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Posts posted by RockeyBullwinkle

  1. Curious...why? When do you use it?


    p.s. I have a passport. ;)


    well in Ohio you need one to get a DL and when you go to the SS office to start benefits. again why wouldn't everyone have the basic stuff stashed away. in case you drop dead your kids or next of kin will appreciate they don't have to go to the long drawn out process of getting everything in order. but, whatever floats your boat. also anyone we hired have to have either their SS card or a passport to prove they were not illegal.

  2. I don't understand how it could take months to get a BC.. even if not for getting a passport everyone should have a certified copy of their BC. Also, everyone should have their SS card or a replacement stashed somewhere. As for the hassle involved for a passport you go online and complete and print the application. Stop at Walgreens, CVS, camera shops, Wally World or you can even take your own if you want. Then it's 10 minutes at your PO. 3 or 4 weeks later it's in your mailbox. a couple of days before or after your BC's are returned via your mail box. I even noticed a setup to take the pictures at the TA we used this time.


    please don't cherry pick.. I listed all of the work involved and ended it with 10 minutes IN the PO. then the one line reply that you cherry picked was directly related to the post before it about the PO hassle they had with appts, etc. I can walk into my PO and at least 1/2 the time be the only customer there.

  3. my wife has had both knees and a hip replaced.. she look's and walks great. but, if she took the stairs she would be miserable. so folks just use some common sense and not worry about what everyone else is doing and why..

  4. Not on a cruise but a trip to Disney World with a new boyfriend, I forgot to pack ANY nightgowns! He thought it was a come-on but I didn't really like him that much, ended up buying a $32 Mickey Mouse baseball nightgown which I still wear. :D With the "new improved boyfriend"


    One year 6 friends came from Canada to go on a cruise, they get to the hotel in Ft Lauderdale and realize they left all the formal clothes -yes!! on the back of the door. The ladies go to Sawgrass and buy more but DH offers the husband his suit. DH is 4 inches taller and 50 pounds heavier but the husband takes it. The formal pictures look like a human in Shrek clothes. hehehehe


    Did forget the toothpaste one time but CCL who we were cruising then had some samples of those travel toothbrushes with paste in them. Does CCL still do the little samples in the bathroom? Anyway, it was a lifesaver for us and those we met that day.


    Went on a timeshare trip last week and realized we had forgotten a few things that WERE ON THE LIST! The secret I guess is to CHECK the list before you leave.


    being old causes me to wonder..

  5. I don't understand how it could take months to get a BC.. even if not for getting a passport everyone should have a certified copy of their BC. Also, everyone should have their SS card or a replacement stashed somewhere. As for the hassle involved for a passport you go online and complete and print the application. Stop at Walgreens, CVS, camera shops, Wally World or you can even take your own if you want. Then it's 10 minutes at your PO. 3 or 4 weeks later it's in your mailbox. a couple of days before or after your BC's are returned via your mail box. I even noticed a setup to take the pictures at the TA we used this time.

  6. I went on my honeymoon and when I went to unpack I had no underwear. I thought for sure I had and couldn't imagine how I forgot. I went "commando" most of the week. When I got home I found out the guys in my wedding party had gone back to my room and took all the underwear out as a joke.


    outstanding.. I have to remember that one.

  7. I worked for a large Hospital group so spent a lot of time waiting on and riding elevators. I'm a fairly big guy and when the door would open I would stand in the doorway and look at the herd trying to jam in and would politely mention that if they don't back-up and let folks off first there is no room for them.

  8. I'm particular where I sit in a movie theater (I wear industrial hearing aids) We always get into theater early and get our preferred seats. I can't count how many times someone will rush in just as the movie starts and ask if we would mind moving over so they can sit together in our row. even when the place is 1/2 empty.

  9. how about common sense and some courtesy? if a lady and a child get on the bus and there are only singles left I can't believe she would need to ask someone if they would move.. more then one someone should have made the offer before being asked. when getting on and off at stops of course you take the same seat when returning. on multiple day trips I would think some seat adjustments could be made politely with mutual agreement. couple of younger singles might prefer to sit together and the 2 older folks sitting with them might prefer the switch. as far as running back to the bus to grab a better seat I would trip you.

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