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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Two freedom, one traditional. The app is in play but we reserved same table same waiters every night in freedom as the app wouldn't load on our phone. We eat early between 6.00pm and 6.30pm. If we didn't appear within 10 minutes or so we might lose that particular window table but they put us in the same area with same group of waiters. We had absolutely no problems with any dining or entertainment. I'm aware there was a mess on Christmas Day when they turned the whole three restaurants over to two sittings for dinner. We didn't get involved as we ate in Epicurean which is a lovely way to spend Christmas Day.
  2. The app or the Medallion onboard? The app is very half hearted and midway through your booking stops and sends you to My Medallion. I thought they were one and the same thing. The Medallion was good for organising stuff like ice, turndown, room service. The only thing I didn't like was it opening the door on approach as I was often just passing to go to my aunt or my friends' rooms.
  3. That may well be the case for him, he might not have been on Iona when others had the crash problems. I understand this losing several thousand reservations has been pretty unique even here on Arvia who have openly admitted and apologised for the problems when you approach them for assistance.
  4. We pays our money and makes our choices I suppose. I like Britannia she has a nice feel, offers me decent sized swimming pools I can actually use and enough extras like Limelight Club, Epicurean and Sindhu to keep me happy. She also has the Crystal Room if you want to dance so a sort of half way house. I've decided if I want the wow factor the Edge class vessels do it for me but my first love is and probably always will be Queen Mary 2 no matter her age.
  5. That I don't know. Perhaps he'll drop by with an update of possible timing. I agree, I really liked it once I got onboard. Bit of a pig to set up the first time, but the next two times it remembered me and I just switched cruises. I liked the fact all my cruises, past and present were accessible and relevant information copied itself in where necessary.
  6. Totally agree and what a lovely man when I met him earlier. He's run out of CDs to sell as everyone wanted one - he only brought 14 onboard - so he's taken names and addresses together with signing requests and is posting them out free of charge.
  7. Well, I've just witnessed a scene down in reception! No queue (!!!!). However i needed some disembarkation labels as mine have the old abin number and i also have an extra bag with all my ashore olive oil purchases. Couldn't hear a word down there as some irate elderly lady screamed down the telephone she was 87 years old and everyone on here has been giving her the run around on here for two weeks and now they are gong to make her miss her train. Good heavens above, I've no idea who was on the other end but i should think they could hear her in Southampton the way she was screaming!
  8. As I said above, doesn't matter if you are 1 or 10, after 6.30pm the app opens and you have to use it or queue for a pager. The latter are the dining room queues I've been mentioning throughout - the queue to get in the queue so to speak. Walk up between 5.30 and 6.30 does not happen, particularly on Celebration Night. You are held, given a pager or when they decide they can't take any more in the queue the app is marked as full and you have to find somewhere else. It's Celebration 2 tonight, I'll watch what happens. I'm in at 6.15 Zenith. Last time those trying to queue could get a pager but many never made it in and were escorted to someucalled Captains Table in the buffet or Olive Grove which served MDR menu instead of their own. Tonight they've added Tandoori in tye Quays presumably to assist the buffet which struggled last week.
  9. That is correct, exactly the same happening now. I was told previously it is to use the "dead time" between 5.30pm and 6.30pm - that was on Britannia. I think actually everyone has cottoned on to book those slots at home if you can for Arvia as once onboard they've been as rare as hen's teeth. If you have one you never consider changing your plans and stick with it rigidly. Same applies to Olive Grove and the American Diner.
  10. It's great reading. Actually the thing is useless landside, drove us to distraction trying to check in etc, but onboard absolutely brilliant - well on my two Regal Princess cruises and a staycation on Sky anyway. I love the way US guests get aerated about what they call the "goddam thing". I think Moley said P&O are to be Medallioned next - then we too can have 211 pages ...
  11. Thanks for explaining. I've spoken to someone on here who said they have continual banging behind their bedhead every night at 4.00am. Sounds like the same sort of thing. No cabin change for them I'm afraid just having to put up with it. The appointments should at least be kept or notified that arent going to make it. Your a better man than I to call it a blip, I'd have freaked out!!
  12. ICF we are all going round and round in circles here like dogs chasing their tails! You haven't had any problems others have. I'm happy to say good on you for your luck, you on the other hand seem intent on prolonging the argument none of us have had a problem and everything works brilliantly. I believe reliability should mean works at least 80% of the time for everyone who wants to use it. You get 100% brilliant, my experience is 50% - see below why I give that rating. As it happens for me personally it HAS worked perfectly when it's been operational on Arvia and my paid for wifi has been splendid. However it hasn't been the case for all onboard here and as I said elsewhere it never even loaded for us on Britannia at Christmas and even the IT guys washed their hands of it on that occasion. So two cruises two different experiences with the same tool, therefore 50% reliability rating from me. I was on QM2 a week or so back. I expected huge problems as I read continuously over on the Cunard board it doesn't work, wifi is crap etc etc. Again, for me it worked perfectly absolutely no problems. That however doesn't mean I don't remember having to sit on the stairs in 2019 and 2020 to get my paid for wifi working or I didn't encounter others doing exactly that on our trip to Liverpool. No one is right or wrong here, we are all just saying what we experience, hopefully so others are prepared and can have a better time. I find your boundless enthusiasm a joy, but it's tiring to keep dragging this app business kn and just paves the way for certain naysayers to have one gigantic dig at P&O. As I said I have comments on the app I plan to make when I'm home, hopefully constructive ones as I plan to put some thoughts on paper to P&O when I write my review and comment on the other well documented issues.
  13. Good on you. And yes loads have problems with those companies. I was using them as examples P&O aren't alone in the IT problems stakes. The new ships on all lines are relying on them however. No point at all on keeping arguing about this. It is what it is
  14. Again, different ships, different experience. I believe you sailed on Silhouette if I remember rightly, I sailed on Edge. One built for very recently one adapted for the technology. Proof technology isn't nevessarily the answer. The other folk have also made me feel very uncomfortable and unwelcome to the point I was quite distressed. I believe in fairly giving my experience if I think it's relevant and I think people picking only on negative facts are mischief making for the sake of it. On the other hand it's very unkind to hold me alone responsible for a decision to cancel a holiday or say I'm getting special treatment because I emailed someone I know in Southampton, ironically at the suggestion of some of the very posters on here.
  15. Nothing can be infallible what we need is reliable. BA are a laughing stock over the years with their problems with IT. With dodgy websites, strange AI answering telephones and an app that's not an app I'd be sad to see P&O bdcome one too.
  16. And I've never suggested otherwise, although watching people still getting turned away days after the event I'm not so sure the outcome has been good for some. I really don't see the need to keep repeating things on this issue, there's clearly two views and as I've repeatedly said we have to live with what's there. My last comment on this is P&O must know there's some pretty major issues with this thing and hopefully are working on a full operational internal service that actually works the majority of the time. It's not difficult. I used Celebrity's last year - you even open your room door on the app - Princesses' Medallion, RC's app and countless hotels in the UK and Europe. None of these behaved like the P&O one and I don't just mean here on Arvia as it didn't work on Britannia last year either.
  17. Exactly, now I hope you don't think I'm being a moaning Minnie for the sake of it. Enjoy the sun, we have more wind and rain so people scratching around for things to do. I like the lectures but even the Club is struggling to hold everyone going along because realistically there's one thing at a time and little choice if you're not into spa lectures. There was a great art lecture about Dali the other day but it seemed lost on a lot who's attended, I don't think they knew who he was! Just been to meet Neil Lockwood, what a great guy he is. Had a long chat about The Alan Parsons Project who I love. He told me they're still on the European and US circuit do I'm off to plan a trip to see them for first time since 1997.
  18. Blimey. You'd struggle to get a seat here unless it's the 10.30 show. Hardly a spare seat every night. Mind you the acts have been outstanding and word travels, even 10.30 for Neil Lockwood was full apparently.
  19. They got fed but not where they'd booked and paid for in a lot of cases. I can assure you it wasn't a laughing matter to those guys.
  20. Day 2 and 3 and then on and off through days 5, 6 and 7. You get a message telling you the safety certificate for P&O is invalid and unsafe to use when you want to access the app. You see literally nothing even if you try to override safety settings. The first day was out completely from around 10.00am, it came back overnight apparently but disappeared again while in La Coruna That big crash is what lost people's bookings and reservations. It's why still people are queuing early for things as if your bookings didn't come back- apparently several thousand according to front desk - you aren't on the computer list for the theatre, 710 Club etc. There have been people who've paid and booked in advance for Sindhu and Epicurean but computer says no and has actually allowed someone else to make a double booking. Happened to a couple sitting next to me in Epicurean the other night. The restaurant manager squeezed them in because it was the guy's birthday. He showed me hid app, absolutely nothing in it yet he had paper print outs for all 14 days of home registration emails confirming his places.
  21. Very true but we actually didn't have an app to use because the whole Wi-Fi system it piggy backs off was down. Can't get the settings wrong when it's not there to connect to, unless someone knows differently?
  22. I wondered why you got a different room on Arvia, now it becomes clear. Where were you moved from, I know you were given a balcony, how long did they take to deal with it? I offered to pay whatever it cost to get out of my room any upgrade accepted but they refused point blank. I now know of at least 3 empty cabins, two inside and one balcony that have been empty all cruise. These are people who didn't travel due to personal problems but their travelling companions did and have confirmed the rooms are still empty. I actually believe if I hadn't taken the suggestion made by other CC members to write to my contact at executive office, I'd still be in my original cabin.
  23. Interesting though, you'll have seen a few others saying the app has been completely out for days on some of their Iona and Arvia cruises. Maybe he's new so hasn't had the pleasure!
  24. Strange one just this morning though. Decided to skip breakfast and go to 10.00 lecture with view to brunch in the Diner after. Lecture finished 10.30 so added myself to the queue, only one in it. Came down to sit in Anderson's next door to wait. Still no call, I'm the only one in the queue at 11.45. Just went along to check app is working okay. Yes I've been told but we've got a lot of pagers out today so you won't be called until after noon. As I want to go to the Neil Lockwood meet and greet at 12.30 I asked to be taken out of the queue. Not sure if it's because I'm alone or what but I am slightly peeved.
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