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Posts posted by canoncruiser

  1. I understand your ‘itinerary dismay’ but given the health crisis in otherwise glorious southern Africa, the political chaos in much of the Middle East-even Israel is s bit shaky-and South America on QM would mean around the Cape or around the Horn-there’s not much left. Not sure why no Shanghai but glad there’s a bit more Viet Nam. Don’t want to gloat but I’m glad I did the entire WC in QE in 2016-don’t think I’ll have that much cash accumulated anytime soon-and I’m getting on in years. 🥴 

  2. PRIVATE EQUITY!!!!!!!🤢 Most of the PE acquisitions strip a firm of its cash and load it up with debt in order to reward themselves with huge fees. God forbid such a fate for Cunard. The acquired firm then spirals into overwhelming debt and starts cutting and cutting to pay off the debt; imagine such a fate for Cunard. 😠

  3. Just read the article. It sounds like carefully planted industry gossip - and entirely speculative. BUT The basis of the story is that Cunard and Seabourn depend on an aging and diminishing  customer base and that Carnival wants to make more money with brands that cater to a ‘younger’ customer base that is more promising . But there is  always an aging and prospering demographic who will want move beyond the mass market.  I’ve spent a lot of time on Cunard ships and , yes there are a large number of ‘seniors’, but in my experience they are not floating retirement homes, there is lots of life and energy. So we’ll see. 🤨

    Also, not really sure that Cunard’s fleet will appeal to ‘fast buck’ types-though great ships have been cheapened before.But the real issue nowadays is the Pandemic. 

    • Like 2
  4. Hey all, 


    Check out old films and still photos of folks dining in the First Class Restaurants of both QM and QE - not publicity shots - and you will see numbers of gents in dark suits. In them thar days- 30s, late 40s and 50s, many business men crossed back and forth regularly and did not often travel with dinner clothes. Their dark suits, good ties and polished shoes were sufficient.  


    According to Jimmy Merrill, his father -the Merrill of Merrill Lynch - sometimes did so and always dined with his PA/valet in order to avoid , bothersome fellow passengers.😊

  5. Hi all, I’m booked on the ‘round Africa in the Fall of 2021-one port, the Seychelles has closed , so we’ll see about the others. There are many stops there that I would love to experience, even though I lived in Botswana for 3 years and saw much of there,  South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. Hope there is lot’s of interest but one never knows in the current situation of incredible uncertainty.🤔

  6. Yah-it’s all weird-but I say plan for the future - none of us knows what’s coming - so what the h.... I’m booked for QM2 in January and QV coming home. Frankly my real concern is the flight from Ft. Lauderdale NOT my time on shipboard on the Atlantic.  As my late mother used to say, ‘If you’re born to hang you’ll never drown!’. So plan and hope and stay connected with family and friends, and give thanks for the time you are given.😊

    • Like 1
  7. Hi,


    I have happily booked for next year. I have discussed this with my therapist(among other things!) and he suggested that it was important in times like these to have future plans for things I love do - like sea travel - in order to deal with the stresses of this terrible time. And you can’t beat some of the offers!😊

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  8. Alas! Never got to sail on QE1 but saw many friends off to Europe in the ‘50s and 60’s .  She was so grand and gorgeous; I did pick up some menus from the First Class restaurant-they were laid out for visitors ( easy marketing tactic); also  got some from QM1 during bon voyage visits. Between those two and the glorious Liberte, my resolve was confirmed and I  booked my first crossing right after beginning my first job. The rest they say is a very happy history!😁😁😁

  9. Well here in the “Big Apple”- now very shrunken-all is nearly desolate. I live in mid-town Manhattan and the streets are essentially deserted, the pictures you’ve seen on TV do not deceive . Many more are masked and keeping social distance; many stores are regulating the number of folks who can come in at one time; and they’ve laid out ’social distance’ markers one the sidewalks outside. Macy’s has laid off 130,000! Our health care workers are living sacrificial lives for others-and they are not helped by some levels of government.

    Now we have malevolent political elements in parts of the country fomenting trouble over sensible health procedures. We are in a MESS!😠

     On TV we’re getting re-runs of Vera, and a new series of Mid-Sommer - with Sykes. Also television stations are reprogramming to meet the at home demand. You’ll not be surprised that in our intensely commercial culture the vendors of assorted goods are quickly tailoring their advertising to the pandemic. Pizza delivery with 'no hands' touching the pie after it comes from the oven-you get the idea.🤣 

    There are so many thousands here who have lost performance, service  and restaurant jobs, and those jobs are not coming back because their employers have gone under. These are the folks who make New York - New York!The multi-billion paycheck protection that Congress passed is already out of money!

    Nevertheless! Keep good thoughts for us-we’ll cruise again!😊

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  10. Well, I am 76, and staying in my apartment-my responsibilities in retirement are over an hour away and I cannot get to them because my responsibilities are themselves staying at home. I have been an avid traveler by sea since 1969; I have transferred my bookings to next year and I look forward to sailing in the new year.  I hear QM2 calling.😍

    Celebrity has already circulated a doctor’s certificate for for ancients such as myself. 

    I do believe that this disease will continue to turn our economies upside down, great damage is already being done and NO ONE knows what’a going to come but I think it will be a lot worse than it is now. But I’ve got my reservations and my hope springs eternal.😁

  11. Well do it! I cannot afford Grills, but I have crossed and cruised in Club and I enjoy that very much. I was crossed once in Queen’s Grill and once in Princess Grill on QE2 (Oh Long Ago!); I was ONCE upgraded to Princess Grill on QM2-it was wonderful- I had more drawer-space and closet space than I had clothes🤣-the food and service were great and the Grills Lounge was excellent -with special concerts. So do it! 😊

  12. Just a thought, but there’s probably a lot of consternation around how the Coronavirus spread will affect what has been a booming Asia business and the deployment of a large number of ships-plus Cunard is supposed to introduce their new ship in 2022-the bottom lines are being scrambled (to mix metaphors). 

  13. You are correct, I can remember the physical barriers-doors and gates- on QM, QE and early QE2 separating classes. On the France the glasses from the bars were different by class - First Lalique, Tourist plain.  Your logic is unavoidable, new generations of travelers want something they think is new when it’s in fact things just coming full circle.

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