets - AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA, good one ;)

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