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Everything posted by rjp50

  1. Thank you for a very informative post. It would be nice if the HDMI ports on the Oasis are as accessible as the ones on the videos are. While the internet may not be as useful for gaming because of ping issues as mentioned here, hooking up an ipad to the TV for watching movies seems reasonable.
  2. Thanks for all the parenting advice but their actual parents are not comfortable letting them have the run of the ship at their age. That leaves three possibilities - have them stay in Ocean Adventures, have them with mom and dad 100 percent of the time and deny mom and dad any adult time or let them hang out together on occasion in their cabin while mom and dad have some vacation time. It would be nice if they loved Ocean Adventure enough to want to be there and if OA had capacity for them, but if that is not the case, I was trying to develop Plan B. For those who addressed my question - thanks, it was useful information. Perhaps iPad-based games are the best solution.
  3. We will be traveling with our three grandsons on the Oasis in the Caribbean next April. They are video game junkies and are old enough to be left in the stateroom while their parents are out doing adult things. The question I have is, are there accessible connections on the TV in the staterooms to allow the connection of an Xbox? Secondly, are the wifi speeds for the Voom streaming package fast enough including sufficient ping time to allow for gaming?
  4. Ooops, I made a grandparent mistake. The youngest boy will be 8 1/2 at the time of the cruise - 5 months shy of his 9th birthday.
  5. We are first time Royal cruisers and first time cruising with our extended family. We have 3 grandsons who will be ages 7 1/2, 9 and 11 at the time of our cruise next April. The first question I have is the age groupings for Adventure Ocean. I think I have seen that they have separate groups for 3-5, 6-8, and 9-11. I have also seen mention of just one grouping of 6-11. Does anyone know which it is? If it is the former, how strict are they about it? The reason I ask is that our three grandsons are very close and are used to doing everything together; if the 7 1/2 year old has to be separated from his older brothers it would ruin his (and his parents') vacation. The second question I have is whether there are opportunities to play video games for this age group while in Adventure Ocean (yes, I know that video games are the bane of civilization, but I'm only the grandparent.)
  6. Thanks for all the feedback. As far as sleeping is concerned, it is acceptable and possibly preferred to have mom and dad in separate rooms since dad snores keeping mom awake. We will look into some of the other ships as suggested. One other question I had was keeping track of the kids during the day. With so many activities and with at least the older kids getting to be of a more independent age, how do parents keep track of them? We just got off a Princess ship that has the medallions that allow you to keep track of the locations of the members of your party on an app. Does Royal Caribbean have anything similar?
  7. I checked mid-June through mid-August sailings for the Eastern Caribbean.
  8. We are planning a cruise to take our grand kids (boys ages 8, 10 and 12) and the parents for next summer. I watched a YouTube tour of the Wonder of the Seas and it looks perfect for our grandsons - especially the ice rink, water slides, rock climbing wall and miniature golf. However, it looks like the maximum number of people per cabin is 4 thus we would require adjoining cabins for the parents and the the 3 boys. From looking at the RCL web site it does not appear that there are any adjoining cabins available for next summer on the WOS. I was wondering if there are any other RCL or other cruise ships that would be good substitutes for the WOS. If so, what would be the tradeoffs by going with an alternative ship?
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