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Everything posted by KruzeKrazy!

  1. What times were the production shows -- 7:30pm and 9:30pm, 8pm and 10pm, or something else? Thanks!
  2. Correct - the $55 was the international call to Australia to try to get some answers (which it didn't).
  3. When applying for our Australia ETAs mine was approved very quickly. My wife's, however, was not. She has zero background issues but she did check the box that she has gone by a different name (which was her maiden name 47 years ago). So then the application process needed "Supplemental Info" (marriage certificate) and "Other Info" (a form she completed) which she then successfully uploaded to the application site. Then we heard nothing for a few weeks so we called. After being on hold we finally spoke with a real person who told us she couldn't tell us anything about ETA status, processing times, etc. So $55 later we had made no progress. Then she withdrew her application and paid to try again - same steps and result as above and no response after a couple weeks. Anyone else have similar issues? Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
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