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Posts posted by tbill

  1. Are you serious? Your husband was trying to surprise you and all you have done is complain to him and pretty much anyone else who will listen to your diatribes.


    Poor guy he just can't seem to win, I feel for him.




    The "poor guy" isn't happy about all this crap either. He didn't realize what a money milking vacation cruising has become. He is not happy about getting on this ship now either, especially after last night. So save your pity.

  2. You have to ask yourself what percentage of your cruise do you spend in your cabin and then ask what good are they if you can't get to your cabin?


    Yeah, true. Its scary. You hope you never have to worry about the mustering procedures and most times you don't but in a situation like this it gets very "real"!

  3. Good advice! It's been difficult, but trying not to take the bait and feed into it for just this reason.


    I know, some of the things are just not very nice and you feel you need to defend yourself our your opinion. It seems to me that this board is only for true RCI lovers. I thought it was a place to talk about good and bad experiences. I feel attacked at every turn around here.

  4. Just a thought I might share after reading responses to a certain poster here...

    Reinforcement is the most powerful tool we have to impact behavior. For some folks, the reinforcement doesn't even need to be positive in nature. The fact that their pronouncements get attention of ANY kind will keep the pronouncements coming.


    So, if I might suggest something - just don't respond. No matter how outrageous the bait is, don't bite. There will be continued attempts to gain attention for awhile, but eventually it won't be fun anymore.;)



    Such a good suggestion. Thanks :-)

  5. There were 8 people killed here after they were blown off a highway overpass in a freak December tornado...not normal for our area at all, especially in the winter. Weather wasn't bad, just some thunder and lightening. Weather is not always predictable. Your statement doesn't carry much weight either or else you must call in to work quite a bit. Most of us I am sure have had to drive in heavy rains or ice/snow when we weren't necessarily planning on it or wanting to for that matter.


    This was not a freak storm. It was much anticipated.

  6. A good question for all the experts on this board is WHERE the captain should have taken this huge ship after it left port? Baltimore.......nope, bridges too low.......Norfolk.........possible but they were already too far to get there before the storm hit.......so where??

    You apparently can't just go back and let people get off..........that would violate the US/US port ban.

    Maybe the entire cruise should have been canceled...........but did the weather forecast support such a drastic decision? And if not, how many people would be complaining about a canceled cruise.....if/when the predicted weather did not occur..???


    Should have never left Bayone on Saturday. If its not safe, don't sail.

  7. So, in other words, today you know you are going to be getting bad weather, but you really don't know how intensive this storm is going to be. You just know that they are predicting snow showers and wind, but then you don't know how much snow or how windy because they can't accurately predict that today!!?? Correct?? :D:p


    Yup, so far that's all they are saying, UNLIKE LAST WEEK when they were highlighting models and satellites of this big storm coming early in the week. They knew that storm was bad and talked about if for a week.

  8. I don't know I might be a little concerned if I was being taken back to the port 3 days early and no where to go til my plane on Saturday.


    Has this storm calmed down enough to be sailing back toward it?


    Glad that only cosmetic damage seems to have happened. Kudos to the posters on this thread for the good attitudes. I am sure you had quite a scary night, but will have a great story to tell in the years to come.


    You would hope RCI will take care of everybody that has travel plans. I don't think they would just leave them hanging.

  9. Kudos to all of you who have been posting your honest observations and accounts from the ship.:) I'm sorry for your experience and your cruise being cut short, and I truly hope you can make sweet lemonade out of the rest of your trip.




    You must be talking about my relatives. My last name is MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK!:D:rolleyes::D





    I don't think that article said anything different than what knowledgeable professionals (including my husband) have been saying...the storm exploded. Everyone knew there would be some rough weather, but 100 + m.p.h. winds weren't forecast, and the storm blew up quickly. It's really no different than a hurricane changing tracks or intensity. In severe weather, people make decisions based on the best information available to them at the time. Unfortunately, weather forecasting isn't an exact science and sometimes conditions are worse than expected. In the case of this Anthem cruise, they were much worse.


    I know peoples' emotions run high in situations like these, but I really question the motives of people claiming the captain deliberately and intentionally put the passengers, crew, and ship in harm's way.:(


    Sure, but they also say they are surprised the captain sailed right into it when he new it was coming. Plain as day.

  10. I don't understand the rush. Now he's going to put them back in rough weather again. Why not dock at Port Canaveral until it all blows over.


    I read on twitter from a passenger currently on the ship that some are speculating that there is more wrong with the ship than they are being told. Maybe that has something to do with it??? Guy on twitter's name is Greg. He's being quoted in lots of the local news stories. He has photos on twitter too. He has been tweeted by lots of news people and Greg has granted all of them permission to use his photos.

  11. Exhibit A...




    Where exactly would you suggest they "fly you all home" from? There is a storm that looks like it could be like what you just survived between you and Port Canaveral. There are not that many places big enough to port a ship the size of Anthem. Do you want them to lift everyone off by helicopter?


    I agree, they cannot easily dock just anywhere but I do sympathize with the poster in not wanting to sail all the way back after what they have just experienced. Hopefully they will get home without any further incident.

  12. We are not going to Canaveral. We are being returned to Bayonne because of severe storm brewing in Jacksonville. We will be back in NJ 6 am wednesday.


    Sorry to hear. What a bust of a vacation. I hope you get to make up for it in the near future. At least they are being proactive. Better safe than sorry.

  13. Incredible spirit on board this morning. In 25 years of cruising I've never seen anything like it.


    Having a late breakfast after being up till about 5, and all of us who were strangers yesterday seem to be best friends today. Perhaps because we were all in the same boat last night. (Guessing that's where the saying came from. ). Last night all of us were equals, and the 5000 of us not on the bridge were praying hard for the few dozen who were on that bridge.


    Everyone is sharing their stories today, and staff and crew are being totally transparent about the fact that we all had a rough night. Captain said that last night was the worst night of his career and you could tell there was no pretense.


    RCCL has made pretty much everything free and are doing all the right things you'd hope for in a situation like this. Free internet, free mini bar, free stateroom movies, and transparent announcements.


    Having cruised many times on RCCL, I've seen them change itineraries for lesser situations than we had last night, so I'd have to reject the notion that they were grossly negligent. I'm sure there will be plenty of analysis and industry education that will come out of this.


    We did choose to sail out of port liberty in February so we knew there was an increased risk. But watching as the storm developed and wrapped around us so quickly and how the crew maneuvered the ship to try to find pockets of relative calm, attempt to hold the ship facing into the wind, then look for the best opportunity to pivot and hightail it out, they have my respect and gratitude.


    Walking around the ship this morning, it's amazing how well the ship fared. I'm sure many people worked all night to make this happen. Thanks all.


    Beautiful day at sea off coast of Georgia but still windy. They reported another storm system developing off Jacksonville and we are barely creeping along so I assume they are deciding how to proceed.


    Newsflash. Actually as I'm typing we are turning hard to the east and down to a crawl so looks like the plans are changing.


    This is how memories are made....






    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


    So happy that you are all safe and sound and hats off to the crew. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on out.

  14. Instead she trolls Anthem threads. You have to wonder if she even has a booking. :rolleyes:


    If she is me, you are wrong... and for the record I gave up cruising years ago because of how much the industry has changed for the worse. If you look at any of my cruise reviews from the early years they are over the top positive. This cruise was a gift and booked without my knowledge. Most of what I read on this very board about this ship has been negative. This board is where I got the bad taste for this ship. I was hoping for a positive experience. Our upgrade has helped my outlook lots. This current event not so much!

  15. Yes it was forecasted but it took a turn for the worse and no one had knowledge that it would be this bad.


    I am happy to have casino open - anything for a distraction - I would have been in it last night had it been open!!!! Sure, RCCL makes money off of it but as a passenger I welcome the distraction after such an exhausting night!


    Oh, I hear ya! I would too, but they always manage go get it up and running very quickly!

  16. Yes. You are entitled to your opinion. Even if it is incorrect. There have actually been very little contradictions posted from us onboard...differences, yes..we have our own POVs dependent on our ship location and circumstances. There has been one person who has been posting alarmist unconfirmed comments throughout who is nominally on the ship.


    Hon, I was defending all of you that are actually on the ship. As I read through here there are many that are not even on this cruise contradicting what you all are saying. What did I say wrong?

  17. Information without bias:


    The Captain has not given any updated ETAs re: Port Canaveral arrival. Conferencing between ship and home office is happening.

    Most *visible* damage appears to be cosmetic to a lesser or greater degree.

    Weather is nice, but chilly.

    Seas are okay.

    Most of the food venues are now open. Although Cafe Promenade (being the only place open for a couple of hours is wiped out last I looked.

    Lines are pretty much non-existant at Guest Services which indicates to me that people are being remarkably understanding.

    Some of the bars are open.


    Here are some pix I took around the ship. I think the FB link will work:



    Glad you are ok! Hope the rest of your trip is uneventful.

  18. Yes, the storm was predicted, but it was not supposed to be nearly as bad in the area of anthem's path. Your comment about money over safety is just silly. Do you honestly think Royal wanted all this damage on their less-than-one-year old ship?


    Like I said, they knew it was coming, safety s/b 1st. It did not change course. It is doing exactly what they reported it would. No excuse here, sorry... if they stay in port an extra day they lose $$ in many ways. The choice to sail into a storm that they were well aware of is inexcusable.

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