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Posts posted by PamalaX

  1. Things were a bit rocky to start ( FTTF but room not ready... one bag missing for hours ... people taking FOREVER to show for safety briefing so we leave late.... ) but being on vacation at long last we all shrugged off the bumps and jumped right into enjoying ourselves.


    We grabbed some food, purchased my bottomless bubbles, looked around the ship and eventually made our way up to the smoking area on deck 10 to enjoy a sunny and 80 degree sail away.


    All the way to on the end facing the other way means we were last out got to do the turning basin. It was cool.





    Breeze ( our ride for 2013 ) leading the way out.




    We followed the Breeze out into the setting sun and we are on our way.


    Next up sea day on day one.

    Any questions at all just shout. ;)

  2. Seeing all seems to be working properly I shall add a little more and get things rolling proper.


    We flew in on the 13th and stayed at The Clarion Inn at MIA the day before. We actually stayed the day after the cruise too because Sunday return fares were sky high but one or two night is really all the same for this purpose. Nothing fancy and downright ugly on the outside the hotel was actually quite nice, comfy for an extremely good price AND came with a full breakfast in the morn. On top of that it was right across from the airport which gave my plane loving son one heck of a view from our top floor room.






    All up bright and early on the 14th we grabbed our free meal and headed to the port. Originally planning to take the shuttle back to the airport and get the flat rate cab there I was pleasantly surprised when the cab driver at the hotel said he could take us straight from the hotel for a flat rate of $28 compared to dragging everything back to the airport and going from there. Not sure if all would be willing but I sure would ask because it was so much easier to just go hotel to port rather than sticking the airport in the middle to get a slightly cheaper fare. Never hurts to ask, right?


    Got to the port, onto the ship and into our room. Room 8240 was a balcony, port side and forward. Nice size and turned out to be quite comfy even with four adults sharing the space for the week.






    Next up sail away.

  3. Recently back from our second Carnival cruise and one that always enjoys reading trip reports here I thought I should offer up one myself this time around. Give a little back?


    First time out traveling on The Breeze in Aug of 2013 we chose the Conquest for our second Carnival cruise. On this journey we have myself, the husband, our dear son (17) and my darling daughter (20) who was actually cruising for the first time as she skipped the Breeze trip because of and I quote "Scars from seeing Titanic as a child." Yep, fearing sinking she actually stayed home the first time around. :eek: All of us along to the fun this time and having a great trip I'm quite excited to share.


    Hope you enjoy and by all means ask away if there is anything you'd like to know about the trip or Conquest along the way.


    Time to leave cold Detroit behind and head for warm Miami.



    And away we go.


    Assuming adding the pictures works and this post okay I'll add more very soon.

  4. I got an upsell fairy call for my 12/14 Conquest cruise tonight but our call was at 700 for the Grand Suite and that is just not in the budget. We took a Jr suite deal on the Breeze in 2013 but that was a lot less costly than this offer. Tub nice it was the bigger balcony with a lounge chair out there that made that one worth it for us.


    Nice to do when and if you have the chance I just cannot swing it this time.

    Have a great time!

  5. We've never had it before so we're looking very forward to this first FTTF, Bury me. We actually cruised for the first time on Breeze last Aug and ended up with just three of us rather than our four because the 19 year old daughter wanted nothing to do with "being out on the water." I know it's crazy -- she claims its scaring from watching Titanic in her younger years -- that she opted to stay home from our Breeze cruise and believe even she sees that now that she is ready to go 2nd time around. She's going but still a little nervous about getting onboard I think the ability to step right up and get her on without long lines or waits should be a big help.

    So happy and excited it came through.


    As for no FTTF in Australia, while I'm sorry to hear you guys are missing out on that one item I'm hopeful you can take comfort in having warm weather ahead for you down there while snow flakes already fell on us in Michigan this weekend. Even if you can't get the first to it deal I hope you have a whole lot of FUN on your cruise.

  6. After checking numerous time a day for months on end I finally got my FTTF tonight. I didn't believe it could happen but suddenly there were more spots. Yay, and Happy Halloween to me.


    Keep checking yours because soon you may get FTTF lucky too.

    On a side note it looks like there are still 10 spots left so head over quick if you are looking for FTTF on that 12/14 sailing as well.

  7. I think the OP said the family member was on their Honeymoon? If that's the case I'm guessing they found a way to make the best of things. A not to be forgotten trip and story to be told for years to come. A little crazy to be sure but then again married life throws curves at us all so I'm betting this experience will serve them well in the lesson of snuggling up in togetherness and making the best of things together. :)


    Congratulation and have a great life.

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