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Posts posted by nieciez

  1. I too have never heard of service dogs for sleep apnea and it seems to me a service dog would be a lot more expensive than a CPAP. My husband has sever diabetes and I looked into a service dog that detects sugar highs and lowes and they are VERY expensive. BUT I did a search and low and behold I found this Service dog training facility/provider who lists sleep apnea as one of the disabilities their dogs can help control.




    I still think this is a racket so that people can sail with their beloved pets. Shame on them for abusing the system.

  2. Click on this link http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1781931 than scroll down to post # 8 to read how nieciez explains how to get the Travelscoot through standard cabin door .


    Couldn't find the photo of it being stored in the cabin folded but that's self explanatory anyway.


    Like XXOOcruiser state I've traveled on a number of cruises with my Travelscoot in a standard cabin with no problem at all. Here is a pic of a non-handicapped cabin on Carnival and shows how I "parked" my Travelscoot and it was completly out of the way. I've also sailed in RCI inside cabins that were MUCH smaller and had no problem finding a spot to put the scooter that was out of the way, unfortunately I don't have a pic. The crazy thing with the RCI inside cabins the doorway was wide enough that I could manage to "drive-in" but yet the larger balcony cabin on Carnival I had to get off the scooter and do the slight tipping of the scooter to get it through.



  3. We had no trouble at all in NO with getting around on my scooter nor did my 3 friends who also use scooters...and check out my friends ATV of mobility scooters...it is a big sucker! Even on the narrow sidewalks of Bourbon St I was OK....just had to watch the people. We stayed at the Doubletree on Canal ..great location. We were able to take our scooters on the Steamboat Natchez too!








  4. We had cabana 10 and the front part had two lounge chairs and there was no step up onto that area only the area with the sectional sofas had the step up of about 8 inches. I am sure they can move the lounges if you want. Here is a pic I took looking down from the inside of the cabana...you can see the ramp coming up on the right. My friend in the blue dress could not step up into the main part of the cabana but we took the ottoman portion of the sectional sofa and she sat on the edge of it then was able to swing her legs around to get into the cabana.



  5. One quick question - how easy is it to get to the beach from the cabana?

    It depends on your mobiltiy without your scooter. I can walk with a cane for about a city block generally. From the cabana to the beach is accessible via a concrete ramp with handrails which I had no trouble navigating. Then once I got to the bottom of the ramp it was not a far walk to the water. I left my cane at the ramp and my husband walked near me and we held hands but he really wasn't holding me up. I found the sand pretty firm. And once I was at the water's edge I found the entry into the water very firm and no drop offs like at some beaches. It was the best beach water experience I've had in years and I am looking foward to returning.


    Also, there were 3 of us on scooters and we had no problem driving our scooters pretty close to the cabana then "parked" them then the RCI staff had a multi person golf cart that got us the rest of the way. My two friends who traveled with me are NOT as good on their feet as me and they did VERY well with this setup.

  6. We just got back from Key West and Nassau. We didn't get off the ship in Nassau as we've been there many time. In Key West if you dock at the Mole (Navy Base) there is a free shuttle service downtown that has a lift. If you dock downtown easy peasy your just scooter off the ship and you are it the hub of it all. Two of us in our group of 4 were on scooters. The Conch Train has lifts so that is a tour you could take or you could just scooter around town...the sidewalks are scooter friendly...this is what we did. We had lunch at Hog's Breath....and scooter to stores etc. No problem mon!





  7. The shoprider was one of the scooters we looked at, however, we really wanted the one that folds up. The batteries with the Tzora have been approved to take on the airplane, again, this was another item that I researched.


    And like the Tzora, the batteries for the Travelscoot are approved for airline travel. I've flown with both the Tzora and Travelscoot with no issues. Here is the DOT regs on flying with the Lithium Ion Batteries and the Travelscoot batteries fall within these approval regulations. http://safetravel.dot.gov/larger_batt.html

  8. Congratulations sabookkeeper on joining the Travelscoot Club! Wishing you many happy miles of scooting!


    mamaofami, since this new battery rack attaches to the seat frame I imagine it will come off with the seat unit when you fold it up....will be interested to hear about that too to know for sure.


    I called Tony this weekend and ordered a new Li-ion battery. Not having any problems with the one I have but I've been using it 4 years. Have a SLA as a back up and I decided it was time to have a new Li-ion as a back up as I know those SLAs don't have a long life. When on a cruise I like to have 2 batteries so I don't come up short! I don't want to be stuck in the middle of a vacation and have something go wrong....even though nothing has in 4 years but better safe than sorry!

  9. Sue, the first trip I took my Travelscoot on was to Rome. We did 3 days then did a transatlantic cruise back to NYC and I had no issues with the cobblestones at all. When crossing the streets I did have to get off where there weren't cut outs in the curbs. We also booked an all day tour with RomeCabs.com (Stephano Costantini) and the minivan had enough room in the back where they could lift my TS in and out without folding down....it was a GREAT day. Here is a picture of me on the cobblestones in front of the Colosseum.




    And at the Trevi Fountains



  10. Congratulations Sue on your new purchase. Many of us have taken the seat to auto upholstery shops and had the seat done with extra padding for more comfort. Can't wait to hear on how you like it. I am thinking about ordering the foot pedals and I like the new padded control protector. I need to call and see if I can buy just it and not have to buy the bag too as I already have that.

  11. The dealer in Victoria has 2 different size plates that snap onto the pegs' date=' one is 9" X 4.25", the other I not certain of, but I think it's 4.5" X 4.25" :D


    I bought the larger size and it's a good rest for your feet and legs. ;)


    Cato :)[/color']

    I hadn't heard about those.....anyone have a picture of them?

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