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Posts posted by Josher61

  1. Wow, someone prints out the page showing their deposit payment and balance due and you assume there is something nefarious in that?? That the OP is somehow trying to take advantage of APT (and no need to google it...I know what it is) Then when things get changed on him he scans that page to NCL. This proves he was being devious somehow??


    NCL offers Canadians a break (discount) on the exchange rate. NCL doesn't offer a Canadian website. But NCL only offers the exchange rate break when asked...its not a given just because the purchaser resides in Canada. They gladly take my money in US funds if I don't ask or if I book through their US website. NCL offers websites in the UK and other countries. Does it say anywhere on those websites that one cant book on them if you are not a resident of that country? It sure doesn't say that on the US website.


    The only thing I believe the OP was "guilty" of was trying to buy his cruise at the rate most favourable to him. Why not? I do the same. In his case booking through the US site is advantageous whereas in my case it's not. But NCL doesn't stop me from doing so. Did anything stop him? I believe that becomes a key factor. Can you book on the US site when your residence country hosts an alternative NCL site? How did NCL prevent this from happening? They took his booking on the US site. They didn't show a conversion rate. They showed it all in US dollars. The T&C of the booking become the issue, in my opinion.


    OP, I would keep calling. I would escalate the issue. I know if a Canadian has booked through the US site they cant/wont just change the reservation to Canadian dollars. You must cancel and start all over. The one thing I agree with the above poster is that NCL can and will change what they want to. I would have a look at the T&C and see if it says only US residents may book at those fares if the purchaser is a resident of a country which NCL offers a separate website for. In other words, if your country hosts an NCL site, you cant book on US site. Does NCL say that anywhere?


    There is another thread going on right now about a weekend promo special. The T&C clearly states...for new bookings only. People are cancelling and rebooking...or not being able to. The T&C is quite clear. That's what I would be looking at...not the confirmation page you have; the T&C of your purchase. Good luck!

  2. If you can't use it on HMC do you still pay for it? If so can you still use it on board whilst the ship is docked at HMC? Surely they can't charge you for something then stop you using it! :thumbdown::eek:


    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Forums mobile app


    You pay for every day, whether in a port or not. And HMC is considered a port. You can use it anytime, on the ship.

  3. I think the deal with HMC is that it doesn't update real time so they can't see when you've hit the magical number of 15 ;)



    Sent using the Cruise Critic forums app


    That is the rumour I heard as well. Remember, it was after they went to the 15 drink limit that they removed HMC wasnt it?


    But I agree overall, HMC would be nice to have included! :)

  4. This has been asked but I have yet to read an answer really...


    If you purchase cheers on day 2 do they charge you for day 1 and credit those drink from day 1 or do you just pay for one less day and those individual drinks that you drank on day 1?[/quote]


    Bold is correct.


    You choose which day to purchase it. Day 1 or Day 2. On a 7 day cruise, you pay either 7 days or 6 days if purchased on Day 2. If purchased on Day 2 obviously any drinks you charged to your S&S card on day 1 would remain on your account and be payable by you as individual drink charges.

  5. First, let me apologize if this has been answered before. I tried (though admittedly not very hard) to search for this same question but could not find any answers either here or on the Carnival website.


    If you are a past guest making reservations for a new cruise with a larger party, will Carnival apply the past guest discount to all cabins that you reserve even if the person staying in the cabin is not a past guest? For example, My husband and I have cruised once before and we keep getting emails about special rates for VIFP members. My children/parents/other relatives have never cruised, but we are considering doing a family cruise in the near future. If I were to put all reservations under my name, would the discount apply to all cabins, or only my cabin in particular?


    Any info is greatly appreciated!



    Others have answered your question but I thought I would add that you should check for senior rates, (+55, not sure how old your parents are) but there are often lots of those around. And also resident rates as well. Florida often offers resident rates (although your signature says you are in Florida, I'm not sure where the rest of your family members are located) but there are many states offered discounted rates.


    If you play around with different combos, you can hopefully come up with some decent rates that at least one person in each cabin must qualify for.


    EDIT: there are also rates for military etc.

  6. Thanks :)


    My OH hasn't had an alcoholic drink for 12 years & I cant see that changing anytime soon.



    Just wait; chair hogs, MDR bad dressers and smokers may change that!:eek:


    Just kidding of course!!! Congrats to your OH! I know what you mean :)


    Seriously, if you have a chat with a bartender and explain, Im sure they will be happy to accommodate you. They have to be on the look out for "sharers" on the program so are likely to watch closely at first. But once an established "routine" they will likely be ok with it. Just don't expect it :)

  7. The technical answer to this is no. Your card, you get your drinks. Your OH doesnt have the "right" to get drinks on you S&S regardless of Cheers. Now, the good news :) find a friendly bartender, explain the situation, if your OH NEVER orders alcohol on their S&S, and they "know" who you are and who your OH is getting the drinks for, they may choose to accommodate you, likely be more inclined with a nice tip :D

  8. But as you see above - the bottle of wine and champagne has the parenthesis that it is offered at a 25% discount. The discount on the bucket of beers is not offered thru the Cheers program, it is just their discount on a bucket of beers for anyone. Cheers doesn't give you an add'l discount on a bucket. The tubes, pitchers and large cocktails meant to be shared (this may be the key word - no sharing on the Cheers program) are not offered at a discount. You could try saying the 101 oz tube is just for you but it won't work because they specifically exclude it in the program terms.


    Ok you may be right. Like I said, I dont know for sure about the 101oz.


    But regarding the buckets, I do know for sure they are indeed allowed to receive the 25% Cheers dsicount.

  9. Hmmmm, I guess that depends on how you interpret it. I know buckets of beer have been bought at the 25% discount. So why not the tubes? Like I said...Im not certain :) But my interpretation of that is...those items are not included under Cheers...

    BUT, all spirits, beer or wine above $10 per drink are eligible for discount. A bottle of wine is certainly more than one drink as well and its eligible :)

  10. Thank you again to all those who responded! You guys brought up a lot of good points and I truly appreciate them.


    I'm going to be venting for a bit here...I've been going back and forth with Carnival, USCIS, CBP, Homeland Security, and the Grand Turk, DR, Aruba, and Curacao consulates...it has been frustrating! Carnival told me to contact Homeland Security and USCIS, who then told me to contact CBP. CBP told me that he will be okay to board with his valid driver's license and green card but I should check with my cruise line to make sure they will let him board. I got really confused because I thought CBP makes the call. :confused: I then called Carnival again and was told to go back to CBP because they're the ones who either deny or approve boarding. Ultimately, both Carnival and CBP told me he will be okay as far as the US is concerned but I should contact the consulates for each port we will visit to see what their requirements are. I emailed and called all the consulates again. I believe he will be okay in Grand Turk and DR but Aruba and Curacao are the ports I'm having difficulties finding information for. I got an email reply today for Curacao saying a passport isn't required for cruise passengers since they're considered "in transit" and will be there for less than 24 hours, however I should email the local government to see what they say (btw, the email didn't even work...just my luck!). I also called the Curacao consulate in DC twice and received two different answers. One rep said he needs a passport to cruise there...PERIOD. Another rep said he doesn't. SIGH. I wish people will get their information together! It sounds like no one really knows what the heck they are talking about! So frustrating and stressful!


    To answer one of the posters' questions regarding why he doesn't get naturalized since he has no intentions of returning to Thailand...it's because his entire family just renewed their green cards in 2011 so they decided to keep the green cards for a few years before getting naturalized since it would mean more money spent. I just suggested to him that he should get his citizenship so he can get a passport. However, with just a little over 5 months until the cruise, I don't know if he will have enough time to do all that. He said that if we don't hear back from the Grand Turk, DR, Aruba, and Curacao consulates with concrete answers, he will just cancel the cruise and stay back. Final payment isn't due until October and he can cancel without penalties until then.






    With all due respect...


    The answers you are seeking do not lay within Carnival or CBP or Homeland Security etc. I thought this was pretty clear but I guess not.


    To say that you only have 5 months to do this for your friend seems quite strange considering you asked these same questions over 3 years ago, for then, your fiance. Do you think the answers will be different this time?

    Do you think his stateless status has changed or that foreign government laws have changed re visiting? It would appear from your old posts your fiance didnt take that cruise either. So why you think this time would be different I'm really not following.


    You continue to say you think he will be fine. So then why don't you just take that risk and find out. I will unequivocally state that there is not a foreign country you visit who will care what you think or what you heard or what you were told. These are foreign governments. With THEIR laws, for THEIR reasons.


    Time is money, and the time you spend on all this emailing and calling all these different places that cant help ...well...what's the cost for actually getting him the right document?


    Your friend/fiance does not want to spend the money to become either a Citizen or obtain the required travel documents?? The answer is simple then...don't travel.


    Those are the options...get the right paperwork, or do not leave the country or leave the country and accept all risks.


    Last time I said I did not wish to sound harsh, and this time I suspect I do sound harsh. So be it. To not want to spend $180 or $500 dollars to be able to travel freely says to me that person shouldn't be travelling then and I wouldn't waste any more time on this issue.


    Continuing to post on a cruise forum seeking advice from others who know very little about your situation, (and those that do you seem to ignore), smacks me of either stubborness or an unwillingness to learn/listen.


    If its reassurance you want that you can do this...you've gotten it. If its reassurance you want to not do this....you've gotten it. If it's help with where to seek information....you've gotten it. Take your pick. That's what you will get here...free advice and opinions. None of it will matter if you only hear what you want to hear.

  11. While I am unsure of the design of the 2016 new build, I am certain that most of the features stated in my first post will be implemented in the new build. The design with the glass elevators on the side is growing on me, I must say.


    Whatever, Just admit you don't have a clue. For all your "isnide info", "reliable sources", erc. you are purely specualting. Unless you are on the Carnival design team (and would therfore be sworn to secrecy) you are simply speculating. As another poster said...even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

  12. You seem to have skimmed right over post #35 without answering the posters question.




    LOL, this is the OP's thread....only answer questions they want to and dislike the opinions that disagree. :p


    Even though they did say: any thoughts? Guess the only thoughts allowed are those that agree :rolleyes:

  13. Without making this another argument, I would just like to say that I am a very happy and positive person. I don't appreciate comments on My thread like...


    "I heard something that may or may not be true. And I heard it from a reliable source. What do you think?"

    You seriously need to ask that??? I can't stop laughing. Someone's really yanking your chain."


    Why comment if one is going to be negative? I am just stating the facts that I have received. Thank you and have a great day.


    Ummm, perhaps thats the point...you're not stating facts at all.

    Here on your thread :rolleyes:

  14. For the Valor, we depart on a Sunday at 10:00pm boarding most likely around 2:00pm. I have 2 questions:

    1) I seen a posting where you could not purchase the Cheers program until the second day, can anyone confirm?

    2) do they charge you for 6 days as you would be disembarking the ship on the following Sunday morning after 8:00pm sometime?


    trying to figure if the cost would be approx. $600 for 2 people....


    There are more recent threads with more up to date info. Do a quick search .


    To answer your questions: On the Valor you can buy on the first day or second day...its up to you. After that...no purchase. Price is 49.95 per day per person plus 15% gratuity. You are charged for either 7 or 6 days. Your choice. So cost is either approx $690 for 2 or $804 for 2.

  15. For those of you who have not heard yet, there has been some information unofficially released on Carnival's new 2016 ship. Here we go...


    All of these are rumors that I have heard. Much of this will probably be true (reliable source) but some of it may not be true.


    Your thoughts?


    My thoughts....as per bolded above...rumours and speculation... and unoffical releases.....for 3 more years? I'll pass.


    Re the ship: I'll pass on that too. From the way all these rumours are describing it at least.

  16. Ok sorry if someone has posted this already I've read through and have not seen it yet but could have missed it... I see they are included but are they unlimited like soda or Do the virgin daiquiris count towards your 15 drink limit on cheers program?



    They dont count towards the 15. Only alcohol drinks count.

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