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Everything posted by socmft

  1. I wish they coud/would designate one dining room for formal dress and those who like to be around other formal dressers and the other dining room for casual dress.
  2. socmft


    I called and got right through and spoke to a CS person. Very helpful (as long as the new flights show up in my Personalizer as promised).
  3. socmft


    Thanks - you're right that I don't want interesting! And you're right...my AA website flights are what I have. EZAir confirmed that and said my account will reflect the correct flights, but nothing yet. Thanks again.
  4. socmft


    I have American flights and in my account with American it does show my EZAir flights -- however, they are different flights! Will be interesting.
  5. Thank you so much for this - it should answer a LOT of questions!
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